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  • A Watchful Church

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Today from this passage as the Apostle Paul wraps up the book of Titus, he will close with some general rules to follow in the church, and to watchful of certain things, so that they don’t hurt the church, to tonight let’s learn what we as a church need t

    A Watchful Church Pm October 18th 2009 Titus 3:9-15 Introduction As we began this series five Sunday nights ago, we set out to go through this book in order to find out what a true biblical church looks like, and at the very beginning we learned what five calls of the church are, then we learned more

  • A Careful Church

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Tonight from this passage of scripture the apostle Paul reminds Titus that the Church of Jesus Christ needs to be careful, so tonight I want us to learn why and what we are to be careful of.

    A Careful Church Pm October 11th 2009 Titus 3:1-8 Introduction We are continuing our series in the book of Titus, “will the true church arise”, tonight is part five, a Careful church. So far we learned five calls of the church, we learned that we are to be an obedient church, we more

  • Letters To The Churches

    Contributed by Joshua Hetrick on Nov 20, 2010

    Letters to the Churches

    Letters to the Churches Revelation Two Introduction: 1. Letters to the Churches a. The Lord is making certain command on these first century churches. b. Christ is the head of these churches c. Each Church was to read what was said to the others 2. Spiritual threats to the Churches a. Paganism more

  • The Church In Prayer

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The Church In Prayer. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Following Jesus requires action! We see that action in two ways: • The context is evangelism (sharing our faith with others); • Last week you probably noted that • Peter and John stood before the Sanhedrin (Jewish court); • Their crime verse 2 tells us was: more

  • Changing Church

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message deals with the fear of stepping out of our traditions and moving freely with the Holy Spirit.

    "Changing Church" - Luke 5:35-39 by Bishop Charles Jones In his book entitled changing church author c peter wagner states that there is a whole generation of believers in this second apostolic age who are not nearly as interested in the fine points and details of theology as past generations more

  • My Church Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccall on Jan 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus makes a declaration that HE is putting together HIS Church (body of believers) that will commit to live boldly & effectively for His glory.

    Message - He pressed them, "And how about you? Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter said, "You're the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus came back, "God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn't get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let more

  • Strength For The Church

    Contributed by Js Collins on Jan 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Purpose; To give light, life and hope to Gods people during trying circumstances and to promote Spiritual revival in their hearts causing them to return to the Lord.

    Strength for the Church Zechariah 4:6-10 6. So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts. 7. ‘Who are you, O Great Mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he more

  • For The Love Of The Church

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Feb 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A message on Christ love for His church.

    “For The Love Of The Church” This is the week for love. Kids from age 5 to 95 will be getting and receiving cards with a love theme because Tuesday is Valentines Day. And with that in mind I thought a love sermon was just the thing for this morning and I more

  • A Model Church Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 28, 2012

    In this sermon, we work through the first chapter and learn the characteristics that made the church of the Thessalonians a model church.

    Introduction: A. No doubt you have heard a preacher say, “If you ever find the perfect church, please don’t join it. If you do, it won’t be perfect anymore!” Right? B. I came across a poem based on that statement. It goes like this: “If you should find the more

  • A Church Is Born Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 28, 2012

    In this introductory sermon, we learn about the beginning of the church at Thessalonica.

    Introduction: A. The story is told of two preachers who were standing by the side of a highway holding up two signs. One read, “The end is near!” The other held a sign that said, “Turn around before it’s too late!” 1. As a car approached, they lifted their signs, more

  • A Biblical Church Series

    Contributed by John Mann on Feb 12, 2009

    To be a biblical church we have to stop making excuses for not serving and just get involved.

    FOCAL POINT: A BIBLICAL CHURCH ME: It has been about 10 years ago since I took a speech class in college. At that point in time, I really hated standing up in front of people and talking about anything. In fact, I even skipped class once so I did not have to give a speech. I never would have more

  • A Healthy Church Series

    Contributed by John Mann on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We become a healthy church by committing to excellence.

    FOCAL POINT: A HEALTHY CHURCH ME: Well, first off, I want to say, Happy New Year. I hope you all had a great new year’s eve, and that you are really looking to have a greatly improved 2009. I know that is on my heart. I desperately want 2009 to be better than 2008. I desire my life to be more

  • A Vibrant Church Series

    Contributed by John Mann on Feb 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The type of lives we live dictate the impact we have on the unchurched.

    FOCAL POINT: A VIBRANT CHURCH ME: So, I am really not a fan of bland food. When I eat food, I want it to taste good. I want it to wake up my senses, I want to be like, yeah this is awesome. And there are just some foods that need to be seasoned so that they wake up your senses. You know, like more

  • A Vision For Church

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    how we are to be church in this broken world

    A Vision for Church 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not more

  • Will The Church Be Saved?

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Will the Church be saved? Yes! When we learn to pray prayers that are not shallow, short, or simplistic; but pray prayers that cause God to say Amen.

    "Will the Church be Saved? Text: 2 Chronicles 7: 1 - 3 Focus: 2 Chronicles 7:1 "When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifice, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple." Last week our Pastor challenged us with the message, "Can the more

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