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  • The Beginning And The End Dws#4 Series

    Contributed by John Butler on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What the Greek says about the divinity of Christ from His claim to be the Alpha and Omega.

    *******SERMON OUTLINE******* The Beginning And The End... I. Praise the Lord! How many in here tonight know that Jesus was 100 o/o God and 100 o/o man? He was God wrapped in human flesh. <<<<<TESTIMONY>>>>> There are three instances in the book of revelation, where Jesus Himself declares more

  • The Revelation Of Jesus Christ # 2 Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Revelation is an open book in which God reveals His plans and purposes to His church. When Daniel finished writing his prophecy over 500 years B.C., he was instructed in Dan. 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the

    REV. Study- # 2 -Rev.1:1-6 4-25-09 Revelation is an open book in which God reveals His plans and purposes to His church. When Daniel finished writing his prophecy over 500 years B.C., he was instructed in Dan. 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even more

  • The Woman, A Child And A Dragon Series

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Jan 25, 2013

    In chapter twelve we see three characters presented as a woman, a child and the dragon.

    A Woman, a Child and a Dragon Revelation 12:1-17 In the later verses of Chapter eleven we mention that God is preparing this world to become the kingdom of His Son. Here in Chapter twelve we have one who is doing everything possible to prevent the will of God. Satan is has been opposing the more

  • Survival Strategies In The Last Days

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 16, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    There are things that are coming upon the earth. People, communities, and nations may not survive, but God's people will be strong. We will survive and we will have the strategy to survive because we have the Spirit of prophecy that prepares us for where

    Survival Strategies In The Last Days There are things that are coming upon the earth. People, communities, and nations may not survive, but God's people will be strong. We will survive and we will have the strategy to survive because we have the Spirit of prophecy that prepares us for where we more

  • What Are You Looking For" Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jun 18, 2013

    As you read Revelation, what are you looking for? As you realize it's later than it's ever been before, what ar eyou looking for?

    “The Great Unveiling: What Are You Looking For?” Revelation 1:1-20 An older couple retired to bed for the evening. As they began to rest the grandfather clock downstairs began to chime. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. But this time it continued – thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Hearing all more

  • Happy, Happy, Happy Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 10, 2014

    Celebration in heaven, Satan and his demonic forces defeated and expelled from heaven

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ is most often viewed as the "heaviest" of the books of the Bible, and for the most part it is a title that is deserved. We see the rise of Antichrist, Satan thrown to earth, demons released from the abyss and the death of millions if not billions of people globally. more

  • Who Do We Serve?

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 20, 2014

    Beginning our study of the book of Revelation we examine John, a servant who is sold-out for Jesus Christ and willing to do whatever it takes to reveal Christ to all who will read this book.

    Who do we serve? Revelation, Part 1, Revelation 1:1-11 Open your bibles to Revelation, Chapter 1 2 Tim 4:2 says “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” Ω Introduction more

  • Martyrdom Of The Two Witnesses (Vs 7-10) Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 20, 2014

    Two Witnesses killed in public view, and the unsaved world rejoices.

    The Martyrdom Of The Two Witnesses, Rev 11:7-10 Last week, we discussed how God would raise up two witnesses during the Tribulation Period to boldly preach repentance, judgment and the gospel message to the world. It would appear that the ministry of these two men would be in the first half of more

  • Fasten Your Seat Belt, Pilgrim, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 6, 2014

    Jesus is the star of the book of Acts from beginning to end, and everywhere in between. This sermon examines Jesus's opening salvos in the church era and the promise of His return and what all these things portend for the church and for us.

    Fasten Your Seat Belt, Pilgrim, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet Series: Acts Chuck Sligh February 2, 2014 TEXT: Our text will be Acts 1:1-11, so please turn in your Bibles to Acts 1. INTRODUCTION This morning I’m beginning a new preaching series through the book of more

  • Revelation 12: The Woman, The Child, & The Dragon Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Aug 6, 2011
    based on 18 ratings

    Chapter 12 in our ongoing study of Revelation. These are printed as handouts for each person and there is a quiz at the end they take at home.

    This chapter of Revelation is a “great” chapter, for we find many things being revealed to us. We find a “great wonder” in verse 1; “great dragon”, in verse 3; a “great wrath” in verse 12, and a “great eagle” in verse 14. But that is not all we find. We also find a great help because we will more

  • Study On Revelation 1 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 3, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    A very easy-to-understand teaching on Revelation 1.

    A little 5-year old girl was "helping" her mother fix dinner one evening when the mother asked her to go into the pantry and get her a can of tomatoes. The little girl said she was afraid to go in there because it was dark. The mother told her it was okay, as nothing was going to hurt her because more

  • Study On Revelation 2 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 3, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    A very easy-to-understand teaching on Revelation 2.

    In my very first position as a Senior Pastor, I quickly became aware of the major problem found in churches today. About three months into the job, I preached about the Rapture. I made sure it was not the old "hellfire & brimstone" type of message, and I even added some levity to a few parts, but more

  • Study On Revelation 3 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A very easy-to-understand teaching on Revelation 3.

    I remember when I was in grade school, I really thought that going to school was a waste of time. I knew the teachers were well educated, but I also thought that, as we lived and grew older, nobody would ever need all the information they were trying to teach us. A good friend of mine agreed more

  • Study On Revelation 4 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 3, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    An easy-to-understand study on Revelation 4.

    There are three views on the Rapture. That we will be taken up before the Tribulation period; that we will be taken up halfway through the Tribulation period; and that we will not be taken up until after the Tribulation period. There seems to be some scriptures that can be made to fit any of more

  • Study On Revelation 5 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 6, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    An easy-to-understand study on Revelation 5.

    This chapter deals with things that are written in a scroll; a scroll that was in God’s hands and which had a message from God to us. John will reveal the contents of that message to us one step at a time. VERSE 1: “Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing more

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