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  • Saved By Faith Alone! Really??? Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Nov 27, 2021

    Could it really be that works have nothing to do with gaining a right-standing with God? Don't good people who do good works get to Heaven. The Apostle Paul has an answer.

    I’ve entitled my message this morning “Saved by Faith Alone! Really???” because shockingly that’s precisely the attitude of most self-described Christians in America today. An October 2020 survey of self-described Christians in America by Arizona Christian University revealed the 52% of more

  • Simeon: Waiting For A King Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Dec 3, 2020

    Simeon is an amazing Jew who comes in and out of the scene of the Christmas narrative, but with power and significance to attest of the birth of Christ. What can we learn from him as we await the return of Christ

    Pastor Brad Reaves Grace Community Church Winchester VA Watch this Message on Youtube: Introduction This coming Friday, most of us will be waking up to another Christmas morning. Certainly, as with everything else this year, it will be much more

  • True Christianity Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 30, 2018

    Message 9 in a series from Philippians. This message focus on the characteristics Paul considers evidence of true Christianity.

    "True Christians” Paul’s letter to the Jesus followers living in a Greek city called Philippi contains the necessary ingredients of a life of “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord No Matter What”. The first ingredient is found in the first chapter where Paul calls us to adopt the I. ADOPT THE RIGHT more

  • "Three Things We Must Do To Keep Our Joy” Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 25, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Seventh in a series "Restoring the Joy" a study of Philippians. In this message we examine "Three Things We Must Do To Keep Our Joy!" - (1)Realize It Is Worth Safe-Guarding!(2)Beware Of Those Who Would Have Us To Rely On The Wrong Things.and (3)Understand

    Restoring the Joy Sermon # 7 “Three Things We Must Do To Keep Our Joy” Philippians 3:1-11 When life goes well for people who do not know the Lord they feel elated. When hard times come they sink into despair. But true joy more

  • Gospel Crisis

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 26, 2008

    Struggles to understand the truth of the gospel are not new. The early church record reveals how they also faced and overcame crisis moments.

    Acts 15 tells about the Jerusalem council where the church leaders struggled to deal with an issue that was splitting the early church. If we study carefully this account we see several principles for facing and dealing with issues that can help us today. First let’s read some background, then we more

  • Cutting Away The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 6, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    Before Joshua can go into battle the Lord has to cut away the flesh, provide new life, new food, and show who the real boss is. Before we can have victory in Christ we must go through the same thing.

    It was December of 1980. I found myself freshly graduated from college; a bachelor’s degree tucked under my arm and the world before me. I felt prepared and ready to face the challenges of the world after enduring my four years of college midterms and finals. The Lord led me to my first job in an more

  • Grace Is About Ministry Series

    Contributed by Bob Gillchrest on Jan 28, 2011

    Paul and Barnabas face first century bullying.

    If you’ve been paying any attention to the media reports lately, you’ve probably noticed how much attention bullying, especially in schools, has been getting the headlines. I think there has always been bullying in school, though I agree, it’s not something that should be more

  • What Paul Might Appreciate For Clergy Appreciation Month

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 24, 2023

    Paul never had the chance to celebrate Clergy/Pastor Appreciation month, but if he could, he would no doubt have several things to appreciate!

    (Based on a sermon preached October 8, 2023 at First Baptist Church, Chamois, MO. This is not an exact transcription.) Introduction: October is clergy appreciation month and I’m grateful for the men of God whom our Lord has placed in my life. Words can’t express how much gratitude I feel for more

  • Free At Last! Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on May 1, 2002
    based on 80 ratings

    We are free.

    FREE AT LAST! Galatians 5:1-12 S: Freedom Th: Grace-Full Living Pr: WE ARE FREE. ?: What? What are you doing with your freedom? KW: Responses TS: We will find in Galatians 5:1-12 four responses that demonstrate what we can with our freedom. The ____ response to our freedom can be… I. REJECTION more

  • Training Camp Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    This is part four of the expository sermon series from Joshua and was preached the Sunday before the Super Bowl in South Florida. Message deals with God’s training in the lives of His people prior to going into battle.

    THE CANAAN CONQUEST – PART FOUR TRAINING CAMP: PREPARING FOR BATTLE Joshua 5:1-13 - ©Dr. Larry L. Thompson (2007) Introduction: Today is SUPER BOWL SUNDAY and it is the culmination of the NFL season when the WORLD CHAMPION COLTS will be crowned right here in South Florida! Sorry for the personal more

  • The Fullness Of God's People In Christ

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Oct 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Since we can be complete in Christ with a full commitment to Him, there are certain benefits of a Christ-centered faith as we follow Him.

    THE FULLNESS OF GOD’S PEOPLE IN CHRIST Colossians 2:11-15 Proposition: Since we can be complete in Christ with a full commitment to Him, there are certain benefits of a Christ-centered faith as we follow Him. Objective: My purpose is to challenge God’s people to be experience the more

  • Righteousness Through Faith In Christ Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 11, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Philippians 3:1-11 teaches us that right standing before God comes only through faith in Christ.

    Scripture The Philippian Church was a mostly healthy church, but Paul was concerned that false teaching might infiltrate the church, particularly teaching that emphasized that our salvation is based on our own good works. In today’s lesson, Paul stressed that right standing with God is received more

  • Abraham: The Father Of Our Faith

    Contributed by Brian Deida on Apr 26, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    How can Abraham be the father of our Christian faith? This exegetical report goes indepth on how.

    Abraham: The Father of our Faith? An in depth analysis of Romans 4:3 Is it faith or the law? NT 402SN Prof. Bryan McIntosh Baptist College of Florida Report Due on the 28th of May, 2004. As stated in Syllabus for Completion of Course Submitted by Brian A. Deida Table of more

  • Working On Sunday? Series

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Mar 16, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Our legalism vs. God’s graciousness

    Theme: Book of Luke Purpose: legalism vs. God’s graciousness Almost every state in our nation still has laws on their books that would surprise most people. For instance, In Florida, a woman may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer. In Indiana, citizens are not allowed to more

  • Observing God At Work-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 24, 2011

    1 of 3. John the Baptist’s parents knew with certainty the implications of their son’s birth. The events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist have implications for God’s people. But what are some implications? Observing God at work implies a need

    OBSERVING GOD At WORK-I—Luke 1:57-80 Bob, a Federal Government Employee sits in his office & out of boredom, decides to see what’s in his old filing cabinet. He pokes through the contents & comes across an old brass lamp. While polishing the lamp, a genie appears & offers to grant him three more

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