
Summary: Eleventh hour rush reveals the sheer carelessness, negligence, sloppiness and shoddiness of the person!

Eleventh hour rush!

Philippians 4:7”And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Eleventh hour rush reveals the sheer carelessness, negligence, sloppiness and shoddiness of the person! Sadly, I have seen important key Christian men serving the Lord have this ‘eleventh hour rush!’

As a preacher, I remember waiting outside a closed church at the time of church service, the pastor arrived late because of traffic jam. Hilarious or atrocious? You decide.

Some do not think of refilling petrol until the eleventh hour when the bike breaks down!

Some hunt for car keys at the eleventh hour and create mayhem in the morning hours at home!

Church leader hunts for the church keys in the eleventh hour!

Digging for the train ticket in the eleventh hour!

A meticulous, diligent, careful, attentive and shrewd person would never postpone things until the eleventh hour! Caveat!

How to avoid such mad rush?

PLAN AHEAD! There is no other golden rule for a calm, disciplined and cool life. When asked to comment about Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand, who is known for his calm and cool character, ‘his wife, Aruna Anand, likens his mind to a computer and that "his brain goes faster than others." But in addition to his talent, she said Anand puts in long hours every day refining his game.’ That’s the key for success! Planning ahead!

Be it travel, office presentation, official meeting – whatever, plan it meticulously. Write down point by point things that has to be done. When we have three days camp meeting or when we travel for outreach ministry, there are numerous things that we had to maintain. We developed a habit of writing down ‘check list’ and ‘to do list.’ Every minute details are put in writing and followed up. When we were conducting night prayer in a particular hall, we had to take loads and loads of things, right from music instruments to tea making kettles - there would be chaos even if we miss a small adaptor; nevertheless , all the above experiences have girded and molded us to run several projects today through His grace.

READ THE WORD: Start your day with reading His Word! God would surely give you wisdom and knowledge to execute things efficiently through God-given grace. Never compromise on prayer and Bible reading come what may, in order to have success in all that you do.

Let us be people with pristine habits !

Do not promise/commit profusely when you are not sure of what may happen! Over enthusiasm, loose promises, glib talks shows immaturity and irresponsibility. Think! Pause! Speak!

God bless you!

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