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  • Faith Is Just Believing What God Said

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Aug 6, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    While the crowd was waiting for signs and wonders the nobleman believed the word.

    Faith is Just Believing What God Said John 4:46-54 It seems that down south, some recent excavations for a new highway had contributed to causing a flash flood. Volunteers risked their lives to rescue victims stranded in the deluge. One old man was up to his knees in the fast-rising waters when more

  • Light In The Darkness: Jesus Power To Give.

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on May 3, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    Based on Isaiah 9:1-4 & Matt. 4:12-23 this discussess the use of power by Jesus with illustrations from the movies of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Pay it Forward.

    “There is no good or evil, just power and those too weak to use it.” If you have seen the movie or read the book of HP and the philosopher’s stone, then you will have heard that phrase. In a last ditch attempt to win Harry’s cooperation, the evil wizard Voldemort asserts “There is no good or evil, more

  • A Strange Attitude

    Contributed by Lynell Friesen on May 24, 2001
    based on 59 ratings

    The Spirit of God has revealed who the Messiah is.

    See, my servant will act wisely; he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as there were many who were appalled at him-- his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness--so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their more

  • Faith On The Road To Emmaus

    Contributed by Bruce Hindenburg on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    A look at faith: What it is and what it isn’t; and where it comes from

    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen. How’s your faith doing today? Some of you might think that’s an inappropriate question to be asking of those who are gathered together in a sanctuary on a Sunday morning to worship God. But more

  • Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 6) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    This is part six in a series dealing with the need for God’s people to break down the barriers that keep us from effectively building up the wall (God’s Kingdom). Having broken down those barriers we must build up the wall.

    Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 6) Sermon – 1 August 2004 As I have been preaching through this sermon God has been doing extraordinary things in our midst which we have spoken of. I sincerely believe that as we seek to know, understand, share and communicate God’s heart in all more

  • Emmanuel - God With Us!

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Dec 14, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    Christmas message based on Matthew 1:21-23.

    Emmanuel ¡V God with Us! Matthew 1:21-23 John 1:1-3, 10-14 December 14, 2003 Introduction This morning we continue our look at the Christmas story as related in Matthew. Last week we read from Matthew 1:18-25, which in those eight verses gives us a quick synopsis of the miracle of Jesus¡¦ more

  • Experience The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Phillip Davis on Mar 23, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    Learning how exciting life can be when we experience the Holy Spirit.

    EXPERIENCE THE HOLY SPIRIT I CORINTHIANS 2:9 – 13 Allow me to begin this series of teachings about the Holy Spirit by saying right up front – this is a teaching for the heart much more than for the head. Now I am not asking you or saying to you that you won’t need to think or to leave your more

  • 4 Steps To Welcome Jesus Into Your Life

    Contributed by Rick Sunstrom on Mar 8, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon is based on the text of Mark 11:1-17 and gives you 4 things you can do to welcome the presence of the Lord into your life.

    4 Steps to Welcome Jesus into Your Life 3/20/05 1) Be willing to let the Lord use what you have Mark 11:1-6 As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany, on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead. 2"Go into that village over more

  • Fasting

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Jan 8, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The purpose and reason for a Godly fast.

    Fasting What is the purpose of fasting? Why do we do it? What can we hope to accomplish? Have you ever gone through a fast. Did you accomplished anything? Did you break strong holds? What were you really trying to do? I ask, does fasting change God. Can we manipulate Him into more

  • To Be Or Not To Be? Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Parables for Stewards, Pt. 4

    TO BE OR NOT TO BE? (LUKE 13:6-9) The fig is highly valued not only by the Jews but also her neighbors (Ps 105:33). The Israelites were promised fig trees in the Promised Land (Deut 8:8). In Palestine and other warm climates the fig yields two crops annually- one about June and one about August. more

  • When You Can't Get Up

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Aug 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    There are too many people who become recluse when we can’t get up. Instead of getting surrounded with people to help us, most of us try to eat the problem away or starve the problem away and stay behind closed doors.

    I was chatting with my younger sibling brother this week and I told him what I was preparing my sermon for Sunday. I gave him my subject, “When you can’t get up.” He said, “Sing I’m satisfied with Jesus here and stay in bed.” After we laughed that one out he asked what it was really about. When I more

  • The 7 Prayers Of Matthew 8 Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Aug 18, 2006
    based on 86 ratings

    Study on the miracles Jesus wants to do in our lives and in our world today, and how our prayers can make all the difference! Link included to formatted MS Word text and PowerPoint Presentation.

    The 7 Prayers of Matthew 8 This series is called “The Gospel of Jesus”, and we are striving to keep Him the focus all the while…and our Lord makes that easy to accomplish all the time. In today’s text His ministry is in full swing as Jesus descends the mount He gave His great sermon upon and more

  • Being The Church In Christ Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ is building His church through the ministry of His people.

    Being the Church In Christ Text: Eph. 4:11-16 Introduction 1. Illustration: A man called a pastor’s office at a church one day to inquire into membership in the church. He stated that he would not be able to get involved or anything, but he felt it was important to have some religious more

  • Cynic Sage Or Son Of God

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Aug 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Was Jesus merely a cynic rebel as some claim? Was He merely a wise man or prophet? He was and is the Son of God!

    "Cynic, Sage, or Son of God" Matthew 16:13-20 Introduction An American missionary one day overtook one of his converts in the woods, and after some conversation asked him, ‘Tell me what your heart says of Jesus.’ The Native American stood still, paused awhile, and then replied, ‘Stop, and I will more

  • Take It To The Streets

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Nov 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In the story of the Good Samaritan you will see vital qualities that are necessary in carrying our faith into the street.

    1487 Are you taking your faith to the streets? I am not speaking of literally going into the street and preaching, or something of that nature. I am speaking of living and sharing your faith after you leave church. I turn to the story of the Good Samaritan for help with this idea. In Luke 10 we more

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