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  • Simon Says?

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Following the Leader isn’t always quick or easy

    Simon was busier than he should have been. He had an important dinner coming up and was running short of time as he made the preparations. Sitting arrangements, making sure there was enough food, servants and the like all taxed him to the nth degree. He was going to have this preacher/miracle more

  • Simon The Zealot Series

    Contributed by Kevin Landis on Sep 20, 2007

    Disciple Simon

    Simon the Zealot Disciple eleven is Simon the Zealot. He is mentioned four times in the New Testament (Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13). Some Bible translations will call Simon the Cananaean. This is not the Canaanites mentioned in the Old Testament, it comes from a Greek word more

  • Part 8 - Who Is Simon Peter? Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Jul 7, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Part 8 of our Great Commission sermon series takes a closer look at who Simon Peter was.

    The Commission Part 8 – Who is Simon Peter Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON † Jesus Begins His ministry by calling 4 Disciples † He Calls His First Disciples, Andrew (Peter’s Brother) and possibly John, Son of Zebedee. † We talked about who more

  • Simon's Leaky Roof Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    From Simon to Peter: Jesus can take a loud, rough, ordinary man and turn him a sensitive, compassionate, powerful and truly extraordinary servant - He did it with a man named Simon. It begins here.

    From an Ordinary Man to an Extraordinary Servant Jesus Changes People That¡¦s just what he does. In the next seven weeks we¡¦ll journey through the gospels in a search to see how Jesus changed an ordinary fisherman named Simon. Simon began as a loud, rough, ordinary man. Jesus transformed him more

  • Simon's New Name Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jun 27, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    4th of 7 messages on the transformation of Simon into Peter. This message focuses on the blessing and responsibility of confessing Jesus as Lord.

    Simon’s New Name Ricky vs. Richard. My mother wanted Ricky. My dad wanted Richard in case I grew up to be a minister. Now that I’m a preacher I prefer Rick – or maybe “Flash”. Just kidding! That was Charlie Brown’s secret desire – to be called “Flash” by his friends and of course Lucy more

  • Simon Becomes Peter Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    7th of 7 messages on the transformation by Jesus of Simon into Peter. This message focuses on the breakfast questions of Jesus in John 21.

    From Ordinary to Extraordinary The Transformation Began in Amazement… at what Jesus taught and gave to people – both healing and forgiveness Amazement Led to Obedience… even when Simon didn’t think it would make a difference Obedience Grew Into Faith… that moved Simon to get out of the boat more

  • Simon Peter And Choices Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Aug 19, 2004
    based on 208 ratings

    A look at Simon Peter and 4 choices in his life.

    The 12 Apostles Week 1 – Simon Peter Dr. Rik B. Wadge, Ph.D. "Choices" On the most important night of his life—on the most important night in history—Peter, "the Rock," sat alone in a dark corner weeping. This wasn’t common place for him. He was a strong self-reliant fisherman. He was bold! He was more

  • Simon And Simon Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 9, 2017

    A study of the book of Acts 8: 1 - 25

    Acts 8: 1 - 25 Simon and Simon 8 Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and more

  • Simon, Simon

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    The very first thing that I noticed about our text is the doubling of Simon’s name in Jesus’ statement, “Simon, Simon”.

    The doubling of words almost sounds like people when they stutter. Often people who stutter repeat their words. I love to hear people who stutter. I do not mean that in a derogatory way, I REALLY ENJOY HEARING PEOPLE TALK WHO STUTTER. Illus: A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes more

  • Simon's Fabulous Fishing Trip Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    2nd in series of 7 on the transformation Simon went through under the guidance of Jesus. This message is on the second critical step of surrendering of his heart to Jesus.

    Last week we began to look at and understand the process of transformation that Jesus cultivated in a strong healthy fisherman named Simon. Simon was a business owner. He ran a fishing enterprise on the Lake called Gennesaret, the Sea of Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee are three names used for more

  • Simon The Sorcerer Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Feb 23, 2003
    based on 95 ratings

    The Spirit isn’t a commodity we command but a Person Who commands us.

    Conversions in the Book of Acts> “Simon the Sorcerer” Acts 8:9-24 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts People are attracted to entertainment with dazzling special effects. Simon the Sorcerer amazed the people of Samaria with his impressive tricks and more

  • The Cost Of Following Jesus Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Mar 3, 2025

    While all of us come to faith from a variety of different circumstances, the calling of Simon helps us to see that there are some commonalities among all conversions

    When you and I come to faith in Jesus Christ, we do so from a variety of different circumstances. Some are younger (I was 5). Some are older - I know a woman who was in her late 80s when she came to faith. Some have lived simple lives, others have lived rather rambunctiously. Some have come more

  • Simon- Importance Of Christian Zeal Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 13, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 11th sermon in the "Getting Acquainted With The 12 Apostles" series.

    Series: Getting Acquainted With The 12 Apostles [#11] SIMON- IMPORTANTANCE OF CHRISTIAN ZEAL Matthew 10:4 Introduction: The word “enthusiasm” in the Greek means “God within”. I love to see people zealous in the work of the Lord. People are attracted to people who get on fire for a cause. more

  • Part 7 - Jesus Calls Simon Peter Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Jul 7, 2007

    A closer look at the calling of one of the Disciples, Simon Peter.

    The Commission Part 6 –Jesus Calls First Disciples Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON † John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ Ministry † Jesus was Baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit † Jesus was tempted, and led by His Spirit, not His more

  • Simon Who Was Inconvenienced Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Apr 8, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Simon of Cyrene is on his way into Jerusalem when his plans are inconveniently changed when he is called upon to carry the cross of Jesus. The “silent witness” of Simon calls us to think about the ways Jesus uses the inconvenient moments of life to draw us closer to Himself.

    Message Silent Witnesses Mark 15:21 Simon Who Is Inconvenienced Even before Jesus is crucified He has faced a brutal ordeal. Looking at some verses in Mark 14 and 15 Mark 14:65 Some of the Sanhedrin began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, “Prophesy!” And more

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