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  • Jesus' Church, Is It Our Church?

    Contributed by Doug Gilford on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Comparing our current church to Jesus’

    Mark 2:1-7 Introduction: There are many, many types of churches today. Some that use instruments, and some that don’t. Some that are liturgical, and some that are non-liturgical. Some that are right and some that are wrong. There are the: Assembly of God, Church of God, Church of Christ, more

  • A Dead Church, An Open Door Church, And A Lukewarm Church

    Contributed by Jason Callihan on Aug 15, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    The last three Churches in Asia

    Chapter 3 The Church of Sardis This is the 5th Church that we read of in Revelation. So far, there has been a loveless Church, a persecuted Church, a lenient Church and a compromising Church. Chapter 3 begins by telling us of a dead Church. Now to clarify what he is speaking of, look to I more

  • What Is The Church?

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    biblical descriptions of the church

    Intro: what is the common thought associated with the word church. A steeple, pews, stain glass windows, pipe organ or hymnals. When Jesus said, I will build my church, what did he mean? Tonight, continuing on Bible basics, let’s explore the meaning and purpose of the church. What is the more

  • The Church's Diet: Healthy Choice Series

    Contributed by David Kirkner on Aug 13, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    If we want a healthy church then we need to choose to be healthy Christians

    The Threeattitudes: Philemon, 2 John, Jude A Church’s Diet: Healthy Choice Philemon If we want a healthy church then we need to choose to be healthy Christians Introduction: In the last several years Americans have become gluttons over the various diets guaranteed to take off extra pounds. We more

  • Recalling Christ's Call Series

    Contributed by Clyde Grimes on Jun 25, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    2 of 18 messages on moving toward greater health as a church

    Recalling Christ’s Call (NTC4T-2) I. His Mission—Luke 19:1-10 A. Jesus exemplifies His mission 1. He went to where Zacchaeus was 2. He called Zacchaeus by name 3. He invited Zacchaeus to come down 4. He asked Zacchaeus to receive Him 5. He ignored Zacchaeus’ accusers 6. He brought Zacchaeus to more

  • Churches That Survive

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    jesus gives the keys for the churches survival in a hostile world

    Intro: the other night a report was given that about 3000 churches close annually in the United States. When you hear a report like this the first thought is I wonder what attributed to the decline and closure of a church. Did it lose vision? Did it get older and not make adjustments to minister to more

  • Heads Up, Hold On, Hide Out

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Nov 30, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    The church and the individual have mutual responsibility in finding a place for new believers.

    August 25, 2002 Morning Service Text: Mark 8:22-26 Subject: Receiving From God Title: Heads Up, Hold On, and Hide Out Do you like tee shirts? I used to have a large collection of tee shirts. Some of them were eye-catchers for the world to look at. One of them said, "I am not opinionated, I’m just more

  • The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by John Woods on Apr 13, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Being the local body of Christ.

    1Co 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 1Co 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink more

  • The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    If we desire to impact our community for Jesus Christ, then we need to be unified. Using the illustration of the church as a human body, Paul shared how a church that is divided will fail to function properly; or perhaps, even fail to survive.

    “A father asked his young son to break a bundle of sticks. He returned a little later to find the boy frustrated in the task. He had raised the bundle high and smashed it on his knee, but he only bruised his knee. He had set the bundle against a wall and stomped real hard with his foot, but the more

  • Church 12 Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Aug 8, 2012

    In the passage I just read we have Paul sharing how he labors and struggles, in other words how he pushes through opposition, how he fights for the church that Jesus died for and has established. How he serves Jesus the head of the church so the church co

    The Church 12 Part 3 Opening Video: David Platt -- The Church Comment on video: Christian Hills we are God’s plan A for this community and there is no plan B so let’s get radical about the church and it’s 3 fold mission to be upward focused, inward focused and outward focused more

  • In Christ Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 30, 2013

    What does it mean to us, individually and as a church body, to be "in Christ?"

    Philippians 1:1-11 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for more

  • The Active Church

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    The Body of Christ should be sound in doctrine and in Love (The way I did this, required a rose for everyone in the audience, BUT it was extremely effective) 4.88/dozen @ Wal-mart

    Intro: (Start w/Blank) PREACHER found a shoe box in a closet. Opened it and found strange contents. Inside was an egg carton with 5 eggs inside. Next to the eggs was a stack of bills that totaled over 10,000 dollars. As soon as his wife walked thru the door he stopped her to ask if she knew more

  • "The Body Of Christ” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jun 28, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Paul tells us how we can function as the body of Christ and thus, present the likeness of Christ to a lost world.

    Once again, the Apostle Paul discusses the unity of the local church. Here he uses the picture of a body to speak about how we are to function in unity. From Paul’s discussion of how God sees His church as being like a body, we learn four things about how the body (the local church) is to function. more

  • What Is The Church?

    Contributed by Damien Saylor on Dec 8, 2019

    A broad topic of what the Church should look like, or what the Church should be doing, goes throughout the world. So, what does the church look like?

    Sermon- What is the Church? - A broad topic of what the Church should look like, or what the Church should be doing, goes throughout the world. - A very narrow minded view of the Church is, only a certain denomination will go to Heaven. > Only Baptist’s more

  • The Church Series

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Nov 27, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The word "Church" is so often used out of context. This sermon series helps the church (the people) identify how God defines church buy using seven different analogies found in the Bible. This is the introduction sermon to the series. There are eight serm

    The Church (Sermon 1) Sermon Series by Timothy Gardner Church Analogies (Overview) I found this poem found hanging on a wall in St. Louis at a local Salvation Army church. It was knitted together and it hung in the sanctuary. I wrote it down because i found it interesting to share with others. more

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