  • David Lansdown

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
David's church

Ballarat North Baptist Church
Ballarat, *Province/Other 3350
613 5333 1958

About David
  • Experience: I did my theological training at the Bible College of Victoria during the 80’s decade. Moved to Arhem Land in the Northern Territory (Aust) and worked as a housing advisor there. Our first born arrived on Millingimbi Island. We then moved to Toodyay (Western Aust) where we in a ’tent making’ capacity planted a church - now the Toodyay Baptist Church. I was called to pastor an inner urban church in Melbourne (Aust) from Toodyay. After some time in that capacity we accepted a call to pastor the church here at Ballarat North.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Please feel free to use these messages in whole or in part. I would be more than pleased should our Lord see fit to keep using what has been prepared. We are all one in Christ and our messages come from one another and Him. Much of what I preach has been gleaned from others in His service and I would never forbid others to use what has been of spiritual help to them. I do ask however that you do not misrepresent what I have penned in them - remember our preaching/teaching is to the glory of God!
  • One of my favorite illustrations: ’Harry Houdini, the famed escape artist issued a challenge wherever he went. He could be locked in any jail cell in the country, he claimed, and set himself free quickly and easily. Always he kept his promise, but one time something went wrong. The heavy, metal doors of the jail clanged shut behind him. He took from his belt a concealed piece of metal, strong and flexible. He set to work immediately, but something seemed to be unusual about this lock. For 30 minutes he worked and got nowhere. An hour passed, and still he had not opened the door. By now he was bathed in sweat and panting in exasperation, but he still could not pick the lock. Finally, after labouring for 2 hours, Harry Houdini collapsed in frustration and failure against the door he could not unlock. But when he fell against the door, it swung open! It had never been locked at all! But in his mind it was locked and that was all it took to keep him from opening the door and walking out of the jail cell.’ That story of Harry Houdini illustrates to me how we need to just throw ourselves onto the mercy of God. Christ has already opened the door - He is the door - our efforts are worse than in vain, they could actually hinder us from ever realising that the door is open. ’Be merciful to me a sinner!’
  • Family: A beautiful wife, Cheryl and five wonderful children - Daniel, Sharayah, Anna, Jonathan and Rachel.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Keep Christ central.
  • Books that have had an impact: ’Christ Among Other gods’ by E W Lutzer ’Knowing God’ by J I Packer The Purpose Driven Church’ by Rick Warren
  • Hobbies: Camping. Bird watching. Bush walking. Fishing. 4 wheel driving. Socialising.
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Newest Sermons

  • What Happens When A Christian Sins?

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2003
    based on 205 ratings

    When a Christian sins relationship is NOT altered, position is NOT altered, BUT fellowship is broken.

    WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CHRISTIAN SINS? PSALM 51 Scripture makes it abundantly clear that if we believe in Jesus and have put our trust in Him, then we are His, and nothing or no-one can change that. How wonderful it is to know that we are secure in the Lord Jesus Christ! WELL THEN, SINCE THE more

  • When God Went Camping

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    God decided to go camping at Christmas time. For that is what He did – God went camping. But he didn’t go camping for a holiday, his ‘camping trip’ was scheduled because of his love for you and for me.

    WHEN GOD WENT CAMPING John 1:1-18 This morning’s talk is based on an article written by Tony Payne. Some of the text is taken directly from that article too. Now, I’d like this to be a little bit interactive – not too interactive because I don’t want you to be asking me questions that I more

  • The Day I Died!

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    In thinking about the baptisms of Jon & Jenny, which we will witness shortly, I entitled this message, ‘The Day I Died’.

    THE DAY I DIED! Romans 6:1-11 I cant forget the first study on baptism that Jon, Jenny and I did together. In that study we were looking at, amongst other things, the baptism of Jesus. You see Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist. And John’s baptism was for those who saw they needed a saviour more

  • Wise Or Otherwise?

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    True wisdom - the whos, hows and whys!

    WISE OR OTHERWISE? James 1:5-11 INTRODUCTION A man was pulled over by a policeman and asked if he knew he was going too fast. He said, ‘I’m sorry officer. I had my cruise control on and just forgot the speed limit changed.’ His wife said, ‘Harry, I told you two miles ago that you were more

  • Can Reeds Thrive Without Water?

    Contributed on Jan 4, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    As we move close to the beginning of a new year, let’s study our plans, our goals, our worldview to make sure they are not reeds. Let’s consider our own lives and make sure that we ourselves are not merely reeds!

    CAN REEDS THRIVE WITHOUT WATER? Job 8:11-19 INTRODUCTION ‘A man stopped to chat with a farmer who was erecting a new building. He asked, "What are you putting up?" The farmer replied, "Well, if I can rent it, it’s a rustic cottage. If I can’t, it’s a cow shed."’ That farmer had put some more

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