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  • Church For The Churched

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Aug 25, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Who is the church for? Believers or unbelievers? Or to use more contemporary terms - churched or unchurched. Listen today as Pastor Steve addresses who is the church in the midst of the seeker-sensitive movement.

    Recently I was invited to attend a church planters conference in Lake Yale. At that conference I was exposed to various teaching and methods for reaching the unchurched. As I sat there and listened and took notes, I couldn’t help to think how we have somehow missed it when it comes to the purpose more

  • The Church- Christ's Bride Series

    Contributed by Kim Huffman on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon will compare marriage to the relationship Christ has with His church. It will also show how important it is to be ready when the bridegeoom comes.

    Kim Huffman (1/25/4) Goshen Christian Church God’s Pattern for the Church #4 “THE CHURCH – CHRIST’S BRIDE” Matthew 25:1-13 INTRO. The church is very special to our Lord. He died to bring her into existence. His love for the church is what gives us hope. The special relationship Jesus has more

  • The Church - On Mission With Christ

    Contributed by Ray Swift on Nov 20, 2003
    based on 174 ratings

    The success of the early church was that they prayed, their prayers brought unity and their unity brought productivity.

    FB, Cherokee November 16, 2003 Sunday Morning The Church – On Mission With Christ The Book of Acts Intro: I heard a story about an older couple that had finished their lunch and made their way into the living room to prepare themselves for an afternoon nap in their recliners. They were both more

  • The Church In Heaven With Christ Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 18, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    week 11 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 11 “The Church In Heaven With Christ” Date: August 21, 2002 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation: 4:1-11 Introduction In these past weeks we have seen the history of the church in the seven churches of chapters 2-3. Now from this point on the church is no longer mentioned until more

  • Christ's Picture Of The Church

    Contributed by Kevin Newman on Sep 3, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    How does Christ see us as the church? He has made us with a purpose, and how He sees us demonstrates that purpose.

    Introduction -- In Alaska the mosquitoes are horrible during the summer. Most people wonder why God created them. But we know that God had a purpose for them, and for us! If we can see ourselves as god sees us, it helps us to understand our purpose in life. Background -- Revelation is a symbolic more

  • Connect With The Christ Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Luskey Green on Sep 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Our strength for continued obedience begins in being connected to Christ.

    Grow a Disciple Building Church Part Two: Connect to the Christ of the Church Introduction: Jesus is the Christ, the Sovereign Lord of His Church. He reigns among Her with absolute power and control. He is the Chief Shepherd of His flock, the church. (1 Peter 5:4) He is the only Master and more

  • Christ's Gifts To The Church

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 27, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ’s Gifts to the Church 1) Come in different packages 2) Help us grow stronger; 3) Keep us working together

    Do any of you know what will happen in six months? Today is the 25th of June, which means that in six months it will be the 25th of December: Christmas! If you’ve already noted that Christmas is only six months away, you’re probably the kind of person that can’t stand having to wait to open more

  • Christ And His Church Series

    Contributed by Ric Veal on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What the church means to Christ

    CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Matthew 16:18-20 INTRODUCTION: The Crossing is a new work of the Lord What will Christ do with The Crossing? 1. Christ DIED for His church – 1 Peter 1:18-19; 3:18 . Redeemed – to buy back someone from bondage by the payment of more

  • Striving To Be A Church Of Christ

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 8, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Principles to insure that we are indeed a church that belongs to Jesus.

    Introduction: A. I love the old story told of the man who was shipwrecked on a beautiful, deserted South Pacific island. 1. Years later, he was discovered by a passing a navy ship. 2. Upon their arrival at the shore they were met by the shipwreck survivor. He said, “I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve more

  • The Church That Was Built By Christ

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    It is indeed a fact that Christ built the church. That is undeniable in its biblical and spiritual premise. However, when considering this subject in a contemporary prism, I feel it necessary to make a comparison through an illustration of modern home

    EVANGELIST HERMAN E. WESLEY III The Church That Was Built By Christ Matthew 16:13-18; Psalm 127:1 PRELIMINARIES I think it necessary that when we come together for functions such as this that we spend time sharing lessons that will have a meaningful impact on our ministries and on our service. more

  • Christ's Prayer For The Church

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jun 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The importance of unity within the church and other churches and denominations.

    We had an interesting situation last Sunday. A person from another church visited us. But this person was not here to enjoy our fellowship, rather they came to convey a message and convert us. This person handed out papers stating that a certain denomination was the only true church, and the more

  • The Church - The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Dec 18, 2009

    Compares the church to the Body of Christ

    THE CHURCH - THE BODY OF CHRIST 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 SEPTEMBER 21, 2008 One of the most vivid word pictures of the New Testament is the Apostle Paul’s description of the Church as the Body of Christ. The human body is something everyone is familiar with. And it plays such an important role in more

  • Christ And His Church

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Feb 12, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    The sermon addresses the question of why the Church should be important to God

    Christ and His Church Text: Ps. 122:1; Eph. 5:25 Intro: The organism we call the Church, is a topic about which many have spoken and written over the years. Some believe the Church is universal and invisible, while others believe it to be strictly local and visible. I happen to believe there is more

  • Christ And His Church Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The challenge for the church is not what we do when we call our Sunday morning huddle, but what we do when we break our huddle ... When Satan lines up against us, what difference does it make that we are Christians?

    Opening illustration: The job of the church is not to impact the church, but to impact the world. It’s like a huddle in a football game. 67,000 people don’t pay $25.00 a ticket to watch the Titans huddle. What if you went to a Titans game and for 2½ hours you watched 11 men stand in a circle and more

  • The Church Christ Built

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Oct 7, 2015
    based on 18 ratings

    To establish that the church Christ built is not what many perceive it falsely to be, "just another denomination." This lesson deals with the promise of Christ regarding the church. The church Christ built is unique, unconquerable and undenominational.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. A church which is Unique 2. A church which is Unconquerable 3. A church which is Undenominational Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we are going to be discussing a theme, which is very important, and that is, the church Christ promised to build. This lesson is important more