Sermon Series

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  • 1. What About Suffering?

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the source of all life, you must worship Him even during periods of great suffering.

    What About Suffering? Job 1 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the source of all life, you must worship Him even during periods of great suffering. I. Submit to God’s specific purpose for your suffering! A. Know that even the righteous will suffer (1-12). 1. Pursuing God more

  • 2. Display Loyal Love For Your Redeemer!

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is your Kinsman-Redeemer, you must forsake your pagan ways and demonstrate loyal love to Him.

    Display Loyal Love for Your Redeemer! Ruth 1-4 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is your Kinsman-Redeemer, you must forsake your pagan ways and demonstrate loyal love to Him. I. Loyal love puts the needs of others first and thus experiences the blessing of God. 1:6-22a A. Ruth is widowed more

  • 3. A Comforting Promise

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the sovereign Redeemer; you must find comfort through Him.

    A Comforting Promise Isaiah 40:1-31 PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the sovereign Redeemer; you must find comfort through Him. I. Embrace the promised salvation through Christ. v. 1-11 A. God wants to pardon your sin (1-2). 1. There is an end to the disciplines of God. 2. There is more

  • 4. How Can Authentic Worship Be Restored?

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    Proposition: Because Christ is the only acceptable Mediator, you must give scriptural worship to Him regardless of whether you feel you were enriched or not.

    How Can Authentic Worship Be Restored? 1 Kings 18:20-39 Proposition: Because Christ is the only acceptable Mediator, you must give scriptural worship to Him regardless of whether you feel you were enriched or not. When Solomon came to the throne there was godly leadership, peace and unity more

  • 5. How To Avoid The Effects Of Sin

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the only one able to provide spiritual liberty; you must turn from your evil ways and submit to Him!

    How to Avoid the Effects of Sin 2 Kings 17:7-23 Scripture Introduction: Please turn with me to 2 Kings 17. Have you ever noticed the effects of sin in your life; broken or damaged relationships, contention in your home, and/or health issues. In this passage this morning God provides us more

  • 6. Expunge Evil

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Because Christ is our refuge, you must love Him and walk in His ways.

    I. You must develop a culture that protects its people. v. 1-10 A. Provide a place of protection (1-7). 1. It involves a safe environment. 2. It requires an accessible location. B. Partake in God’s blessings through obedience (8-10). 1. Strive more

  • 7. Renew Your Covenant With God

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ fulfilled His covenant with the Father, you must fulfill your covenants with Christ.

    Renew Your Covenant with God Joshua 24 I. Remember God’s faithfulness! v. 1-13 A. God has chosen you out of the world (2-4). 1. Your ancestors served other gods (2). 2. Your ancestors were blessed by me (3). B. God delivered you out of helplessness (5-13). 1. I brought you more

  • 8. Choose Your King Wisely!

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the King of Kings, you must choose Him as your King.

    Choose Your King Wisely! 1 Samuel 8 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the King of Kings, you must choose Him as your King. I. Put your trust in God! v. 1-9 A. Human leaders have human limitations (1-3). 1. They have weakness of body. 2. They have weakness of human more

  • 9. Living As An Alien

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ was faithful to His Father while living in a pagan culture, you must be faithful to Christ while living in a pagan culture.

    Living as an Alien Daniel 1 PROPOSITION: Since Christ was faithful to His Father while living in a pagan culture, you must be faithful to Christ while living in a pagan culture. I. Recognize the seductive pressures of society which entice you to conform. v. 1-7 A. A change of more

  • 10. Revelation

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the revelation of God, you are able to know God and thus worship Him.

    Revelation Job 38-42 PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the revelation of God, you are able to know God and thus worship Him. I. What is revelation? A. The definition of revelation. 1. The premise is that you don’t know everything there is to know. 2. The fact is that God does more

  • 11. The Blessings Of The Law

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010
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    Because Christ is the living Word, submission to the Scriptures will bring spiritual victory!

    I. The Law provides a glimpse of the glory of God! A. God’s glory is revealed through His actions. 1. God chooses to give blessings. 2. God has a right to give commands. B. God’s glory is revealed through His Law. 1. more

  • 12. Deviant Worship

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is God, your worship must not deviate from acceptable scriptural forms.

    Deviant Worship 1 Kings 12:26-33 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is God, your worship must not deviate from acceptable scriptural forms. I. Deviant worship will violate a biblical absolute. v. 26 A. Wrong god (Ex 20:3) B. Wrong manner (Lev. 10:1-2) C. Wrong motive more

  • 13. Be Faithful To The Deliverer

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the Deliverer, you must forsake your idols and follow Him.

    Be Faithful to the Deliverer Judges 2 I. Refuse to follow heathen gods! 2:11-15 A. God recognizes our idolatry (11-13). 1. The Israelites abandoned the LORD. 2. The Israelites worshipped other gods. B. God responds to our idolatry (14-15). 1. God is more

  • 14. God's Memorial Of Salvation

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015
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    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the Passover Lamb; you need His blood to save you from your sins.

    God’s Memorial of Salvation Exodus 12:12-14 I. You must have a proper understanding of God! Exodus 3 I am the Lord! A. Who is the Lord? 1. A Self-sustaining fire! 2. I AM THAT I AM! B. What about the other gods? 1. The gods of India. 2. The gods of more

  • 15. Why Is Christ's Atonement Necessary?

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010

    Because Christ is the only satisfactory Lamb, you must receive Him as your atonement for sin and access to God.

    I. Worshipping God man’s way is revealed as wickedness. v. 1-14 A. The Israelites offer corrupted worship. (1-6) 1. They broke the second commandment (1-4). 2. They offer apostate worship (5-6). B. The Israelites became corrupted more

  • 16. The Resurrection Provides Victory Through Suffering

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ was victorious in His suffering, you can be victorious in your suffering and find comfort in Him.

    Resurrection Job 19:1-29 PROPOSITION: Since Christ was victorious in His suffering, you can be victorious in your suffering and find comfort in Him. I. Look to the finished work of Christ on the cross for comfort. v. 1-22 A. Job is ridiculed by his friends (1-5). 1. They torment more

  • 17. God’s Special Servant

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ glorified His Father by being a faithful servant; you must glorify Christ by being a faithful.

    God’s Special Servant Isaiah 42, 49, 50, 53 PROPOSITION: Because Christ glorified His Father by being a faithful servant; you must glorify Christ by being a faithful servant. I. Emulate the example of Christ as the Servant of God. 42:1-9 A. His Servant has a special more

  • 18. God’s Incomparable Love

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s incomparable love, you must forsake spiritual adultery.

    God’s Incomparable Love Hosea 1-2 PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s incomparable love, you must forsake spiritual adultery. How can I forsake spiritual adultery? I. Choose to love God! 1:1-3 A. God’s revelation (1:2) 1. Gomer will commit physical adultery. 2. more

  • 19. Your Heart Is The “matter”!

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the Great Physician; your depraved heart can be surgically repaired by Him.

    Your Heart is the “Matter”! Jeremiah 31 PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the Great Physician; your depraved heart can be surgically repaired by Him. I. What is wrong with your heart? A. Sin has been ingrained into your heart! 1. You have an inward propensity to pursue more

  • 20. Experience The Glory Of The Lord!

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the glory of the Lord, you ought to desire the fullness of His presence in your life.

    Experience the Glory of the Lord! Ezekiel 1, 10 In what sense is God’s presence always with us? PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the glory of the Lord, you ought to desire the fullness of His presence in your life. I. Look to the glory of the Lord for your purpose! vs. 1:1-28; more

  • 21. Living Courageously Or Cowardly?

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010

    Because Christ courageously died for you, you must courageously live for Him.

    I. Respond to your circumstances correctly! Ch 11-13 A. Complaining People 1. The people despised God’s provision (11:1-15). 2. God displayed mercy but judges (11:16-20). B. Faithless Leaders 1. Sent to help Moses accomplish the will of God (13:21-25). 2. more

  • 22. God's Memorial Of Judgment

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010
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    Because Christ is a righteous Judge, your sin must be forsaken or it will be judged.

    I. Be involved in uprooting arrogant pride from your heart! v. 1-4 A. Arrogant pride continues to rule in man’s heart (2-4). 1. Problem #1 – A pursuit for security through disobedience. 2. Problem #2 – A passion for greatness through personal more

  • 23. Will You Heed The Words Of The Prophets?

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is your Prophet, you must heed His Word in order to enjoy intimate fellowship with Him and to avoid His judgment.

    Will You Heed the Words of the Prophets? 2 Samuel 12 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is your Prophet, you must heed His Word in order to enjoy intimate fellowship with Him and to avoid His judgment. I. Heed God’s Word in order to forsake sin! v. 1-13 A. God uses His Word to more

  • 24. How To Reflect The Holiness Of God!

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is holy; Christians must reflect His holiness in their daily lives.

    How to Reflect the Holiness of God! Isaiah 6:1-13 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is holy; Christians must reflect His holiness in their daily lives. I. Look upon Christ in all His glory. v. 1-4 A. His sovereignty is the powerful nature of God (1). 1. He is “sitting more

  • 25. The Righteousness Of Life!

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the new covenant, you must surrender to Him and walk with Him in order to live the ‘righteousness of life”.

    The Righteousness of Life! 2 Kings 23 Scripture Introduction: Please turn to 2 Kings 23. Have you ever seen a teenager or some young person (bus kid) come out of a home full of evil (sin) and goes on to be something for God? This is what is happening in this passage. A bright and shiny star more

  • 26. Living By Triumphant Faith

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s atoning work, faith in Him provides great joy.

    Living by Triumphant Faith Habakkuk How can we live in a fallen world where violence dominates and still experience joy? PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s atoning work, faith in Him provides great joy. I. Resist the tendency to be overwhelmed by the world’s more

  • 27. Living Giving Or Grasping

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010

    Because Christ gave himself for you, you must give of yourself for Him!

    I. Practice Scriptural Giving! Deut. 14 A. Know all you have is from God. 1. He owns everything. 2. He owns your life and soul. B. Develop a habit of giving to God. 1. Giving is commanded for our benefit. 2. Giving must be done with the right spirit. 3. more

  • 28. A Universal Calling

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s work at the cross, you are able to experience God’s grace which provides eternal rejoicing and eternal salvation.

    A Universal Calling Isaiah 54-55 PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s work at the cross, you are able to experience God’s grace which provides eternal rejoicing and eternal salvation. I. You are able to rejoice in the love of Christ! Isaiah 54 A. Miraculous grace offers more

  • 29. Being A Good Shepherd

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the “Good Shepherd”, you must be a “good” shepherd.

    Being a Good Shepherd Ezekiel 34 PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the “Good Shepherd”, you must be a “good” shepherd. I. Reject shepherding that is contrary to God’s Word! v. 1-10 A. Leaders subverted God’s truth (1-3, 17-19)! 1. They were to use their more

  • 30. God Offers Salvation

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010

    Because Christ is your ark, you must be “in Christ’ to experience deliverance from the pervasive power of sin.

    I. UNDERSTAND EVIL RULES IN MAN’S HEART! v. 5 A. Sin took root and grew out of man’s control. 6:1-5, 11-12 1. Man chooses to sin against God. 2. Man is a slave to sin. B. Sin escalated to the point of God’s judgment. more