Sermon Series
  • 1. Joshua Introduction

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Joshua is a book about being an everyday hero, about trusting God’s might above our sight. In this introduction we learn how God prepared Joshua to face his battles, and how God prepares us to face ours.

    Calvary Chapel Newberg o Bible Study Joshua - Introduction A brief history of God’s redemptive work: God created man who then rebelled against him, giving themselves over as slaves to an enemy (Satan). God began His redemptive work by promising a Savior (Genesis 3), then working to bring more

  • 2. Preparing For Victory

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    God gives Joshua a promise, His presence, and a proclamation of victory over the enemy. God does the same for us as we prepare to lead the victorious Christian life.

    Joshua is a book about leading a victorious new life in God. On the surface it is about God bringing about His promise of a new land for His people, the Children of Israel. But there are tremendous parallels throughout the book to God bringing us, His children, into a promised new life in Jesus more

  • 3. Stepping Out For God

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2007

    Before God took the children of Israel into the Promised Land they needed to commit to Him, with no turning back. God, in turn, provided a way to do the impossible. When God calls us and we step out for Him, he comes through for us too.

    After the preparation of Joshua as a leader, the encouragement to do what God had commanded - to take the land, and the spying out of that land to find out that the enemy seemed powerful but was frightened of God. After that is where the rubber meets the road, or in this case, the feet meet the more

  • 4. Cutting Away The Flesh

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    Before Joshua can go into battle the Lord has to cut away the flesh, provide new life, new food, and show who the real boss is. Before we can have victory in Christ we must go through the same thing.

    It was December of 1980. I found myself freshly graduated from college; a bachelor’s degree tucked under my arm and the world before me. I felt prepared and ready to face the challenges of the world after enduring my four years of college midterms and finals. The Lord led me to my first job in more

  • 5. And The Walls Came A Tumblin' Down

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    Learn about how the world poses a threat like Jericho to victory in our Christian life and how God brings those walls down.

    Setting the scene: Joshua the master military strategist presenting his plan for taking Jericho to the generals - by walking around it! The first major milestone for living a victorious Christian life is to commit yourself to God’s plan in your life by crossing the Jordan with no possibility of more

  • 6. Getting Tripped Up By The Flesh

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    The three things that trip up Christians after major victories for the Lord are arrogance, independence, and giving into the flesh. Learn how we can actually become our own worst enemy and how to stop it!

    The two greatest enemies to living a victorious life in Jesus Christ are the world and the flesh. While the world presents itself as an impenetrable walled city, the flesh appears much more subtly: as just a few small baubles, a little temptation here and there that surely can’t hurt more

  • 7. Your Mistakes, God's Victories

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you ever feel like you are damaged goods and God can’t use you because of your sin and weakness? That may actually be a sly plot of the devil, but God is great about turning your mistakes in His victory as He did for Joshua.

    If you are Joshua, what do you do? Here you’ve come out of the starting gate, primed by God’s miracle in the river crossing, pumped by God’s miraculous defeat at Jericho-then your bubble is popped big time by the fact that you showed some arrogance in thinking you were invincible. Sin entered into more

  • 8. The Sideways Attack

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Satan won’t play dead for long as we grow in our maturity for the Lord. Learn how Joshua and Israel was fooled by a sly enemy, and how not to be fooled by Satan.

    There is only so much victory in a Christian’s life that Satan will accept without a fight. Know for certain that the stronger you get, the stronger the response from the enemy will be. We need to know this so we can be prepared for his onslaught. It will be both unexpected and sly. For Joshua, more

  • 9. The Lord Wins The Victory

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    It’s so wonderful to see God use our mistakes to bring forth His victory in our lives, just as he did for Joshua and Israel.

    In Joshua 10 things really speed up. The conquest of the Amorites is complete and then Joshua and the people go into fast motion and conquer all of southern Canaan. To get to this point, though takes a lot of effort and God even works a miracle by elongating a day in order for their efforts to be more

  • 10. The Enemy's Hail Mary Play

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    When you are really maturing in your Christian walk the enemy still has tricks up his sleeve: overwhelming numbers and your greatest fear. Learn how God overcomes both.

    Joshua 11 recounts the final battles as Israel takes the northern cities. Do you know what a Hail Mary play is? It’s a thing in football where nothing else is working so the quarter back just tells everyone to go long and he lofts up the ball along with a "hail Mary" and hopes someone catches it. more

  • 11. Fighting Remnants

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    The Children of Israel conquered Canaan but didn’t conquer all the cities and some had to be overcome more than once. This happens in the life of a Christian wanting to lead a victorious life in Christ as well.

    For more studies visit: I’ve told you some stories about the mountain cabin my parents bought when I was about 11 years old. I remember distinctly the very first time we entered that cabin as its owners. I didn’t really expect this but as soon as my two sisters and more

  • 12. In It For The Long Haul

    Contributed on May 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Caleb is a wonderful example of someone who starts strong and finishes strong for the Lord. Learn some principals to keep you vibrant in your walk with the Lord.

    Calvary Chapel Newberg - Bible Study Joshua 14 - 15 Staying in The Game (possible Wednesday: Caleb the spy - and the attitude of the Christian on God’s mission) In our society we tend to disregard our elders. Ever since the late 1950’s a culture of youth supremacy has permeated the fabric more

  • 13. Eeyore Or Winnie - Which Will You Be?

    Contributed on May 13, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Some of the tribes of Israel had a choice of how they conquered their land. It’s a picture for us too as we seek to overcome the flesh and have victory over the enemy.

    One of my favorite stories as a boy was Winnie the Pooh by A A Milne. The characters are so engaging and the stories so fun. Today I want to focus on two characters from Winnie The Pooh that we find in Joshua chapters 16 - 19. The first is Eeyore. To Eeyore, the sky is always black and more

  • 14. Make Room For Mercy - Make Room For God

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As we head out full bore into a victorious life in Christ, sometimes we forget the qualities of mercy and ownership. God reminds us of who He is and who we belong to.

    One of the big problems in being in battle is that you don’t know when to quit. During World War II some Japanese soldiers holed themselves up on small islands in the Pacific and hid away decades after hostilities ended. Some were even told the war was over but did not believe it. Two years ago, more

  • 15. Graduation Day

    Contributed on Jun 11, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    There comes a time when you are ready to graduate, fly solo, go out and do a ministry apart from the nurturing Christian environment in which you grew. Joshua gives us some help on prospering and remaining faithful.

    We had a very exciting and very emotion filled spring. My daughter Beth, my baby, graduated from college. I remember very well when she was about to start classes four years before. She openly wondered if she could actually do college level work. Well, she did indeed and now has a college diploma more

  • 16. Reverse Osmosis

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Joshua’s final words to the nation of Israel is don’t allow the world around them to infiltrate their lives but cling to the Lord. They are sound words for Christians today too.

    These two chapters can be summed up very simply: God won a great victory for you - a victory you could never have won on your own - so stick with the Lord and you will be continually blessed. But if you abandon Him you leave the source of blessing and life will be hard. Chapters 23 and 24 more

  • 17. Principals For Victory

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    We take a global look at the book of Joshua - what lessons we learned about having a victorious life in Christ. This is a good overview of the entire book.

    Chapter 1 The Call (God commissions Joshua and commands him to prepare for battle) There are three things we need from God in order to have a successful Christian life: the promise of God, the presence of God (vs 5) and the pronouncement, or Word of God (vs 8). There are two things God more