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  • The Last 100 Years Of Church History Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The past hundred years have brought many negatives including the social gospel movement. However, there have been movements to combat these with the truth. This lesson looks at both the good and bad of the past century.

    Over the course of the past 14 weeks, we have examined some of the most important periods in Church History. From the ancient creeds of the early church to the formal confessions of the protestant reformation, we have seen that throughout her existence the Church has always had people within who more

  • The Value Of Tongues, Keeping Perspective In The Church Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Jun 9, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    In the church today there is tremendous tension and polarization over the issue of sign gifts, particularly tongues. Divisions and church splits over the charismatic movement have become all too common. Conditions in some of the churches today hardly diff

    THE VALUE OF TONGUES Keeping Perspective In The Church 1 Corinthians 14:1-20 INTRODUCTION: in the church today there is tremendous tension and polarization over the issue of sign gifts, particularly tongues. Divisions and church splits over the charismatic movement have become all too common. more

  • What Is A "Charismatic"?

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is actually a clear, instructive position paper which clears away some misconceptions and offers precise definitions. It is useful for personal study or study groups, in addition to Sunday messages.

    WHAT DOES “CHARISMATIC” MEAN? Pastor Eric J. Hanson A Teaching Position Paper Initial disclaimer: The secular use of the word “charismatic” meaning “possessing great personal magnetism, able to attract and hold an audience or constituency”, etc, is a secular meaning which is derived second more

  • Charismatic Apostles

    Contributed by Kenneth Anthony on Apr 28, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Apostles were charismatic evangelists that connected and bonded with people in order to bring them to Christ. Explore five characteristics of charismatic Christians.

    We all love high achievers. We love our professional athletes, entrepreneurs, and other “go-getters” that “make it” in the world. We also want to be like them in some ways and claim our moment in the spotlight. It’s no accident that we see tens of thousands of young people auditioning for more

  • Charismatic Confusion Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Paul gives the Corinthians and us some important guidelines for propriety in worship.

    Introduction: A. One Sunday, a Sunday school teacher asked the children a question just before she dismissed them to go to church, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” 1. Little Johnny replied, “Because people are sleeping.” B. I think it is ironic and humorous that parents of babies more

  • Two Charismatic Leaders

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 15, 2014

    To find out more about how to find and offer our gifts, our charisms, we should only consider Luther and Peter.

    Solemnity of Ss Peter & Paul 2014 Come, Holy Spirit Five hundred and four years ago, a young priest from Germany made a pilgrimage on behalf of his religious community to Rome. He was poorly matched to the priesthood. He had been studying rhetoric and preparing to become a lawyer when his more

  • Dear Hyper-Charismatics

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Sep 26, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    They call us holy rollers, but some need to slow their roll.

    Dear Hyper-Charismatics, please scan the Word and see that in nearly six thousand years of man's existence God has never rained down gold dust, angel feathers never fell, jewels never magically appeared, orbs never appear, worshipers never clucked, barked or contorted, gold teeth never appear, more

  • There Is Movement In The Graveyard

    Contributed by Ralph Coleman on Nov 11, 2006
    based on 6 ratings


    THERE IS MOVEMENT IN THE GRAVEYARD JHN. 11.44 When one think of the graveyard. . . . generally the thoughts are those of an ery, hair-raising – scary feeling. . . . In the mind of some people – their thoughts of the graveyard is the last place their loved one was seen. . . . except for that of more

  • The Birth Of A Movement

    Contributed by Keith Shuler on Nov 5, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    I find it to be a strange occurrence when those who claim to worship the Creator lack creativity.

    The Birth of a Movement Acts 1:8 History bares witness to many different kinds of movements. A movement is the progressive, unfolding, transitioning body of beliefs that seek to alter and change society. As we look at the last century we can see the Zionist Movement which resulted in the Jews more

  • The Beginnings Of A Movement

    Contributed by Dr. Jesse Davis on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    One of, if not the greatest movements in all of history, is the Jesus movement which began with a simple word, COME. Every great movement starts with a cause, an invitation to come, and someone who is willing to take the first step...

    The Beginnings of a Movement What are some of the great movements that have shaped history? Answers… I. Great Movements always Involve a Cause • There was a cause (right/wrong). There was an injustice. There was a need that became someone’s cause. (someone saw something that needed to be more

  • The Movement Begins Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on May 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This message is about the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost. And we will look at - the mission, the message, the means and the movement.

    The Movement Begins! In the beginning God (the One who is, and was and is to come) created EVERYTHING… HE created; • Galaxies – millions of them • Stars – trillions • HE created our planet and He filled it with breath-taking beauty… sunrises, sunsets, oceans, mountains, rivers, streams, forests… more

  • The Makings Of A Movement

    Contributed by Eugene Moore on Jan 2, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    On this high and holy day in the christian calendar, I want to preach from the word of God, and share with you some truths about the mission of the Christ.

    The more that I read and study scripture, particularly, and specifically the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; I am reminded that Jesus did not just come to do the ministry of salvation. In other words Jesus did not come down from heaven, live, and die, just to keep us out of hell. He came to more

  • The Body Of Christ Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 30, 2022

    If you want to enjoy the diverse community God created for you, acknowledge that you belong to one body; appreciate the different members of that body; depend on one another; and do what God gifted you to do.

    Grove Street was lined with lovely mature trees, manicured lawns, and three churches—all right next to each other. The three churches were each built in different styles and shapes, but they each posted a sign out front, proudly displaying the name of the church. The three churches were named First more

  • Receiving Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Dec 30, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    History of charismatic/pentecostal movement and importance of spiritual gifts.

    Receiving Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 We’re in a series called Supernatural Stories, we’ve been looking at some of the stories in the Bible where God did amazing things. Well today I want to start by telling you a supernatural story, but its not a bible story, though it does start in more

  • Holy Spirit And Miracles Today Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the cessationist view of charismatic gifts (Material taken from Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study by Dr. Jack Cottrell, chapter 8, and Power from On High by Dr. Jack Cottrell, chapter 11)

    HoHum: Many commented on spiritual gifts last week. Probably talk about that more in the future. Last week we talked about how there were temporary gifts and permanent spiritual gifts. Tonight we are talking about “cessationism”. It’s important to remember that this has nothing more