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  • Just Like Jesus Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Max Lucado wrote a very good book by this title which gave me the idea for this series. God loves us the way we are, yet he loves us too much to leave us that way. The heart of Jesus is a listening heart and is lead by the hand of God

    Just like Jesus part 2: Ears to hear Jesus tells a story about a seed scatterer and soil. MT 13:1 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 3 Then he told more

  • When Circumstances Confuse Us Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Jun 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Joy Stealers are the tools Satan uses to rob us of our joy in serving the cause of Christ.To help us defeat the joy stealers of this life, Paul wrote the book of Philippians. Paul knew there would be times we could not be happy, but in Christ, we could al

    Introduction: This past weekend, our family celebrated Kathy’s parents 50th wedding anniversary. We spent all day Friday decorating the church in preparation for the big night. Kathy had planned the celebration to be a big surprise, and sure enough, her parents were surprised as 75 of their friends more

  • Every Thought Captive

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 11, 2017

    In 2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul wrote, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ..." What did Paul mean,and how do we do it?

    Note: the square-bracketed notations are prompts for changing or animating PowerPoint slides. If a reader wishes to have the slide presentation that goes with this sermon in PowerPoint 10, send an Email to me at with the subject: Every Thought Captive Powerpoint and I will send more

  • Killing Jesus

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Nov 4, 2013

    When Bill O'reilly wrote Killing Jesus he meant it as a history book and not as a religious book. But did he accidentally meddle in our faith in the Holy Bible when he did so? Doubt in the Word of God has been a took of the devil from the beginning.

    Genesis 2:16-17 (NASB) “The LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.’” Genesis 3:1-3 (NASB) Now the more

  • Living In The Land Of The Dying Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Mar 5, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    When John Owen, the great Puritan, lay on his deathbed his secretary wrote (in his name) to a friend, "I am still in the land of the living." "Stop," said Owen. "Change that and say, I am yet in the land of the dying, but I hope soon to be in the land of

    When John Owen, the great Puritan, lay on his deathbed his secretary wrote (in his name) to a friend, "I am still in the land of the living." "Stop," said Owen. "Change that and say, I am yet in the land of the dying, but I hope soon to be in the land of the living." 1 Cast your bread upon the more

  • Easter, The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 17, 2019

    Is Resurrection Sunday the most wonderful time of the year? Paul wrote that if Christ has not been raised our preaching is in vain and so is our faith (1 Corinthians 15:14). Let’s discuss the centrality of the resurrection of Jesus and the testimony of eyewitnesses in Luke 24:1-12

    Is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year? What about Jesus’ resurrection? Is Resurrection Sunday the most wonderful time of the year? Paul wrote that if Christ has not been raised our preaching is in vain and so is our faith (1 Corinthians 15:14). Let’s discuss the centrality of the more

  • Spiritual Leadership: The Jethro Principle Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 12, 2022

    Jethro gave Moses such helpful advice that not only did Moses apply this, he wrote it in Scripture. He must have been aware that this was a leadership principle that would help spiritual leaders in every generation that follows him. There would come different circumstances but timeless principles.

    I had just finished the book summary, The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. Right away I could see the application of this book. Not for me, I saw that my son-in-law was working long hours and here in this book were principles for the entrepreneur that could help him rise up new employees that he more

  • Truth In The Psalms Stemming From The Third Epistle Of John To Gaius About Truth

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 25, 2024

    The Apostle John featured TRUTH often in his writing and in his letter to Gaius (3John). This time we look at TRUTH as it is revealed in the Psalms. Walking in truth is what Gaius did and what God requires. The Psalms teach about truth.

    TRUTH IN THE PSALMS STEMMING FROM THE THIRD EPISTLE OF JOHN TO GAIUS ABOUT TRUTH This message/study is in conjunction with 3John and walking in truth. That one is found here - more

  • The Best Laid Plans Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 19, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Robert Burns wrote a poetic apology to a mouse for having destroyed its home. How often are we like that mouse when we try to leave God out? What does the Psalmist have to say about finding balance between faith and effort? Check out these thoughts from our Family Minister, Scott Jewell

    There’s a popular saying that goes, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Where does this saying come from? Many attribute this to John Steinbeck’s book- Of Mice and Men, written in 1937. He actually got the title from a poem by Robert Burns- To a Mouse, written in 1786. more

  • Just As He Is: Pure (Lesson 2) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Apr 26, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    To establish that at Christ's second appearance; we shall see Him as He is, and be like Him: in righteousness, purity, and glory. This lesson stresses that we are sons of God, pure in heart, and made righteous: just as He is, "through the faith of Christ Jesus."

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 2. Just as He is: Pure Remarks. 1. This is lesson two in this sermon-series entitled: "Just as He is." John wrote: we shall see Him as He is, and be like Him, in glory and honor. This is solely possible because we are the sons of God. Christ's finished work of more

  • We Are What We Eat

    Contributed by Tammy Garrison on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    This concludes a sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Romans. God’s call of grace on our own lives calls us to be Christian witnesses to others. Our attitudes, behaviors, and actions reflect on our Christian witness.

    Bibliography: Becoming a Contageous Christian by Bill Hybels, Can We Talk? by Robert Tuttle This summer, we have been traveling with Paul, taking a trip down the Roman road of salvation. On our journey, Paul has taken the time to share with us the following things: 1. There is nothing you can more

  • Refuse To Give In To Legalistic Pressures

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    What happens to people who prefer to live by the letter of the law rather than by the Spirit of grace? While the Bible urges us to perfection, you do not become holy through the keeping of the law. Do not give in to pressure.

    Avoid being blinded to the Spirit by relying on works of the flesh.(Gal 3:1-5) Question - What are the problems of living by the flesh and not by the Spirit? What happens to people who prefer to live by the letter of the law rather than by the Spirit of grace? While the Bible urges us to more

  • Truth@work Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Sep 1, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Work. It’s a four-letter word to many people. But it doesn’t have to be that way. God wants us to go through even our work life energized, passionate, and joyful. Here’s how.

    Yesterday, I was in the checkout line at Guan Eagle. I said to the cashier, a young man in his 20s, “How are you.” “I’m here.” Work. It’s a four-letter word to many people in NE Ohio. But it doesn’t have to be that way. God doesn’t want it to be that way for you. He wants us to go through more

  • Perspective Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Apr 7, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul concludes his letter to Titus by reminding Titus of Titus’s former life without God, and of God’s saving grace. These are the things that keep the Christian life in perspective as we strive to "do what is good."

    Perspective The Productive Life, part 5 Titus chapter 3 Wildwind Community Church April 9, 2006 David Flowers Today we put the wrap on our series on the book of Titus. I hope you’ve learned something. I’ve learned a lot. Most important, I hope you have realized the importance of right more

  • The Grace Of Living Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 16, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Have you ever wondered whether tithing was in the New Testament? You might be surprised at the answer. Find out the 11 qualities of true giving to God as we continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

    For more Bible Studies visit: The Grace of Giving 2 Corinthians 8:1-24 Pastor Tom Fuller One of the advantages of going through the Word verse by verse is that the Bible itself sets the topic for the day. I don’t hunt through the Word looking for something to more

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