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  • The Lord Our Shield

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 10, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Abraham chose to believe God rather than his own doubts and fears.

    THE LORD OUR SHIELD. Genesis 15:1-6. After the battle of the kings, Abram no doubt would have had a rush of emotion. First of all, perhaps, elation: look what God has enabled me to do with a small household army (Genesis 14:14-16). Secondly, a sudden realisation: I’ve just picked a fight with more

  • Jehovah-Jireh

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 12, 2013

    God as our Provider.

    JEHOVAH-JIREH: The Lord Will Provide Scripture: Genesis 15:5-18; 22:7-14; Hebrews 11:17-19 Introduction: The title of my message this morning “JEHOVAH-JIREH: The Lord Will Provide”. This will be the first of several messages focusing on the names of God. There are twenty-one more

  • Abraham: Being Made Right With God Series

    Contributed by Matthew Grise on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Genesis 15:1-6. What is the most important lesson we can learn from the life of Abraham? It is that righteousness has always come through faith.

    LESSONS FROM THE LIVES OF THE PATRIARCHS GENESIS PART 2 – POSTDILUVIAN/PATRIARCHAL HISTORY ABRAHAM: BEING MADE RIGHT WITH GOD GENESIS 15:1-6 INTRODUCTION - Every religion in the world exists as a way of answering two fundamental life questions. The first question is: Does God exist?. The second more

  • "Set-Right With God"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to Trustfully Believe in God and get "Set-Right with God"

    8 August 2010 West Fort Hood Community Chapel U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fort Hood Texas BIG IDEA: Believers should avoid relying on their own wits – and understanding – by Trusting and Believing God to keep his promises. REFERENCES: Genesis 14:22-24 NIV (But Abram said to more

  • Like The Stars

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Aug 10, 2010

    Faith is ultimately abandonment to divine sovereignty.

    Like The Stars, Genesis 15:1-6 Introduction The Bible: It has often been reviled; but it has never been refuted. Its foundations have been examined by the most searching eyes. In Hume, and Gibbon, and Voltaire, and La Place, not to mention a multitude of vulgar assailants, the Bible has had to more

  • It's Everywhere Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jan 20, 2010

    Telling someone "God loves you" seems trite and meaningless. Too many people act as though that's his job. But I have respect the agnostics you say it's presumptuous to believe a Supreme Being would care about us. They get it. The idea that God would

    Introduction: What do the following have in common? • A man & woman lighting one candle • A man & woman exchanging rings • "Dearly beloved we gathered here in the presence of these witnesses...." They're all part of a wedding ceremony. Middle eastern people in the Bible, from more

  • Part 1 - Genesis 15:1-6 - There's Muscle Power Behind His Words Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Apr 1, 2010
    based on 21 ratings

    I saw two boxers standing face to face before a big fight talking big words but its what happens in the ring that counts.

    Part 1 - Genesis 15:1-6 - THERE'S MUSCLE POWER BEHIND HIS WORDS I saw two boxers standing face to face before a big fight talking big words but its what happens in the ring that counts. When my grandson runs to me as I get home in the afternoons, he often says, "Hey Pa, do you want to play with more

  • Part 2 - Genesis 15:6-21 - Chasing Away The Vultures Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Some vultures swooped down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away" Notice there is ALWAYS SOMETHING OR SOMEONE WHO WILL TRY TO STOP YOU ENTERING INTO A COVENANT relationship with God, and you will have to refuse to let them.

    Part 2 - Genesis 15:6-21 - CHASING AWAY THE VULTURES Moving to Sydney from the Whitsunday's in Australia is like moving to a new country - it has a culture of it's own which is vastly different. Moving into a new ministry also has it's challenges and so I can identify with Abram as God brought him more

  • Shield Of God’s Word Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on May 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Abraham overcomes fear with the shield of God’s promises - so can we.

    The more I study scripture, the more I discover that there are no great men and women of God in the Bible. There is only one hero and that is the Lord himself. Even the greatest man or woman fails in Scripture and any success they do have is not of themselves but is completely the work of God’s more

  • The Covenant With Abraham Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 18, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Number 27 in our series on Genesis. In this sermon we examine more closely the covenant God made with Abraham.

    The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis part 27) Text: Genesis 15:1 – 21 By: Ken McKinley Well, for the last few Sunday’s we’ve been talking about Abraham, and we’ve been looking at how he has grown in his faith and in his walk with the Lord. We’ve seen him act in faith more

  • Abraham Set Free To Be Blessed And A Blessing! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on May 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus continues the covenant that was established with Abraham and we are now under the eternal covenant.

    Abraham set free to be blessed and a blessing! Genesis 17:1-22 Last week I had said that I was going to start a series called ‘Great Men warts and all’; it looks like I may have to change the name of the series to ‘Great People warts and all’ as there are some fairly warty women in the Bible more

  • God Is Our Shield

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Feb 16, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Proposition: In Genesis 15:1 - The LORD GOD tells Abraham (and therefore us) that 1. He will be Abraham's Shield 2. He will be Abraham's protector, defender and guard. 3. All Abraham has to do is allow God to lead

    Scripture: Genesis 15:1-12; Psalms 27; Philippians 3:17 - 4:1 Theme: God is Our Shield Proposition: In Genesis 15:1 - The LORD GOD tells Abraham that 1. He will be Abraham's Shield 2. He will be Abraham's protector, defender and guard. 3. All Abraham has to do is allow God to lead more

  • Abram’s Smoking Firepot & Blazing Torch

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 31, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    This was one of the most significant moments in all human history, when God signed His name on the dotted line of salvation, at least, from our perspective. What is a covenant? What parts of this account are covenantal? What is the smoking firepot and the

    ABRAM’S SMOKING FIREPOT & BLAZING TORCH Gen. 15:5-17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. An elderly wife said to her husband, "Why don't we eat something sweet. Get us both a bowl of ice cream." 2. The husband said, "We only have a little ice cream, but I don't want to eat it without chocolate more

  • God’s Blood Covenant With Us!

    Contributed by Victor Ramlall on Feb 13, 2013

    The new covenant in Christ is the ultimate everlasting covenant God made with all mankind and is ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ through His death on Calvary.

    The Bible is in two major divisions called testaments or covenants. The word testament is a translation of the Greek “diatheke” which was a translation of the Hebrew word “Berith” which means covenant. The covenant is not much understood today having been watered down in meaning. However in the more

  • Thy Will Be Done

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Abram was that that type of guy "Thy Will Be Done" it was his concept to do what ever God said. We to should be Thy Will Be Done type of people.

    Gen 15:1-18 Thy Will Be Done Type Person 1. Many put their faith in the Following A. Many put faith in things that are safe No risk No reward B. Many put faith in Security (Back up Plan) C. Many put their Faith in self serving ways more

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