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  • Tithing: One Of The Most Important Responsibilities Of Any True Believer

    Contributed by Gilbert Varela on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    What does it mean to be stewards? Does it means that we are partially owners, and partially stewards or does it means that there is someone else who owns everything we seem to posses? The question is not who owns what you have, but who is in charge? Who i

    Tithing One of the Most important Responsibilities of any true Believer Mat. 23:23-24 23: (Stewardship Day) Una de las mas importantes Responsabilidades del verdadero Creyente Numbers 18:21-32, Malc.3:8-12 Lev. 27:30-33, " ’A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or more

  • Learning To Slay Giants

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    adapted from Steve Higgs at MCC

    Learning to slay Giants Eric A. Snyder, Minister, Farwell Church of Christ June 23, 2002 I have always enjoyed a classic story of good versus evil. In every story of good versus evil there is a hero. Perhaps some of the greatest heroism came from our childhood.. I may be a little different more

  • We Are Family Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on May 16, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    2nd in series on Jesus priorities. This describes what the church should be with alliteration.

    Ephesians 2:14–19 – We Are Family You’ve heard me quote many times a book that has changed my life, which is What’s So Amazing About Grace? In it the author, Philip Yancey quotes Mark Twain. Apparently Twain used to say he put a dog and a cat in a cage together as an experiment, to see if they more

  • The Gospel Of Jesus: Swordfight In The Desert Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 23, 2006
    based on 236 ratings

    Jesus didn’t just defeat sin for us on the started early in His ministry when He was tempted. Link included to formatted text, handout, and PowerPoint Presentation.

    The Gospel of Jesus – Swordfight in the Desert Matthew 4:1-11 A three-year-old entered the kitchen when his mother was busy elsewhere in the house. She had told him not to get into the cookies. But in her absence he pulled a kitchen chair over to the counter and climbed up on it. Then he took the more

  • The Priesthood Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Joshua Hetrick on Mar 18, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    On overview of Hebrews Chapter Five

    The Priesthood of Christ Hebrews Chapter Five Introduction: 1. In chapter four Paul introduced the Christian rest. a. He shows how we can truly find the Prize (1-11). b. How we can have the power to make this promise real (12-13). c. And how Jesus, our “Great High Priest,” makes “rest” possible more

  • Rejecting Jesus Or Handling Him With Care

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Apr 12, 2022

    Experiencing rejection is a normal part of life. It happens to all of us. How could a single Palm Sunday Celebration cause the religious leaders to be jealous, and envious of Jesus? What causes men to reject him?

    Sermon: Rejecting Jesus Instead of Handling Him with Care Scripture: Luke 20:9-20 “Now Jesus turned to the people again and told them this story: “A man planted a vineyard, leased it to tenant farmers, and moved to another country to live for several years. 10 At the time of the grape harvest, he more

  • Shove That Job - I'll Take It

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 29, 2011

    You cannot watch a news program without hearing about record unemployment and job plans. Johnny Paycheck, “Take this job and shove it” is now “Shov that job - I’ll take it.” Your job is a big deal to God!

    Introduction A You cannot watch a news program without hearing about record unemployment and job plans. 1 People want to work but can’t any jobs. a My dad telling me he could quit one job and go across the street to work the following day. b Johnny Paycheck, “Take this job and shove more

  • Take Courage! Series

    Contributed by Vance Elzinga on Jul 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Used the call to courage in Haggai as a framework for calling believers to take courage rooted in Christ against the world’s intimidation and discouragement.

    HOOK/WE Used a short "bully" video clip from Bridge to Terebithia to raise issue of intimidation we sometimes feel. Sometimes physical, financial, etc. Sometimes spiritual. YOU Ever been intimidated in expressing your belief? Acting on it? If you have, you’ve got something in common with some more

  • Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time, C: The Three Huge Apocalyptic Stones Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 15, 2022


    Wheeler Winston Dixon is the chair of the Film Studies Program at the University of Nebraska. In his book, “Disaster and Memory”, he writes, “People go to disaster movies to prove to themselves that they can go through the worst possible experience but somehow that they’re immortal.” (The Lure more

  • A Spiritual House Series

    Contributed by Jeff Ecklund on Jul 28, 2011

    Second in a series of addressing the believers purpose into being part of something larger in God's purpose for us.

    A Spiritual House HOTL 2011 Release to Purpose II Series Open with a thank-you….For showing up. For being faithful. For giving, caring, praying, gathering… For putting up with each other…(bearing with one another)…We love and like our church more

  • The Testimony Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the testimony of how God restored sinful man through His Son Jesus Christ.

    The Testimony of Scripture Text: 1 Jn. 1:1-4 Introduction 1. Illustration: "The the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of God and spiritual nature and needs of men. It is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and more

  • When God Closes The Door

    Contributed by Wade Bridges on Mar 20, 2001
    based on 156 ratings

    Based on God Calling Noah to Build the Ark

    When God Closes the Door Genesis 7:1-16 In Genesis Chapter Six, God saw the Wickedness of mankind and it Grieved God in His Heart. He said that he would destroy mankind off the face of the earth. But, there was one family and one person who found Grace in the eyes of God. It was Noah and his more

  • The Biblical Doctrine Of Baptism Series

    Contributed by Wade Bridges on Mar 20, 2001
    based on 159 ratings

    Biblical look at Baptism

    The Biblical Doctrine of Baptism Matthew 3:13-17 What is Baptism? Many have their definition of this precious word but the Bible has the correct meaning. The Greek Word for Baptism is; "bap’-tis-mah", which means; "immersion, submersion. of Christian baptism; a rite of immersion in water as more

  • Wedding Sermon

    Contributed by Brendon Bridges on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 395 ratings

    A wedding service to encourage 3 healthy habits in a marriage. Written for an unsaved couple, encouraging the hope and enclusion of Christ in their lives

    SERMON ---- 3 Habits of an Effective marriage!! A bride was very nervous. It was right before the service. She wasn’t sure she could even walk down aisle. Her mother gave her some words of calming wisdom. She said to her. “Honey, there’s only three things you need to focus on. If you focus on more

  • Satan's Plan To Destroy Lawrence Drive Baptist Church

    Contributed by Wade Bridges on Jan 29, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    Being Aware of Satan’s Devices

    SATAN’S PLAN TO DESTROY LAWRENCE DRIVE BAPTIST CHURCH I Peter 5:8 Satan has a Plan to Destroy Lawrence Drive Baptist Church. This Plan has not changed since the fall of mankind. What is this Plan? Notice the following Outline below. 1. SATAN’S PLAN IS TO DISTORT OUR LOVE: A--Our more

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