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Sermons on authority of jesus:

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  • Jesus, The Man Of Surprises Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 3, 2023

    As we move through Mark's Gospel, Jesus continues to amaze and surprise the people as everyone tries to figure out who Jesus really is. In this sermon, Jesus really surprises everyone by touching the leper and forgiving the sins of the paralytic.

    A. Have you ever thought you knew someone, but then you were surprised by something interesting that you learned about them? 1. What’s true about our friends is also true about celebrities. B. Let me share some of the surprising hobbies that some famous celebrities have that you probably were more

  • Don't Make Jesus Your Personal Lord And Savior Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Authority, Lordship, Hell, Heaven

    DON’T MAKE JESUS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR! John 5: 22-24, 26-29 (p 743) May 5, 2013 INTRODUCTION: When I first read the title of this chapter in Follow Me I thought…what are you talking about David Platt?!!! And then the truth of what he was trying to convey hit me more

  • Are You My Brother? – Christian Essentials

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on May 11, 2012

    Humans have a propensity to resist all forms of absolute authority and this includes the absolute authority of Jesus Christ; but if you are truly wear a Christian you will have acknowledged that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and you will have bowed yo

    ARE YOU MY BROTHER? – CHRISTIAN ESSENTIALS INTRODUCTION By what right or privilege do we call one another brother? Is it because we put forth, without any reservation or secret evasion, the challenge that we know the one true God: the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Or is it because we more

  • The Claims Of Christ

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on May 24, 2014

    How do you respond to the claims of Christ? Do you question His right to your life? Do you assert your own rights over him? Or do you humbly surrender to Him and submit to His will? We must all see the importance of being responsive to Christ and the danger of being unresponsive.

    The Claims of Christ Mark 11:27-33; 12:1-12 Jesus’ Authority Questioned 27. They came again to Jerusalem. And as He was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes and the elders came to Him, 28. and began saying to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things, or more

  • Sermon # 11 - Our God Given Authority Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Apr 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    There is an authority that God has bestowed on us as His children which many of us are not aware of. If we can understand who we are in Christ, our lives will change and so will the situations around us.

    We read in Numbers 23:24, “The nation of Israel is like a mighty lion: It doesn't rest until it has torn and devoured, until it has drunk the blood of those it has killed.” (GNB) Though this verse seems strange these are the words that were spoken by the Prophet Balaam about the people of more

  • A Man Who Had Been With Jesus

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Sep 12, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Peter was a man who understood his purpose, to share Jesus with everyone he came into contact with. If sharing Jesus isn’t in your lifestyle then you need to change your lifestyle!

    “A MAN WHO HAD BEEN WITH JESUS INTRODUCTION: I was torn between peaching a sermon on “Important Grand Parents” or a sermon relating to “911” But a week ago I was sitting with Mark Taylor after prayer meeting on Friday night a week ago we were talking about nothing in particular & I began to more

  • Jesus Can Really Help Us!!

    Contributed by Dale Krueger on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    May we all believe more deeply that Jesus can really help us in all our troubles and problems, and may we put our full trust in him.

    JESUS CAN REALLY HELP US! 21 They went to Capernaum; and when the Sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught.22. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.23 Just then there was in their synagogue a man with more

  • Where Jesus Went For Wisdom

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Jun 16, 2011

    In another of the confrontations Jesus had with the religious leaders of His day, it is instructive to see where He went for His authority. He amazed the crowds with His responses, but we have the same basis for authority that He exercised.

    Passage: Matthew 22:23-33 Intro: Christians have been portrayed down thru the years as “Bible-thumpers”. Il) there is an “I hate Bible- Thumpers” page on Facebook. 1. in many ways, it is a compliment. 2. means that we draw our authority, our wisdom, from the more

  • Give Us The Wisdom Of Jesus

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 30, 2023

    We ask for the wisdom to know God’s will, and the other virtues needed to carry it out in our day and time.

    Saturday of 8th Week in Course 2023 Wisdom. Holy Wisdom in Greek is Agios Sophia. The word is in the feminine gender not only in Greek but in Latin, so the pronoun is “her.” Sophia is a she, and we’ve probably all known women and girls who carried that very Christian name. Jesus ben Sira, the more

  • What Is This? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 23, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores Jesus' power and authority in Mark 1:21-28, encouraging believers to harness the Gospel's transformative power and realize their spiritual potential.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It is indeed a joy to be gathered here today, not just in the presence of one another, but in the very presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are here today, not by chance, not by routine, but by divine appointment. We are here because God, in His more

  • Even The Demons Believe PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus' authority, identity, and divine nature, urging believers to deepen their relationship with Him through understanding and faith.

    Good morning, dear friends. It warms my heart to see each and every one of you gathered here today, drawn together by our shared love for our Lord Jesus Christ. We are, each one of us, a part of a vast and diverse community, knit together by the golden thread of faith. Today, we are here to engage more

  • [ic3] Servant Vs. Son Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 23, 2020

    The author contrasts Jesus and Moses. The Jews perceived Moses to be a great man, great prophet, great leader, and great lawgiver. Yet Jesus fulfilled all those roles as well―to a greater degree than Moses.

    8/15/19 Tom Lowe Lesson #11 [IC3]: SERVANT VS. SON (HEBREWS 3:5-6a) Introduction: The author has already briefly contrasted Jesus with the Old Testament prophets (1:1, 2) and more explicitly with the angels (1:3-2:18). Here he begins a contrast between Jesus and Moses. The Jews perceived Moses more

  • Attribute One | A Man Submits To Authority Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Apr 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A man is someone who can submit to authority. Submission is an attitude that results from a mindset. The man who excels at this understands that he cannot self-govern and needs to be governed. Therefore, he gives up his will to a higher authority.

    Well today, we are looking at the first of nine attributes. Today’s attribute is – Submits to Authority. I believe that Jesus Christ was teaching the attributes during his life, as he walked this earth. That he was trying to help, us to understand – as a man – what it means to be a true man of God. more

  • Somebody’s Watching How We Respond To Authority Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Sep 7, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The world is watching how we as Jesus-followers respond to those who have authority over us. Does what they see enhance the cause of Christ or damage it?

    Somebody’s Watching How We Respond To Authority Living-Hope 1 Peter 2:12-23 We are in this section of our study of 1 Peter called, ‘Somebody’s Watching Us.’ The theme verse in 1 peter 2:12. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your more

  • Lord Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The title Lord speaks to His authority, The name Jesus speaks to His mission and the title Christ speaks to fulfilled promise.

    OKAY – let’s do this… NOW – the title ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ is used 60 times in the New Testament... 3 times in Acts, 4 times by Peter, 2 times by Jude, 2 times by James and 49 times in Paul’s letters… Here are just a few of those passages… Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we more

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