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  • Family & Ministry

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 12, 2019

    This message on ‘hard work, sacrifice and suffering’ may be hackneyed for this smartphone-era of pomp and opulence Christian ministry, nevertheless, hear me today, builders cannot take rest.....

    Dawn, noon & moon Nehemiah 4:21”…So we carried on the work with half of them holding spears from dawn until the stars appeared.” This message is not for all but only for people serving in the Christian ministry as pastors, preachers, leaders, care cell leaders, worship leaders, Evangelists, more

  • The Ministry Of Signs And Wonders

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Apr 8, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus said the supernatural Signs and Wonders are to “accompany those who believe” (Mark 16:17a NIV), and they should be fully understood by every Christian that they are to accompany them wherever they are.

    Many within the church believe that after the Apostles died and their writings were collected in the New Testament, the place of Signs and Wonders in evangelism has passed, and Christians should not pursue them today. This does not mean miracles don't happen. It just says they are not the more

  • The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Steve Meenho Kang on Oct 26, 2020

    In John 16, Jesus talked about 3 different ways that the Holy Spirit will minister to us and how we should be sensitive to His work in us.

    The Ministry of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit Part 4 John 16:7-15 (From Steve Meenho Kang, Live by the Spirit (Bloomington, IN: Westbow Press, 2022) Currently we are going through the message series, “The Holy Spirit.” During this series, we are examining the work of the Holy Spirit. First more

  • The Ministry Of John The Baptist Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Dec 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What does a successful ministry look like. How should we gauge the success of a preacher or a church. By worldly standards, John's ministry was a failure. By Jesus' standards John the Baptist was the greatest of all prophets.

    Grace Community Church Winchester, VA Watch this message on our YouTube Channel: Introduction Have you ever asked yourself how you identify the mark of a great pastor or preacher? What are the hallmarks of a great ministry? By worldly standards, more

  • Ministry At Thessalonica And Berea Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 17, 2021

    Paul, Silas passed through Amphipolis, Apollonia and reached Thessalonica. As per their custom, Paul and Silas went to the synagogue and preached Jesus as Christ. They proclaimed Jesus as King and Messiah of Jews. Paul and Silas arrived at Berea and started to preach in the synagogue over there.

    Acts 17:01-15 Ministry at Thessalonica and Berea 17:01-09 Ministry at Thessalonica 17:10-15 Ministry at Berea Acts 17:01-09 Ministry at Thessalonica Paul, Silas passed through Amphipolis, Apollonia and reached Thessalonica. As per their custom, Paul and Silas went to the synagogue and more

  • Extending The Ministry Of Jesus

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 30, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Withdrawing from a Service to service. The setting apart of the Apostles.

    EXTENDING THE MINISTRY OF JESUS. Mark 3:7-19. “But Jesus withdrew” (Mark 3:7). After Jesus’ healing of a man with a withered hand, on the sabbath, in the synagogue (Mark 3:1-5); the Pharisees were found ‘immediately’ plotting with the Herodians against Jesus, ‘how they might destroy Him’ more

  • Ministry Methods Questioned

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Oct 19, 2022

    Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him and then eats with sinners

    Ministry Methods Questioned (part 1) Mark 2:13-18 Good Morning, Dr. Kent Keith said in the paradoxical commandments, “People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, more

  • Sharing Ministry Together

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on May 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    When the volunteer workload is placed on the shoulders of just a handful of people, then these individuals get burnt out; and since they can’t do everything, then a lot of needs go unmet. Ministry is something to be shared among all believers.

    I wish to begin our message by sharing a personal account contributed by a pastor who was serving at a church in Washington State during the wake of the Mount St. Hellens eruption. This pastor said, After Mount St. Helens blew up in May 1980, [the] church needed cleaning up. Ash was in the more

  • The Liberating Ministry Of Jesus

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Sep 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Jesus' eyes, women were not inferior or marginalized.

    In a time when women were marginalized and oppressed, Jesus' ministry was a breath of fresh air. He defied societal norms, treating women with respect, dignity, and compassion. This sermon explores examples from the Bible that demonstrate Jesus' high regard for women. 1. The Samaritan more

  • What Ministry Is About PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The call to service as taught by Jesus in Mark 10:32-45, emphasizing the importance of selfless service and humility in the Christian life.

    Good morning, family! Today, we're diving into the heart of Mark 10, verses 32-45, where Jesus teaches His disciples about service. This passage is all about the call, cost, and reward of service. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: "The Church is the Church only when it exists for others...not more

  • Service Oriented Ministry PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    God values a willing heart to serve others. He cares more about your heart than he does your qualifications or talents.

    Good morning, church family! Today’s scripture will challenge us to examine our own hearts and the way we serve others. We’re going to be reading from Matthew 25:21-23, where Jesus tells the parable of the talents. To begin, I’d like to talk about the rewards we experience when we serve others. more

  • The Ministry Of Destiny Helpers Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Mar 10, 2025

    The journey of life and destiny requires the right people at the right time. No one succeeds alone; even the greatest men and women in the Bible had helpers. Recognising, honouring, and sustaining these destiny helpers is key to fulfilling our purpose.

    THE MINISTRY OF DESTINY HELPERS By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Exodus 17:12 "But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were more

  • Jesus' Ministry

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 25, 2024

    Jesus gives us a glimpse of what life is like in God's kingdom. He teaches us that true happiness isn't what the world thinks.

    In our journey to Easter Sunday, we continue in the book of Luke. Last week we talked about Jesus's mission. Today we will take a look at Jesus's actual ministry in Luke 6. In today’s passage, Jesus gives us a glimpse of what life is like in God's kingdom. He teaches us that true more

  • The Mystery And Ministry Of Melchizedek Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    As we explore Melchizedek's role and relevance to our faith, we will uncover profound truths that have the power to transform our understanding of Christ's priesthood and our own spiritual lives.

    The Mystery and Ministry of Melchizedek Introduction: Today, we embark on a journey of discovery into the intriguing figure of Melchizedek, a mysterious and significant figure in the Old Testament. As we explore Melchizedek's role and relevance to our faith, we will uncover profound truths more

  • The Purpose Of Word Ministry Series

    Contributed by Nelson Thomas on Sep 5, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Ministry – preaching & teaching – of the word of God is one of the integral parts of Christian services. But what do we achieve with this? What is the purpose behind the preaching or sharing of the word of God?

    Ministry – preaching & teaching – of the word of God is one of the integral parts of Christian services. But what do we achieve with this? What is the purpose behind the preaching or sharing of the word of God? Is it just to fill the gap? Or give some one an opportunity? In certain cases it more

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