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  • When Brought Low - Look Up

    Contributed by Tim George on Sep 16, 2001
    based on 227 ratings

    As the dust settles and the fires subside in New York, how do we face this calamity? How do we face any the great calamities of life? Psalm 46 offers us God’s answer.

    WHEN BROUGHT LOW – LOOK UP (PSALM 46) On the first day of the invasion of Normandy, 1500 American soldiers were killed. At Pearl Harbor, 2500 Americans were killed. At Antiteham or Sharpsburg, 4700 Americans were killed during the Battle of Bloody Angle. Throughout American history, the Battle of more

  • Lady Babylon, Brought Low By God (Isaiah 47:1-15) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Aug 10, 2024

    God promises He will soon take vengeance on Lady Babylon, stripping her of everything, because of how she mistreated His people. This promise gives hope, and it helps people not be overly impressed by her.

    At the start of many movies and TV shows, there's a disclaimer. Portions of this program may be offensive. They bother particular kinds of viewers. And this program isn't necessarily in line with the network which hosts it. This is the kind of sermon that probably needs lots of more

  • God Comes As An Infant

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The God from all eternity, whom the heavens cannot contain, comes as an infant. Jesus, the Exalted One, has been brought low, that He might raise us to unknown heights.

    Intro On this most blessed of nights, the God from all eternity, whom the heavens cannot contain, comes as an infant. Jesus, the Holy One, descends from His royal throne. He has come--a dirty, animals’ feeding trough for His bed. On this most blessed of nights, the One too holy to touch has more

  • Is God Your God? Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Is God merely the means to an end for you? Is God the tool for your happiness? At this point in Jacob’s life, He is. He may be in your life as well. Until you are broken, brought low, brought to the end of yourself.

    Encountering God – Part 13 - Is God your God?: Last week we witnessed Jacobs’ first encounter with God which occurred in a dream. It was the first time he ever had any direct dealing with God. It was a supernatural encounter with God. It resulted in his acknowledging that God existed and had more

  • Dragging Low

    Contributed by Larry Breeden on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    What to do when discouraged

    Dragging Low Neh. 4:6-15 INTRO: Dealt with anger last week, this week discouragement, both can keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s presence & purpose in our lives 1. Like a Disease, discouragement is very easy to catch & difficult to over come a. Highly more

  • Highs And Lows Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Dealing with rough times in ministry

    Acts 5 - Dealing with the Highs and Lows in Ministry - 2/26/16 Turn with me this morning to Acts chapter 5.  Whenever we look at the lives of individuals in scripture, we see that every one of us goes through highs and lows in ministry.  Think of Abraham - willing to sacrifice his son more

  • Finding Friends In Low Places Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 12, 2008

    Do you ever find yourself in a place where nothing is going right? The Apostle Paul came to Corinth in just such a state. Learn how God brought him help and fellowship just when he needed it.

    The recent plunges by the world stock markets, bank failures, fortunes lost, even suicides by financial planners—all bring back chilling reminders of the Great Depression. 25% of Americans were unemployed. People couldn’t find work that lasted and many people lost their homes. Discouragement was at more

  • Low Jo Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 15, 2000
    based on 17 ratings

    Our man Joe even in the midst of being at his lowest point in life grows into the man God desires him to be. Low Joe grows through adversity into a man on the go by God

    Low Joe! Thesis: Our man Joe even in the midst of being at his lowest point in life grows into the man God desires him to be. Low Joe grows through adversity into a man on the go by God Introduction: Joseph’s life can teach us a great deal on how to deal with adversity in our lives. Crowder notes more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    Paul continues the theme of God’s initiative in salvation.

    We are in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, from the New Testament letter Ephesians, looking at chapter two today so if you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 2:1-7. Paul continues the theme of God’s initiative in salvation. He does by painting a bleak picture of the human more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    We are finishing chapter one today, looking at 1:11-14.

    We are in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, from the New Testament letter to the church in Ephesus. If you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 1:3-14. We are finishing chapter one today, looking at 1.11-14. If you remember, 1:3-14 has one main point found in verse three, praise more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    Paul continues the theme of God’s work in our salvation.

    We are in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, from the New Testament letter to the Ephesians, looking at chapter two today so if you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 2:8-10. Paul continues the theme of God’s work in our salvation. So far in chapter two he has described the human more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    In this text today, we see that God reconciles enemies and making one new humanity through the cross.

    We are in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, from the New Testament letter Ephesians, looking at chapter two today so if you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 2:11-22. In this text today, we see that God reconciles enemies and making one new humanity through the cross. The passage more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    Today’s message, The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed

    We are back in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, based upon the New Testament letter of Ephesians. Today’s message, The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed, is from 3:1-6. If you have a bible turn to Ephesians 3:1-6 as we read the passage together. The passage can be divided into three more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    Today’s message is praying for the Fullness of God

    We are back in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, based upon the New Testament letter of Ephesians. Today’s message is praying for the Fullness of God, from Ephesians 3:14-19. If you have bibles, turn to Ephesians 3:14-19. Main idea –Paul prays for us to be strengthened by the Spirit more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together

    Contributed by David Taylor on Sep 3, 2024

    In today’s message, God is Able, from 3:20-21, we finish looking at Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21.

    We are about halfway in our series, Brought to Life; Brought Together, based upon the New Testament letter Ephesians. In today’s message, God is Able, from 3:20-21, we finish looking at Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. Last week my main idea was that God strengthens us with the Spirit’s power more

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