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  • Looks Bad? We May Never Know.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 10, 2019

    Things that may look good, could be dangerous? Things that may look bad today might be a blessing in disguise? Good can come out of bad?

    LOOKS BAD? YOU MAY NEVER KNOW? THIS OBSTACLE MAY BRING THE ANSWER! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (MSG) That's why we more

  • The Good News And The Bad News About God Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jun 9, 2020

    We all like to make our own estimations of what we think God is like. This passage is a reminder to us that we must accept God for who He is, not who we wish He was.

    - Opening image: the result explosion of Facebook avatars. They are cute and fun and I don’t have a problem with them. But if I may make a gentle observation: some of you don’t look like you think you look! - I’m sure some people intentionally upgraded their appearance, but there are others who more

  • Seeing The Good Overshadows The Bad! (Psalm 13) Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 12, 2019

    The Psalmist highlights the difference it makes in lives by seeing that God is always with us no matter what our situations and circumstances might be.

    MAKING MUSIC FROM SHARPS AND FLATS IN LIFE Sermons Based on Selected Psalms Psalms Sermon III – Psalm more

  • Preparing For Bad Times Without Trusting In The World

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 28, 2023

    Daniel sinks back into self-reflection, with symptoms reminiscent of what we today know as a “panic attack.” How does he escape?

    Saturday of the Last Week in the Year (Dec 2) 2023 I heard a radio commentator say recently that he can’t remember a time when he heard as many people talking about the “end times” as he hears today. This being the last week of our Church year, we are hearing “end time readings,” particularly from more

  • "the Bad Habits Of Jesus"

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on May 29, 2024

    PC controls our culture, and values. Harrison Butker stood against a self righteous culture at a personal cost. Jesus confronted PC Pharisees regarding the "Sabbath" rules. quotes from Leonard Sweet, Ken Bailey (Jesus thru Middle Eastern Eyes)

    In Jesus Holy Name June 2, 2024 Text: Mark 2:23-24,27-28 Pentecost II Redeemer “The Bad Habits of Jesus” Each Sunday in this liturgical calendar year our gospel readings are from the Book of more

  • When Good Things Happen To Bad People

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Dec 6, 2021

    Sometimes it seems like bad people are getting the better side of life while the good suffer.

    WHEN GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE Based on the work of Warren Wiersbe Read Psalms 73 “Almost Gone” It's important that we gird ourselves with basic truths. Life isn't free of painful experiences. Because we don't understand all things in life, we must fall back on things we more

  • When Deception Goes From Bad To Worse Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jul 14, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    We especially need to take notice since the deception of the end time will be far worse than anything that we have experienced to this point.

    Introduction: So far in our study, we have looked at how we can be deceived. We can personally be deceived by gaining too much wisdom of this world that we discount the Word of God as irrelevant and unimportant. We also can experience deception by hearing the Word preached to us and then doing more

  • Why? Why? Why? Things Look Bad?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 14, 2021

    Many seem to demand to know WHY? God does not always explain what He is doing. God teaches us just to trust his plan. Joseph could not see God's plan for many years. God was there all the time.

    WHY? WHY? WHY? THINGS LOOK SO BAD! DREAM? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. WHY? WHY? WHY? TELL ME WHY? WHY MAKE ME GO THROUGH THIS? Years ago I was traveling and I stayed in a motel and was watching the local news. It was summer time. Football camps were taking place. more

  • Making Bad Deposits Into God’s Treasury

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 16, 2022

    What is a treasury? What bank do we use? What bank holds our accounts? What is our incentive to make any deposits into those accounts?

    What is a treasury? Funds or revenue of an organization or corporation, a collection of highly prized items, a place where the funds are stored. So, in the natural world, money gathers interest in various types of bank accounts. What bank do we use? What bank holds our accounts? What is our more

  • "When ‘bad Luck’ Knocks Us Down” Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Apr 4, 2023

    The story of Joseph being sold into slavery provides a compelling example of moments when it seems like "bad luck" has come our way when God may be up to something else.

    WHY DID THAT HAPPEN? There are moments when we feel like bad luck knocked us down. - We will get into the specifics that this passage details as we go through the sermon, but this is obviously a passage with some “just-so-happened” moments. - To use the common vernacular, someone might say, “Oh, more

  • How To Put Out The Fire Of The Tongue (Part 2)

    Contributed by Tony Miano on May 6, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    James recognized that our tongues have the ability to destroy (vv. 5b-6), dispute (vv. 7-8), and double-talk (9-12).

    How To Put Out the Fire of the Tongue (Part 2) James 3:5b-12 Preached by Pastor Tony Miano Pico Canyon Community Church May 6, 2001 Introduction: Last week we began our study of James 3:1-12 by looking at the first four and a half verses. We looked at what James had to say about putting out the more

  • A Messiah Who Reads The Heart Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 24, 2010

    Our words are a litmus test of the condition of our hearts.

    A Messiah Who Reads the Heart Text: Matt. 12:33-37 Introduction 1. Illustration: My wife Tina is an internal auditor for T. Marzetti. When she walks into a plant to do an audit she can tell a lot about that plant by what she sees. If she finds that the financials, employment records, inventory, more

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed by Rocco Naudé on Feb 1, 2002
    based on 514 ratings

    This sermon is about new beginnings. We all mess up. And because we all mess up, we like to start over. But after too many disappointments we often give up. However, the Bible speaks of a "new creation"--and then we become abassadors of Jesus!

    I. Hope We all mess up. We say things we later wish we could take back. We do things we wish we could undo. We miss opportunities. This happens in all spheres of our lives. Sometimes we make mistakes at work, sometimes we hurt the people we love, sometimes we disappoint God. And because we more

  • Life Controlling Habits Series

    Contributed by Jeff Seaman on Apr 13, 2001
    based on 427 ratings

    This sermon is about taking inventory of the negative habits in our lives that need to be broken.

    LIFE CONTROLLING HABITS Coming Clean Part 1 Gal. 5:1 2 Peter 2:19 Pastor Jeff seaman Gal. 5:1 “ It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Today I want to speak to you about how to break free from life more

  • The Life Of Moses Part 1 Of 4 Series

    Contributed by Charles La Porte on Jun 21, 2009


    The Life of Moses pt.1 Exodus 2:1-15 read & pray… 1. (THE GOOD) HE FORFEITED LUXORY FOR A LONGING Ex. 2:1-11 Even from his earliest days, Moses felt uncomfortable swith his Egyptian surroundings…every more

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