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  • "The Careless Tongue And The Controlled Tongue"

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Jul 12, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    Why is the tongue such an important member that it either hurts or helps people? How can we learn to tame the tongue for good rather than for evil?

    Iliff and Saltillo United Methodist Churches July 10, 2005 “The Careless Tongue and the Controlled Tongue” I Peter 3:8-15 Introduction: Today’s scripture was written to Christians living in a pagan society where Christianity was being attacked and Christians were persecuted and even put to death more

  • Engage (Compassion, From Careless To Caremore) Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Nov 25, 2019

    In this message we talk about how if we want to become the church HE intended that we need to ENGAGE our lost and hurting world with acts of compassion.

    ENGAGE – Compassion From Careless To Caremore Jesus (your Savior King) spoke the following words in what many refer to as His inaugural address on the mountainside by the Sea of Galilee. Letting people know who they could be and who they really are in Him. 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But more

  • Welcoming The Repentant Sinners (September 8, 2013)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 3, 2021

    Do we rejoice with God and the angels of heaven every time another sinner repents? In Luke 15 , Jesus tells three parables and all three parables end with a celebration. But, not everyone comes to the celebration.

    Luke 15:1-10 GNB One day when many tax collectors and other outcasts came to listen to Jesus, (2) the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law started grumbling, "This man welcomes outcasts and even eats with them!" (3) So Jesus told them this parable: (4) "Suppose one of you has more

  • Beware

    Contributed by Terry Vaughan on Dec 20, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    Beware of covetousness, worry, carelessness and spiritual dullness

    WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: TERRY VAUGHAN SERMON TITLE: BEWARE “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world more

  • Ignorant Errors, Careless Mistakes, Or Plain Old Sin

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Apr 9, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    Message on the First Word from the Cross, for a Good Friday Seven Last Words service. Jesus prays for forgiveness for the anonymous "they" who permit a society to be valueless, for those who profit from the misery of others, for those who pride themselve

    One of life’s scariest moments comes when, two or three days after you have taken an exam at school, the teacher shows up ready to pass out the results. Maybe you sit poised on the edge of your chair, if you think you’ve done well; or you slump down in the seat, trying to look as though you’re more

  • How Did I Get Here?

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Have you ever did something wrong and wondered, how did get here? You know what I mean. Life is great one day and then BANG your world is turned upside down.

    Introduction: Have you ever did something wrong and wondered, how did get here? You know what I mean. Life is great one day and then BANG your world is turned upside down. Patrick Means wrote in his book, Men’s secret wars: He said: 9 years ago my world turned upside down. I was at a Ministry more

  • Asleep At The Wheel 2 Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Aug 18, 2010

    Exposition of Heb 2:1-4

    Text: Hebrews 2:1-4, Title: Asleep at the Wheel 2, Date/Place: NRBC, 8/8/10, PM A. The Why (v. 1-4) 1. The writer gives the first of three reasons why the consequences of not listening are so important in verse one—drifting away. This word was used of something flowing in a river past more

  • Wordsearch

    Contributed by Jonathan Campbell on Aug 4, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    The careless, careful and caring words spoken from the three crosses at Calvary.

    1. CARELESS WORDS "If thou be Christ, save thyself and us". Spoken by the rebellious thief. (a) His big mistake - He doubted - "If". (b) His bad manners - He demanded - "save thyself and us". Speaking to Almighty God in such a way was both blasphemous and irreverent. 2. CAREFUL WORDS "Dost not more

  • The Achilles Heel Syndrome

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Jun 27, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon using the story of the ungurarded areas in a person’s walk with the Lord that can cause defeat or death spiritually.

    Scripture: Ephesians 6:11 – 20 Title: “The Achilles Heel Syndrome” Introduction: There’s a mythological legend of a warrior named Achilles whose mother dipped him into the river Styx in order to make him invulnerable. The ONLY part of his body that didn’t receive the mysterious protection was more

  • Tearing Down The Hedge

    Contributed by Jeff Osborne on Jul 5, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    A warning to the youth

    Tearing Down the Hedge Text: Job 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. Intro: The life of Job is one that most of us knows about. He was a more

  • The Enemy Knows Your Schedule

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Sep 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Christians have often been caught asleep when they should be awake. While on earth, Jesus stressed the importance of readiness, alertness, preparedness: “Work while it is day for the night comes when no man can work.” The enemy is watching you. Get busy.

    THE ENEMY KNOWS YOUR SCHEDULE MATTHEW 13:24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, more

  • Perspective On Thanksgiving Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Jul 14, 2020

    This blog gives us three simple perspective on thanksgiving. Be expressive & Be expansive.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: This blog gives us three simple perspective on thanksgiving. Be expressive more

  • Eleventh Hour Rush!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Mar 4, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Eleventh hour rush reveals the sheer carelessness, negligence, sloppiness and shoddiness of the person!

    Eleventh hour rush! Philippians 4:7”And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Eleventh hour rush reveals the sheer carelessness, negligence, sloppiness and shoddiness of the person! Sadly, I have seen important more

  • Seeds

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jan 19, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    A discussion of how seeds grow, and how seemingly careless God is in sowing them.

    Seeds PPT 1 Message Title PPT 2 main text Mr 4:26 And He was saying, "The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; Mr 4:27 and goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts up and grows — how, he himself does not know. Mr 4:28 "The soil produces crops by more

  • The Ten Bridesmaids Represent Christian Believers

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Sep 29, 2017

    The message is that apathy and carelessness are a much greater threat than any external force.

    32A Fr. Murphy was visiting one of his elderly parishioners whom he hadn’t seen at church for a few months. “You know,” he said, “you are not getter any younger and you should start thinking more of the hereafter.” She replied, “Thank you, Father, but I am always thinking about the hereafter; more