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  • How Do We Understand It? Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Mar 2, 2016

    The Bible is intended to be easily understood by the reader.

    Story about understanding the Bible Turn to 2 Timothy 2:15 This morning we continue our series on the Bible. We used the term text (ICON/VIDEO) because it speaks of the ancient text while at the same time speaking of our contemporary times. In week 1, we discussed the Why? (ICON/3 IMAGES). more

  • Things You Can't Buy

    Contributed by Jerry Stepp on Oct 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Listed in the outline are a few things that are not For Sale. Items that have been bought and Paid for, and are no longer on the auction block

    THINGS YOU CAN’T BUY I Corinthians 6:19-20 Introduction; The text tells us that a price has been paid. That we have been purchased, a slave being purchased at the auction block in no longer his/her own, but to the one who has paid the highest cost. We can look back into the Story of Hosea and more

  • Study Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 15, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    A series of sermons from Richard Foster’s book "Celebration of Discipline."

    SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: STUDY ROMANS 12:2 INTRODUCTION… Time management from The Unleashing Connection, Winter 1990, p. 3 "In one year, the average American will read or complete 3,000 notices and forms, read 100 newspapers and 36 magazines, watch 2,463 hours of television, listen to 730 hours more

  • God's Word: Nourishment For The Spirit

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 28, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    The Bible provides nourishment for our spirit, much like food and water provide physical nourishment. We need to accept the authority of God’s Word; Incorporate the truth of the Bible into our thinking; and Apply it to our lives.

    (I borrowed from William Richard Ezell’s sermon published in The Preacher’s Magazine—using his outline and some of his ideas. But I also included enough new material that I thought it worthwhile to post. I don’t have footnote material on the magazine. If anyone has it, please email it to me, and more

  • The Grand Finale Of God's Word Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Jul 22, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Introducing the first in a series of studies of the amazing book of Revelation. You are invited to let God’s Word do the talking!

    Revelation, The Bible’s Grand Finale It is hard to imagine a more appropriate ending to the Bible than the book of Revelation. Of all the books of the Bible, Revelation gives the fullest picture of the conclusion of all of earth’s history with the climax and drama of a prophetic disclosure. more

  • Interpretation Of Scripture

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    There is reasonalbe differentiation on biblical interpretation and then there is the loony.

    Neighborhood Junk Mail. We get a lot of junk mail – don’t we all. This one is from a local realtor – they use a lot of fill. Important dates for January. (sorry I threw out the junk mail and don’t have the info for sermon central here, but it is not that relevant to the sermon. But the realtor more

  • God's Love Letter Series

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Sep 5, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    A very practical sermon that depicts the Bible as God’s love letter to us. The message shares some insights from the Word about the Word and practical advice on how to engage the Bible.

    Back when I was a young sailor, I came back home on Christmas leave. My sister asked me to take her to get some last minute Christmas gifts and I said OK. So when we got into the car, my sister told me that she was going to invite a friend, Sofi, to come along with us. Well – let me tell you – I more

  • Bible Style Faith

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    ‘Faith’ is a misunderstood subject, which has led to a disappointment amongst many who claim to belong to the Lord, because of unanswered prayer. Let’s take a fresh look at this topic, and see what the scriptures have to say to us.

    BIBLE STYLE FAITH I believe that ‘Faith’ is a greatly misunderstood subject, and as a result it has led to a huge disappointment amongst many who claim to belong to the Lord, because of what appears to be unanswered prayer. It would be good for us to take a fresh look at this topic, and see what more

  • How To Study The Bible

    Contributed by David Cambridge on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    There are many who do not study God’s word because they don’t know how. This lesson offers a few brief guidelines (See also How To Study The Bible 2).

    How To Study The Bible Guidelines Introduction There are many who do not study God’s word because they don’t know how. This lesson offers a few brief guidelines. I. If You Do Not Study A. You cannot act in faith (Romans 14:23). B. Willful sins of ignorance will not be forgiven (2 Peter more

  • No Bible No Power Know The Bible Know The Power

    Contributed by Eddie Robinson on Jun 2, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    This sermon is written with the idea of motivating a person to become a Bible reader.

    No Bible No Power Know the Bible Know the Power Catch phrase: Grab the Word 23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, 24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto more

  • Bible Research #1 - Why Study The Bible? Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Bible Research is a condensed Bible College Course in how to study the Bible. This first session answers two questions: 1. What is the Bible? 2. Why Study the Bible?

    SESSION #1 – WHAT IS THE BIBLE? WHAT IS THE BIBLE? “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which more

  • Bible Research #2 - How To Study The Bible

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Bible Research is a condensed Bible College Course in how to study the Bible. This second session answers the question: How do I study the Bible?

    BIBLE RESEARCH #2 - HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: SESSION #3 – THE BIBLE STUDY PROCESS Note: EFFECTIVE Bible study requires a METHOD. Quote: “You don’t teach a kid to swim by tossing him in the deep end of a pool and saying, OK, swim!” (Howard Hendricks) I. THE LIVING BY THE BOOK METHOD: What is more

  • A Bible Without Trust Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Sep 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The world today has lead many people into a state of great illiteracy of the Bible. We should know our Bible and hold it close to our hearts.

    A Bible without Trust 2 Timothy 3:16 1 Peter 1:23-25 Intro Since the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, Satan has been attacking the Word of God, trying to lead people astray. Satan attacks the Word from the outside. He rises up people like Caesar to try to crush the Word. But he also more

  • How To Study The Bible

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Oct 30, 2001
    based on 120 ratings

    As a believer how important is it to study the Bible? What if you don’t know how to do it? Pastor Steve shares in this message principles of Bible study.

    INTRODUCTION Bible study is very important for all believers. It is the very means by which you are equipped for God’s work. It is not just for those called to vocational ministry but for all believers. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not more

  • How To Study The Bible Like A Pro - Class #7b - Foundational Rules Of Bible Interpretation - Continued Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Sep 13, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    Continuation of Class #7a

    A. Eight Rules of Hermeneutics 1. Rule of Context a). The three most important rules of interpretation are context, context, and context! Context is the first and most important principle for accurate interpretation. A word can only mean what the original author meant. A text out of context more

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