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  • Mother's Day 2021 - Honoring Mothers

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on May 6, 2021

    This message is about honoring mothers the way God commands in Deuteronomy 5:16 which says, “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God gives you.”

    Honoring Mothers Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:16; Ephesians 5:25; 6:2-3 Good Morning New Light and happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers here in the Church and for those of you watching the live broadcast. This is your day and this message is in celebration of the wisdom that God has given more

  • Easter 2019

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 23, 2019

    The empty tomb reminds us of God's Power, Priority and Presence in our lives.

    EASTER Back in 1922 a British archaeologist named Howard Carter became famous when he discovered the intact tomb of King Tutankhamun, a young Egyptian pharaoh who lived and ruled in about 1332 BC. Other tombs in Egypt had been found before this, but what made this tomb so unique was the fact that more

  • How To Begin The New Year

    Contributed by Paul Hammons on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    It’s hard to believe that another year has past. The saying, “the older we get the faster time goes by,” is becoming a definite reality in my life. I truly understand James 4:14 which says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a lit

    How To Begin the New Year; Psalm 139:23-24 It’s hard to believe that another year has past. The saying, “the older we get the faster time goes by,” is becoming a definite reality in my life. I truly understand James 4:14 which says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a more

  • Questions From The Reformers

    Contributed by Gary Liederbach on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    What is keeping me from recalling my baptism daily in my life? What is keeping me from loving the Lord my God with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength?

    Questions from the reformers. I want to start my message today with a verse of scripture. Luke 10:37 And he ( Jesus) answered, " YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." I more

  • "Motherhood" Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Dec 11, 2015

    Godly mothers are important but moms face unique challenges. Moms need instruction, mentoring, and encouragement to be godly moms.

    Series: There’s an App for That “Motherhood” Luke 1:26-38 Open Can you tell me what I’m holding up? [cell phone] Not just a cell phone. It’s a smart phone. In this little device, I have many multiple times more computing power than the computers that more

  • Jesus, Our Redeemer

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    How God took the "Redemption of the Firstborn" to proclaim the Redemption of mankind though Jesus

    Sharrington 02-02-03 Presentation of Christ in the Temple With all the festivities around Christmas and Epiphany, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Jesus was an Orthodox Jew. Story: When I was younger, I used to wonder what, on earth, possessed Matthew and Luke to record the more

  • The Reflection That Sets Us Free

    Contributed by Timothy Schultz on Sep 1, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    Two important exercises that make our lives more meaningful.

    Recently I returned to my former high school for a reunion tour of the building. A new addition had been added and the library moved to the ground level, and we students also agreed that something seemed different on the third floor. Yet the change that was more noticeable to me than the building more

  • Hannah

    Contributed by Dawn Duryea on Mar 4, 2024

    The story of Hannah is not well known and today it is given as an alternative reading to the more familiar story of Samuel’s call. So, let us dive into this tale of Hannah.

    Hannah is a young woman, married to Elkanah. But she is not his only wife, Elkanah has another wife called Peninnah. Hannah is his first wife, but she has not been blessed with children, we are told twice that the Lord had “closed her womb” (vs. 5, 6). In contrast to Hannah, Peninnah (whose more

  • The Faith Of A Methodist Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Sep 11, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    The first of A 50th Anniversary Preaching Series

    (Inspired by a series of sermons by Rev. Adam Hamilton, UM Church of the Resurrection). SLIDE 1 I want to remind you about the 50th Anniversary event tonight—the Ice Cream Social—dinner starts at 6 but come early for fun and social time. You don’t get any ice cream until you eat your dinner. SLIDE more

  • What It's All About

    Contributed by Ken Gehrels on Nov 14, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Importance of bringing people to Christ

    What It’s All About Bible Reading: John 12: 20 - 36 PREPARED BY KEN GEHRELS PASTOR CALVIN CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH NEPEAN, ONTARIO What It’s All About p.2 A few weeks ago they gathered, a few thousand of them on Petrie Island beach. They wanted a glimpse of their heros, coming home to Ottawa. A more

  • Beware Of The Legalist Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 12, 2015

    Legalism has and is harming our churches. How do we avoid it in our church?

    Beware of the Legalist Colossians 2:11-23 As we continue our Sunday morning tour of the book of Colossians we have to remember where we are and what the theme is. Last week we learned that philosophy or better said knowledge apart from Christ is empty. Andy teaching that takes away or adds to the more

  • The Christian And False Prophets Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Dec 9, 2019

    A few differences between cults and the Christian faith

    How do you tell the difference between a cult and the Christian religion? There are many ways, but the best ways are as follows. I. Their Views on the Bible A. The Christian faith 1. It was written by men supernaturally inspired. 2. It is truth without error. 3. It is the complete and final more

  • Shattering The Fresco; Reassembling The Mosaic

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 20, 2018

    The rebuilding of the Church in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries took the divine energy that we receive in the Eucharist and gave it a new missionary impulse.

    Conversion of St. Paul 2018 Reformation/Revolution Today’s reading from St. Luke’s Acts of the Apostles is precious because it is one of the first-person testimonies from St. Paul about his conversion on the road to Damascus. Rabbi Saul was on his way to being the most famous Jew in the Levant more

  • From Nowhere To Somewhere Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on May 2, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    There is an intention to the law.

    FROM NOWHERE TO SOMEWHERE Galatians 3:19-25 S: Law & Grace Th: Grace-Full Living Pr: THERE IS AN INTENTION TO THE LAW. ?: What? What is its purpose? KW: Purposes TS: We will find in our study of Galatians 3:19-25 four purposes that demonstrate the intention of the law. The _____ purpose that more

  • Education Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 3, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon examines how Jesus would vote on education.

    Scripture We are approaching the end of summer. Soon, students will go back to school, and some will tell about their summer. In the classroom setting of one Peanuts comic strip, on the first day of the new school year, the students were told to write an essay about returning to school. In her more

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