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  • Sin And Uncleanness

    Contributed by Ron Macarthur on Jun 13, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon discusses sin and its origins as well as scripture that tells us how to fight agains it.

    Jesus had just finished a discussion with the Pharisees and now turns to address the crowd. Mark 7:14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. (15) Nothing outside a man can make him `unclean’ by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a more

  • The Sins Of The Godless

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    In our text, I see two great sins of the godless: 1- They change God’s grace 2- They deny the Lord Jesus

    INTRO.- ILL.- A church deacon was trying to impress a class of boys the importance of living the Christian life. He said, "Why do people call me a Christian?" After a moment’s pause, one youngster said, "Maybe it’s because they don’t really know you." Can a person be one way on the outside and more

  • The Original Sin Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 20, 2008
    based on 85 ratings

    Man was created as a perfect sinless being by God. He was a reasoning being with the ability to understand & the responsibility to mature in god-likeness through a daily relationship with God. God’s intimate relationship with man made him a target.

    GENESIS 3:1-8; 2:16-17 THE ORIGINAL SIN [Romans 5:12-19 & 1 Timothy 2:8-15] Man was created as a perfect sinless entity of God. He was created as a perfect spiritual, physical, intellectual, and moral being. He had no taint or tendency to sin but was righteous with a love more

  • Is There Sin In The Camp?

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Aug 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Dealing with the issue of sin in our life. Talking about the affects of sin.

    Is there sin in the camp? Theme: To show the devastating affects of sin in life and in the church. Text: Joshua 6:27 - 7:1-26 Joshua 6:27 So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country. 7:1But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed more

  • Understanding Sin Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message reveals sin in a little different way.

    UNDERSTANDING SIN Romans 7:7-25 (Begin with the skit – “Do Not Touch” – chair) 1. What is it about being told “not to” that cause us to “want to?” For some, reason, just the knowledge that we are not supposed to do “a thing” is enough to motivate us to “do it”. 2. As children, we remember the more

  • Sin And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on May 30, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In this text we notice that even Christians still struggle with sin.

    Scripture Billy Sunday was a well-known evangelist at the start of the 20th century. In preparation for a series of evangelistic services in a large city, Sunday wrote a letter to the Mayor of that city in which he asked for the names of individuals whom the Mayor knew had spiritual problems and more

  • Sin Legends Series

    Contributed by Craig Groeschel on May 30, 2008
    based on 60 ratings

    If we don’t talk about sin, the reality of our sin nature, and it’s destructive power and it’s eternal consequences, then we, as the church, are doing perhaps the most incredible disservice to people that we could ever do with our entire lives. We water

    Urban Legends #4 Well, next weekend, it all starts, the series that everybody’s been talking about. It is called “Satan’s Sex Ed,” and I am very excited. I’ve got some fresh perspective. I’ve been studying hard for that. It starts next week. Welcome today to all of our campuses and those more

  • The Sin Transplant

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Jun 27, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon is a light-hearted look at salvation using the analogy of a modern day operation.

    The Sin Transplant Hebrews 4:12-13 Introduction: I want to talk to you today about a transplant. Our modern American culture is very accustomed to transplants. Eye transplants, liver transplants, heart transplants, bone marrow transplants. Almost any organ can now be transplanted from one human more

  • The Unforgivable Sin

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    Have you ever worried about committing the unpardonable or unforgivable sin? What is the unforgivable sin?

    The Unforgivable Sin Matthew 12:22-37 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 6, 2008 *Have you ever worried about committing the unpardonable or unforgivable sin? What is the unforgivable sin? A lot of people think it’s suicide, but that’s not what the Bible says. *When James more

  • What Is Sin? Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Nov 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We should make an honest and realistic evaluation of ourselves.

    WHAT IS SIN? Isaiah 53.6 S: Sin C: Postmodern Th: Confusion Pr: WE SHOULD MAKE HONEST AND REALISTIC EVALUATION OF OURSELVES. CV: We will clearly communicate the transforming truth of the Bible. Type: Inductive PA: How is the change to be observed? • Be honest with self. • Evaluate your more

  • Sin Palabras Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Nov 22, 2008

    Habla de Jesús sin Palabras

    Sin Palabras Intro: Por la gracia de Dios, tuve la oportunidad de que durante mi adolescencia y juventud estuve siempre muy involucrado en las actividades de la Iglesia. Campamentos, retiros, reuniones, servicios comunitarios y demás actividades llenaban todo mi tiempo. La verdad es que more

  • The Smell Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 21, 2004
    based on 80 ratings

    Why would God tell Israel that their sins had denied them the blessings He wanted to give?

    (Children’s song, tho’ it can be read to a good effect as well as sung if you know the tune) Well I stuck my head in a little skunk’s hole And the Lil’ skunk said, "Well bless my soul, Get it out, get it out... remove it." Well I didn’t get it out and the lil’ skunk said "If you don’t get it more

  • Gahazi's Sin

    Contributed by Ira Sandefer on Jul 17, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    The sin of Coveteousness is deceitful and dangerous, therefore, we must be aware of its presence.

    Context: II Kings 5:20 - 27 Text: II Kings 5:20 – “But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, Behold, my master hath spared Naaman this Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought: but, as the Lord liveth, I will run after him, and take somewhat of more

  • The Relativity Of Sin

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Jul 28, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    Save blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, all sin is relative though consequences vary.

    The Relativity of Sin Text: Jas. 2: 9-13 Keywords: same/consistent one and all Proposition: We need to see sin as God sees sin. By doing this, we can steer clear of the trap of Legalism. Objective: For us to see that the playing field is level. Sin is sin. more

  • The Greenhouse Of Sin

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    We need to learn, like David did, the awful price of sin. But even greater than it’s power is the power of Jesus Christ to forgive.

    Passage: 2 Samuel 11 Intro: The TV shows we watch laugh at sin 1. sin is the biggest joke in the American culture. 2. we are a strangely hypocritical society, on one hand decrying the promiscuity and drug addiction of our youth, while at the same time promoting these very things in the media. 3. more

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