Sermon Series
  • 1. Where My Help Comes From

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2021

    This sermon is part of a series on the Psalms of Assent. The focus of this sermon is assurance that we are not alone on our spiritual journey; that in spite of our sufferings the "maker of heaven and earth " walks beside us.

    Good morning. We are continuing this series called The Psalms of Ascents. They are short songs for long journeys. The Psalms of Ascents were believed to be travel songs. They were songs that would be sung by the Jewish pilgrims as they ascended up the mountain towards Jerusalem and towards the more

  • 2. Psalm 122 - Going To Worship

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2021

    This sermon is part of series on the Psalms of Assent. The focus is on how the Jews would joyously go up to Jerusalem for worship, and how we can experience the same joy in going to the local church.

    In case you haven’t been here the last few weeks, we talked about the idea that the Psalms of Ascents were actually believed to be sung by the Jewish pilgrims as they made their way up to Jerusalem for the various Jewish festivals. Although they were considered to be somewhat of a travel psalm, more

  • 3. Psalm 131 - Living Within Your Spiritual Wheelhouse

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2021

    The focus of this sermon is the importance of living within our spiritual "wheelhouse", and how to get us back on track in our walk with God when we are feeling too high or too low about ourselves. .

    Good morning. We are finishing off this series on The Psalms of Ascents. If you have been here since the beginning, you know we have been talking about how The Psalms of Ascents were believed to be psalms that were sung on the road trips that the pilgrim would make as they ascended up the road more

  • 4. Psalm 130 - No Record

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2021

    The focus of this sermon is how God not only keeps no record of sins, but he actually forgives all our sins and gives us full redemption in Jesus Christ.

    Good morning. If I can, I would like to start with a confession. The only confession is that I am a sinner. Any other sinners in the room? I confess that sometimes I have a misguided understanding of how God deals with sinners, particularly how he deals with them when they die and when they go more

  • 5. Psalm 120

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2021

    This sermon relates Psalm 120 to the Christian's challenge of living in a fallen world. It suggest that although we may have trouble in this world, and we are reminded in the New Testament, we can live as people of peace because of the one who was our peace, Jesus Christ.

    Good morning. Today, we are starting a series that is going to take us at least three or four weeks into September. It is called The Psalms of Ascents. If you are not familiar with The Psalms of Ascents, they can be found in the book of Psalms, and they are comprised of 15 Psalms, those from more