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  • Chapter Two Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 20, 2014

    1 John: Chapter Two 2:1 Warning - Do Not Sin

    1 John: Chapter Two 2:1 Warning - Do Not Sin John starts a new section, 2:1-17, with a term of endearment, ‘my little children.’ His next purpose in writing is that they ‘not sin.’ 'These things' he writes refers back to vs. 8-10. Sin is defined by John as lawlessness more

  • Sin Accomodating Churches-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 12, 2016

    2 of 7. Paul admonished the Corinthian church because they had allowed/accommodated heinous sin in their midst. The church must not tolerate/accommodate sin in their midst. But How are they to act against such? Sin Accommodating Churches skirt...

    SIN ACCOMODATING CHURCHES-II—1Cor. 5:1-13 Attention: Adding a screened-in porch to protect against wasps, without removing the wasp nest Removing a beaver dam without removing the beavers, etc. *To Dance around rather than approaching an object. The true church is populated by Christians, all of more

  • Asking For Trouble Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Apr 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Something is terribly wrong, viz. the sins of the people.

    Isaiah 1:2-9 Asking for Trouble 6/4/00 D. Marion Clark Introduction Tonight’s passage fits in well with the morning passage regarding John the Baptist. Isaiah’s opening words follow the same line of thinking as John’s. Something is terribly wrong, viz. the sins of the people. more

  • Don't Trust In Man To Avoid The Curse

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    To show that GOD will not allow us to be cursed by putting our trust in men and ourselves but only trusting in GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you trusting in men? No. Only in JESUS CHRIST and GOD do I put my trust. John 14:1 (Amplified Bible) DO NOT let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. more

  • David: "I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up" Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Aug 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Avoiding Temptation & Sin, Decisions, Confession

    OUT OF WEAKNESS…STRENGTH - David: “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up” 2 Samuel 11:1-5 (p. 214) August 20, 2017 Introduction: Have you ever met someone who looks for a reason to say, “Gotcha.” Someone who finds some weird happiness in catching you in something? I heard about a more

  • Hand In The Cookie Jar? Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 14, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 15th sermon in the "Accounting" series from the Book of Ephesians.

    Series: Accounting [#15] HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR? Ephesians 5:1-7 Introduction: Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday. While, we are going to continue with our series in Ephesians, Palm Sunday is a reminder of how fickle people can be. As Christians, we are supposed to live like Christ; but often we more

  • How To Survive A Storm Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Three important strategies for surviving a storm. They're all not-so-common common-sense.

    The book of Acts is 28 chapters long. In Chapter 28, Paul finally gets to Rome. But chapter 27 is the chapter where the last major drama of the book of Acts happens. It’s the story of Paul in a storm. Luke, who wrote the book of Acts, gave a lot of space to this story. He must think it’s more

  • You Are The Temple Of God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 22, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores living in harmony as the Body of Christ, overcoming hindrances to unity, and prioritizing God's wisdom over worldly wisdom.

    Hello, beloved family of God. I am so thrilled to be standing before you today, sharing the Good News of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We gather here, not as individuals, but as a unified body, bound together by the love and grace of the One who has called us out of darkness and into His more

  • Mentoring Stumbling Blocks To Avoid Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Mar 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Mentoring Stumbling Blocks to Avoid in seeking to reach Millennials

    Mentoring Stumbling Blocks to Avoid Arguing for the Wrong Things Titus 3:9 9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Assuming a hierarchal position Titus 2:11-14 11 For the grace of God that brings more

  • How To Avoid False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jun 4, 2019

    This sermon examines three key truths in avoiding false teachers.

    THE FIGHT: The purity of the message and the church matter. - 2 Corinthians 11:1-2. a. The purity of the message matters. - This passage as a whole brings out the importance of believing the truth. It matters that the message is true. - Many today say that it doesn’t matter when you believe as more

  • Avoiding Loss Or Becoming A Champion? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God wants to transform us from loss-avoiders to champions.

    Avoiding Loss or Becoming a Champion? (Judges 6:1-32) 1. Loss aversion means instead of playing to win, we play not to lose. We get much more misery from losing $100 than we get joy from being given $100. One authority writes; 2. “For example, ever wonder why retail clothing stores have more

  • How To Avoid The Effects Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the only one able to provide spiritual liberty; you must turn from your evil ways and submit to Him!

    How to Avoid the Effects of Sin 2 Kings 17:7-23 Scripture Introduction: Please turn with me to 2 Kings 17. Have you ever noticed the effects of sin in your life; broken or damaged relationships, contention in your home, and/or health issues. In this passage this morning God provides us through more

  • Reasons To Avoid The Mud Hole. Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    WE have reasons to avoid the mud hole of sin on our life.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1  Look at that mud hole, that looks fun as long as someone else is doing the clean up.  Do you remember being a kid and being drawn to mud puddles, water pebbles, and mud holes?  There was something about the mud that as a young boy it had an more

  • How To Avoid Playing Church

    Contributed by Tony Miano on Jan 25, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    We need to be people who have control of our tongues. We need to be people who willingly care for the less fortunate. And we need to be people who clean up our acts whenever the need arises.

    How To Avoid Playing Church James 1:26-27 Preached by Pastor Tony Miano Pico Canyon Community Church January 28, 2001 Introduction: This morning we’re going to be studying James 1:26-27. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve looked at how we can avoid fooling ourselves about our spiritual more

  • How To Avoid A Spiritual Virus Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jan 9, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    sometimes our spirit needs a vaccination

    HOW TO AVOID A SPIRITUAL VIRUS Text: Hebrews 12:14-17 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. See that no one is more

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