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Sermons on betrayal of the lord:

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  • I Am Holy?

    Contributed by David Cramer on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    I am holy. You have got to be kidding.

    In Jesus Name. I am Holy? You have got to be kidding. Isaiah 53:5, 11 God calls us TO BE HOLY. God, Our Creator, wants ultimate blessedness and joy for us. He created us to share and manifest his glory. Sin is what de-humanizes us, causes us to be less whole, less human, and less joyful. more

  • Judas - Walking With Jesus But Following Satan

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Mar 22, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    There are few more perplexing questions of the Bible than this: If He knew that Judas would betray Him in the end, why did Jesus choose Judas as a disciple to begin with?. And what does Jesus have to teach us by choosing someone to be his disciple, knowing full well he would betray him?

    Judas the traitor. Walking with Jesus but following Satan. John 13: 21-27 Every story needs a villain and Judas Iscariot fills this role in the gospels. He is the apostle who betrayed Jesus and helps the Jewish authorities to arrest him. Judas enjoyed a privileged position among Jesus' more

  • The Way Back To God

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Nov 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter is the perfect example of how to get away from God... and how to come back.

    The Way Back To God" Jeremiah 3:12-13 What is a "backslider? Not a funny question . Two kinds of people described as "backsliders.... l. Those who joined a church but no longer attend and do not live by Christian principles. Not back sliders because they have not slid away from God... they more

  • King For A Day

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on May 30, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Could it be that many who followed Jesus into Jerusalem turned away from him when they realized Jesus was not going to overthrow the government? Do we seek our own selfish agenda through Christ or is He truly our King?

    King for a Day Luke 19:28-48 The word Hosanna is a Greek word which is translated from the Hebrew word hoshiiah na which means save now. A few weeks ago we learned Jesus was called Yeshua Hamashia or Jesus the Messiah. Today we celebrate and remember how Jesus was King for a Day as he rode into more

  • The Man Who Kisse The Door Of Heaven And Went To Hell

    Contributed by Mark Wooley on Jun 15, 2021

    The greatest pretender of all time has to be Judas. What a wonderful Savior we have that even though He knew Judas and when Judas places a kiss on Jesus' face, Jesus still calls him Friend

    THE MAN WHO KISSED THE DOOR OF HEAVEN AND WENT TO HELL MATTHEW 26:47-50 If you would be so kind to stand with me as we give reverence to the Reading of God’s Word PRAYER This morning I would like to preach with the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit on this topic. THE MAN WHO KISSED THE more

  • Judas Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on May 12, 2020

    Third message in a 7 sermon series. Judas shows us just how close a person can get to Jesus and not be a Christian.

    Journey to the Resurrection Judas March 15, 2020 Morning Service Easter 2020 Series Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Judas shows us just how close a person can get to Jesus and not be a Christian. Focus Passage: Matt 26:14-16, 21-25, 47-50 Supplemental Passage: And more

  • "Oh Look, A Squirrel" A Sermon On Distractions

    Contributed by Calvary Callender on Jul 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes we as Christians get distracted by things in our lives. This sermon takes a look at Mary's statement of belief in Jesus and then withdrawing from that statement when she is distracted by her surroundings.

    Introduction: When I was in 6th grade all of my friends were getting girlfriends and I wanted to have one too. The only problem was that all the girls I liked already had a boyfriend. There was one girl that ran around in the same group as I did and her name was Tina. I remember Tina very well, more

  • Why We Forgive Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Based on Dr. John A. McArthur's book "The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness" in reading or hearing this message we learn that we are nothing less than hypocrites when we do not forgive. For more information on this topic,read MacArthur's book! (1/5/14)

    **I preached this sermon, based upon concepts from John MacArthur's book "The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness", originally in 1999. Since then, I have preached it a few times and have modified it to fit in a devotional format. Over the next few weeks, we will discuss the topic of forgiveness, more

  • When A Person Turns Away From God Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 31, 2010
    based on 30 ratings

    What happens when a person turns away from God? Paul tells us what the Galatians lost or became by turning away from God to idol worship. 1- They became enslaved and lost their freedom 2- They became joyless and lost their exuberance

    INTRO.- 8Formerly, when you did not know God. Was there ever a time in your life that you didn’t know God? ILL.- I love the cute story about the little boy whose mother just gave birth to his baby brother. While the baby was sleeping in his crib, big brother looks into the crib at his baby more

  • When Someone Betrays Christ Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Mar 23, 2020

    A look at the disciples' response to Jesus' shocking declaration that one of them would betray Him. How do we handle things today when someone betrays the cause of Christ?

    WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOOK UP TO WALKS AWAY FROM CHRIST: There are a lot of casualties along the road. - Luke 20:23. - It’s obviously a tragedy to watch someone walk away from Christ or to betray Christ. What makes that even more of a tragedy is the ripple effect. - It might be someone who gives up more

  • Why Do People Betray Others? Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The 1611 version of the KJV Bible mentions “betrayal” 17 times, 16 of those references are aimed at Judas Iscariot.

    Friendly Fire Sermon Series (Inspired by Perry Stone’s book, “Judas Goat”) “Why Do People Betray Others?” 1 of 3 1/5/2014 Chester’s FBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson Introduction: A I Why Betrayal Happens A The 1611 version of the KJV Bible mentions more

  • Palm Sunday

    Contributed by David Trexler on Apr 12, 2011
    based on 39 ratings

    Don’t we in the midst of our brokenness sometimes need to have our heads examined?

    Sermon for Palm Sunday April 17, 2011 When living in Jasper Indiana my family and I collected cats. That’s right cats. We lived on three acres surrounded by thousands of acres of farm land. Therefore we encountered quite a few varmints such as snakes and mice. Hence cats. At one time I more

  • The Ministry Of The Evil Flute Players

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Jun 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon about evil flute players

    Deliverance From The Ministry of the Evil Flute Players Matthew 9:18-26 New King James Version A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed 18 While He spoke these things to them, behold, a ruler came and worshiped Him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay Your hand on more

  • He-Devil

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 16, 2013
    based on 17 ratings

    Now, why did Jesus choose Judas to be one of His disciples? Was He such a bad judge of character? Was it a mistake? Of course, Jesus knew from the beginning what would happen. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    He-Devil John 6:66-71 It's not hard to think of someone named after a disciple. Andrew, Peter, Philip, John, James...Judas? No, that name conjures up negative imagery in our minds. Betrayer - traitor - evil - liar - hypocrite - greedy - devil. It was more

  • Choosing Sides

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Dec 4, 2023

    No matter who or what you are committed to, if Christ is not put first, all the other allegiances suffer as well.

    A few years ago, my sister played the female lead in a community theater production of a play called “Pack of Lies.” It was about a couple whose neighbors across the street were suspected of espionage; the British Secret Service asked their permission to establish a surveillance on them from the more

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