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  • Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 13, 2020

    Faith goes beyond mental assent; it is an active confidence in what God will do.

    Faith Hebrews 11:1-40 Faith goes beyond mental assent; it is an active confidence in what God will do. SLIDE #1 Introduction • We have been on our Journey of Faith Series through Hebrews over the past few weeks. • Remember the context of the book of Hebrews. • As a result of the pressure more

  • A Faith That Does Save Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 8:26-40 teaches us about a faith that does save.

    Introduction John Newton was born in 1725 in England and lived a rebellious life. As a young man, he worked on ships, including slave ships, transporting enslaved people across the Atlantic. He was notorious for his wild behavior, harsh personality, and lack of faith. His life, dominated by more

  • Believing Means Coming To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Aug 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    True believing is not merely assenting to a few facts about Christ, it is feeding on Him and coming to Him.

    Father in heaven, draw us to you. Please draw us to you just now so that we might worship you with all of our hearts. We’re done with mere knowledge and information, we long for Your Presence and Your Power. Lord we are drawing near to You just now, please draw near to us through Your Word and Your more

  • John The Baptist

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Dec 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    John the Baptist's message to the religious is that God requires integrity - a real change of heart and not simply intellectual assent

    Sermon: The Message of John the Baptist 08-12-2013 Yesterday morning, I was listening to an interviewer on Radio 4 who asked Jimmy Carter, the former US President, what he thought about the idea that some people were likening Nelson Mandela to Jesus. Did Jimmy Carter agree with them? Jimmy more

  • Abraham: Tried And True Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Faith in Christ is more than mere intellectual assent. It is believing with the heart, with the will, with adoration and with action. Abraham is an example.

    Heroes of the Faith ABRAHAM: TRIED AND TRUE Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22:1-19 Several years ago a movie chronicling the selection of the first Mercury 7 astronauts showed in detail the many mental, physical, and psychological tests these men went through to prove whether they had the right more

  • What Does It Mean To Believe? Series

    Contributed by Grace Church Modesto on Aug 28, 2010

    We examine the three aspects of true faith (knowledge, assent and trust), before seeing the distinctive features of a saving faith.

    "What Does It Mean to Believe?" (Acts 16:31) I. Introduction. A. Orientation. 1. We talk a lot about faith in connection with salvation, and no wonder: Paul tells us it's something we must have in order to be saved, as we see from our passage. But what does it mean to believe? a. In more

  • Avoiding Dead Faith Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on May 3, 2012

    James continues to remind us that faith is active. It is not mere mental assent but obediently imitating God by loving our neighbors.

    1. Secret Service A man was coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. (You know. The preacher’s job is to: shake them in, shake them up, and shake them out!) Well, he grabbed the guy by the hand and pulled him aside. The preacher more

  • What Must I Do To Be Saved?

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Sep 15, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is more than just giving mental assent that He is the Son of God. Millions do that and aren’t saved.

    WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? WHAT DID GOD DO ABOUT THIS SITUATION? THE PLAN OF SALVATION A long time ago, a Roman Jailer asked of the Apostle Paul the most important question that could ever be asked, "What must I do to be saved?" Paul’s answer was immediate, to the point, clear, and concise. more

  • Believing Means Feeding On Jesus

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Aug 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Believing is not giving mental assent to certain facts about Jesus, it is feeding on Him and drinking Him in so that He becomes the satisfaction of our hearts.

    Let’s open our Bibles to John chapter 6 this morning. As you’re opening your Bible I want to tell you about Andy Harris. Andy was one of a several people leading an expedition up Mt. Everest. When he reached the peak, he stayed there just admiring the amazing beauty. But he stayed there too long more

  • How To Be Saved?

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jul 27, 2016

    To show that GOD saves us from His Divine efforts by merely assenting to His WORDS and believing that He raised JESUS from the dead.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you saved? Yes. JESUS saved me from sins and hell while I'm still alive, I know I am SAVED. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD saves us from His Divine efforts by merely assenting to His WORDS and believing that He raised JESUS from more

  • Bread Clearly Broken

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on May 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Not through intellectual assent, wisdom, and knowledge, but through the act of love, the breaking of bread, do we recognize Jesus Christ and know him as our Risen Lord and Savior.

    Hearing the message of the Gospel is not enough. Understanding, intellectual assent is not adequate. Peter’s proclamation of the Gospel at Pentecost did not result in the people exclaiming, “We agree with your reasoning,” or, “That makes sense to us.” Rather, more

  • Faith Is More

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Mar 12, 2007
    based on 27 ratings

    I’m calling God’s people in my care to develop a faith in Jesus that goes beyond mental assent (belief) to include emotional reliance (trust) and active obedience (loyalty).

    Introduction: The Bible tells us that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6). The Bible says, "The righteous will live by faith" (Romans 1:17). That makes me think that faith is very important -- even vital. But what is faith? The Bible commands us to "stand firm in the more

  • Fruitfulness In The Midst Of Great Pressure Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 30, 2013

    How do we have a fruitful life - one filled with joy amidst the pressures of this age? These five psalms of assent give us clues as to how God blesses in the midst of pressure.

    Last time we talked about the first five of the Songs of Ascent. They mostly had to do with pilgrims journeying from far away lands, anxious to get away from people who put down the truth of who God is and come into God’s presence in Jerusalem. This time we will see the next five psalms, more

  • Psalm 122 - Going To Worship Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Feb 3, 2021

    This sermon is part of series on the Psalms of Assent. The focus is on how the Jews would joyously go up to Jerusalem for worship, and how we can experience the same joy in going to the local church.

    In case you haven’t been here the last few weeks, we talked about the idea that the Psalms of Ascents were actually believed to be sung by the Jewish pilgrims as they made their way up to Jerusalem for the various Jewish festivals. Although they were considered to be somewhat of a travel psalm, more

  • Where My Help Comes From Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Feb 4, 2021

    This sermon is part of a series on the Psalms of Assent. The focus of this sermon is assurance that we are not alone on our spiritual journey; that in spite of our sufferings the "maker of heaven and earth " walks beside us.

    Good morning. We are continuing this series called The Psalms of Ascents. They are short songs for long journeys. The Psalms of Ascents were believed to be travel songs. They were songs that would be sung by the Jewish pilgrims as they ascended up the mountain towards Jerusalem and towards the more