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  • A Call For The Elect To Arise: A Prayer And Teaching For God’s Chosen

    Contributed by Danielle Jeremiah on Jan 30, 2025

    This a call to the elect. We have become to attached to the things of this world. It is time to let go and realize that we are a part of a kingdom that will never pass away.

    A Call for the Elect to Arise: A Prayer and Teaching for God’s Chosen Introduction: The Time for the Elect to Rise is Now We are living in an hour where the lines between light and darkness are being drawn more clearly than ever before. The world is growing colder, deception is increasing, and more

  • Inerrancy Matters - Part 2

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 14 ratings

    Thesis: A thinking Christian can believe in an inerrant Bible.

    Thesis: A thinking Christian can believe in an inerrant Bible. Intro.: 1. This AM we affirmed that the Bible is the Word of God and is totally and completely free from error. a. This is far from being a matter of opinion or question of semantics. b. The Bible doctrine of inerrancy matters for more

  • The Peril Of Pride

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 75 ratings

    Thesis: When we forget those who have helped us pride destroys us.

    Thesis: When we forget those who have helped us pride destroys us. Intro.: 1. We want to talk about SOMETHING this AM that: a. Deceives heart (Jer. 49:16). e. Brings men to destruction b. Hardens mind (Dan. 5:20). (Prov. 16:18). c. Brings contention (Prov. 13:10). f. Abomination to God more

  • United We Stand

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Mar 18, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Standing together as one Family under God. What the World thinks of "The Passion of the Christ"

    United We Stand. 2nd Peter 3:3-11 “In the end days there will be many scoffers...” In a world filled with hate, we as christians can do only one thing, Stand together. The world is starting to show its true colors, when the image of Jesus on the cross can be used more

  • The Preaching Of The King - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Paul George on Jan 14, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    Those who are blessed are those who mourn. Mourning is hateful and irksome to the human nature.

    The preaching of the King – Part 2 Matthew 5:3-16 Those who are blessed are those who mourn. Mourning is hateful and irksome to the human nature. Jesus said the happy people in this world are those who mourn. If they mourn, how can they be blessed? Only the child of God has the key to this more

  • The Number One Condition Of Answered Prayer

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 24, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    What is the condition of answered prayer that Jesus mentioned the most? It’s the necessity of faith.

    - The condition of answered prayer that Jesus mentioned most often was faith/notice how many times faith and belief are mentioned in vv. 22, 23, 24. How Much Faith Do We Have? 1. Are you surprised when an answer to prayer comes? - v. 21. - “One of the terrible marks of the diseased state of more

  • The Writing On The Wall

    Contributed by Richard White on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    THe signs of the times are always before us. Do we see the writing on the wall?

    THE WRITING ON THE WALL Daniel 5:1-7 Most recognize this passage from the Book of Daniel; almost any Sunday school student has heard this story. Most of us can tell the story that is narrated for us in this passage. It is about a foolhardy people who did not see the signs, and as a result more

  • How To Cope With A Crowing Rooster

    Contributed by William Young on Sep 10, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    To show why we should immediately respond to God’s Word in convicting us of Sin.

    HOW TO COPE WITH A CROWING ROOSTER MARK 14:66-72 Thesis; To show why we should immediately respond to God’ Word in convicting us of Sin. 1. In this rapidly changing world some things are now as they were two thousand years ago. Roosters still crow! a. Early peaceful mornings on the farm awaken more

  • Stepping Out

    Contributed by Rick Adams on Oct 11, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Preparing in the peaceful times to step out when God calls.

    A young man applied for a job as a farmhand. When the farmer asked for his qualifications, he said, "I can sleep when the wind blows." This puzzled the farmer. But he liked the young man, and hired him. A few days later, the farmer and his wife were awakened in the night by a violent storm. They more

  • The Return Of Jesus

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Mar 23, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus will return, He will raise His people from the dead, and we need to live such lives as will prepare us for His arrival.

    The Return of Jesus I Thess. 4:13-18 INTRO.: Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He promised to return. After He left, the promise was repeated. Acts 1:1-11. Later, there arose confusion about this basic gospel teaching. There were those who feared it would never happen. Others believed He would more

  • The Writing On The Wall

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 13, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    THe Time is coming, as we enter into the New Year are we seeing the writing on the wall. Maybe this year is the year Jesus returns?

    THE WRITING ON THE WALL Daniel 5:1-7 Most recognize this passage from the Book of Daniel; almost any Sunday school student has heard this story. Most of us can tell the story that is narrated for us in this passage. It is about a foolhardy people who did not see the signs, and as a result their more

  • Hour Of Revival

    Contributed by Peter Vandever on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    We are living in a historical hour of Church History!

    We are living in what is shaping up to be the most important hour in Church history. The word that defines this hour has to be revival. A season of grace of a manifestation of God’s visitation with evidences of salvation, healing, and deliverance. In other words, God is showing up! We are seeing it more

  • The Power Of Conversion

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 22, 2000
    based on 84 ratings

    The power of God is revealed in the conversion of Saul

    The Power of Conversion Acts 9:1-9 I. Saul’s Mission A. Saul wanted to destroy the church 1. Saul states his threats a.) Saul makes his disgust of the church known b.) Saul designs a plan to eliminate the church 2. Saul was eager to persecute the Christians a.) Saul approached this issue with more

  • Are You Known In Hell?

    Contributed by Joel Carwile on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    How to make the devil mad!!!!

    Acts 19: 11-15 Are You Known in Hell? 11 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. 13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it more

  • Discerning The Times

    Contributed by Tim Gibson on Apr 10, 2001
    based on 109 ratings

    What time is it in a spiritual sense ? This sermon looks at what year, month,dat and hour it is.

    (1) INTRODUCTION: Read 1 Chron 12:32 and Ephesians 5:17-18. We are to discern the times we are living in. If we do that rightly it will effect the way we live our lives. We will be like a housekeeper that works diligently keeping the house in order as we expect the master’s return very soon. The more

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