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  • The Adoration Of Baby Jesus

    Contributed by Paul George on Dec 26, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    If Jesus was the promised Messiah one might expect that He would be received with all the ceremony possible.

    The Adoration of Baby Jesus Matthew 2:1-12 If Jesus was the promised Messiah one might expect that He would be received with all the ceremony possible, that crowns and scepters would be laid at his feet, and that the high and mighty princes of the world would humble themselves and bow before Him more

  • Baby Jesus In Jerusalem

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 14, 2019

    The Savior’s entire life built up toward His crucifixion and resurrection. He had to be the sinless Lamb of God and endorsed by the Spirit so He could redeem us because He loves us!

    Baby Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21-38) 1. Things don’t always work the way we think they should. 2. There was a man in the Persian empire that looked just like the king. When the real king was quietly assassinated, he pretended to be him and ruled for a time (Smerdis/Pseudo Smerdis). 3. Likewise, more

  • Christmas Baby Jesus

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Nov 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    How do you see Jesus at this Christmas season? Is he still a tiny baby in the manger or is He the person that God has given a Name above every Name. How you see him determines how you receive from Him.

    Christmas Baby Jesus Valley Grove words 1629 December 1, 2017 Philippians 2:9-11 In the movie Talledega Nights the race car driver Ricky Bobby asks the blessing over a family meal. He said, “Dear Lord baby Jesus thank you for this bountiful meal from Dominos, KFC, and Taco Bell. The family more

  • Beyond Baby Jesus Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 14, 2023

    Today people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. For most people Christmas is all about baby Jesus. All go to church, worship, and are grateful to God for sending his son Jesus Christ into this world. Then they go back

    INTRODUCTION: Today people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. For most people Christmas is all about baby Jesus. All go to church, worship, and are grateful to God for sending his son Jesus Christ into this world. Then they go back home and it is all about them. What does Jesus mean to more

  • Jerusalem- Baby Jesus Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 30, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 19th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#19] JERUSALEM- BABY JESUS Matthew 23:37 Introduction: We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37 We have studied the beginning of Jerusalem, the building and destruction and rebuilding of the more

  • God As A Helpless Baby

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 6, 2024

    In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, we tend to forget the cause of Christmas. We hear but we don’t hear. The Christmas story tells the most amazing story: that God came down to earth in the form of a tiny, helpless baby.

    GOD AS A HELPLESS BABY Lk. 2:10-12 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Having to Sleep in the Barn 1. Three college students -- one from India, one a Jew from Israel and the third a Hippie -- were having trouble finding a room for the night. After much searching, they finally found an Inn with only two beds more

  • The Baby Jesus: What A Gift!

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Dec 25, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Christmas Day: Through the gift of the Christ Child, God comes into our reality to restore our sinful humanity, to defeat our enemy and to give us hope for life eternal.

    Do you have a favorite gift? I have one that I really, really love. It isn’t a particularly expensive gift. It isn’t a particularly beautiful gift. It isn’t even a particularly useful gift. But, it is a fun gift. I don’t take this gift out very often. In fact, I have this gift in a plastic bag and more

  • God's Gift Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Brian Moon on Dec 5, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Part 2 of this new series that is looking into the true meaning of Christmas.

    “Christmas Beyond the Wrapping Paper” part 2 God’s Gift of Peace Brian A. Moon A number of years ago now I had the opportunity to go spend a week on a houseboat floating down the St. John’s River in north Central Florida. It was a busy week leading up to this trip and when we arrived I found more

  • The Threatening Baby

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Dec 6, 2002
    based on 90 ratings

    Herod was threatened by the Baby Jesus. Are we threatened by Christ? Afraid he might rule our lives?

    Matthew 2:1-12 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, more

  • The Baby Jesus Coming To Our Home Series

    Contributed by Damien Spikereit on Dec 2, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    An indirect sermon focusing on God’s strange journey to our home.

    - Every family has certain Christmas traditions. I would imagine your family is no different. Some families like to open their presents on Christmas Eve, others wait until Christmas morning. Some families who come from Catholic backgrounds will huddle up in the car and head to Midnight Mass, I more

  • Jesus From Baby To Boy

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jan 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Some people think that Jesus never knew sickness or pain until the cross but that thinking is contrary to scripture. Jesus knows full well what it means to be human.

    Jesus from Baby to Boy Many people are fascinated with the life of Jesus but say there is a lack of information about his early years. I want to address that concern and show you we know more about Jesus early years than people think. What we need to remember is that the gospel writers were more

  • The Christmas Spirit

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Dec 16, 2014

    A drama for children: The Christmas Spirit

    1st Sunday After Christmas (This children’s talk is based on Luke 2: 22-40, where Mary and Joseph present Jesus at the Temple) Theme: The Christmas spirit. Objective: To teach that the spirit of Christmas continues throughout the year. To teach that the joy of Christmas is the joy of more

  • Kodak Moments In The Life Of Christ (Christmas)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 16, 2022

    Christmas is a very special time of the year. It is one of the happiest times of the year for most folks. But it is not only the happiest time of the year for some folks, it is also a very sad time for others.

    The statistics tell us that suicides rank high at this time of the year. WHY IS THIS A SAD TIME OF THE YEAR FOR SOME FOLKS? It is especially sad for some folks for two reasons: (1) SOME HAVE SUFFERED A DIVORCE This Christmas is the first year they have had without their marriage partner. more

  • Don't Kill My Baby

    Contributed by Travis L. Billings on Dec 11, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    When we enter into a Spirit of Praise, God will birth in us a vision and answers to what our questions are. When this happens, people will either leave us or support us. There is no in between.

    Don’t Kill My Baby Joel 2:28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Matt 1:18-21, 24 (20) Geneva Version 1599 18 now the birth of Jesus Christ was thus, when as his more

  • Lesson 4: Angels Protect Baby Jesus

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    “He who dwells in the secret place of prayer of the Most High, will abide in the protective shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1).

    1. There were many attempts to kill Jesus before He went to the cross; and Herod killing the babies in Nazareth was one of them. (Killed maybe 20 babies). 2. This lesson shows the work of guardian angels. “These little ones . . . their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is more

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