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  • God's Power - Omnipotence Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Jan 20, 2015

    What does it matter that God is all powerful?

    GOD’S POWER – OMNIPOTENCE In the summer of 1876, grasshoppers nearly destroyed the crops in Minnesota. So in the spring of 1877, farmers were worried. They believed that the dreadful plague would once again visit them and again destroy the rich wheat crop, bringing ruin to thousands of more

  • Learning To Lean Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Aug 25, 2009
    based on 19 ratings

    Session 1 - learning to lean on Christ for salvation, strength and success.

    LEARNING TO LEAN Retreat Session 1 This weekend I would like to ask the question “What makes a good man.” Let me suggest to you over the next few days 3 characteristics of a good man. These are 3 things that will help you be a better husband and father. They are learning how to LEAN, learning more

  • Stilling The Storm Series

    Contributed by David Moore on Jul 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message parallels the stilling of the storm with the calming of life's crises.

    Stilling The Storm Text: Mark 4: 35-41 Introduction: As we open the pages of our Bible to Mark 4 we find that Jesus continued teaching by means of parables. We have considered the parable of the sower, and the parable of the candle. Later he taight about the seed and also of the mustard seed, but more

  • Where's Your Worth? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 2, 2013
    based on 56 ratings

    Where do you find your "self-worth"? Is it in God, or in yourself? The Pharisees looked for their importance in themselves and ended up robbing God of His glory to gain their own. How can avoid the traps that ensnared these highly religious leaders?

    OPEN: "Sometime, when you're feeling important Sometime, when your ego's in bloom Sometime when you take it for granted, You're the best qualified man in the room. Sometime when you feel that your going, would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instruction, and see how it humbles more

  • The Lion And The Lamb Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus has conquered – He is a lion. He was crucified – He is a lamb; therefore, He has control – He is Lord! Why not accept Him as YOUR Lord today?

    In August of 2010, communications specialist Judy Rivers went to her local bank to open a new account. As the clerk input Rivers' personal information, everything seemed to be going smoothly, but then the woman behind the desk stopped abruptly and frowned. “That's odd,” she said. more