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  • A Song Of Ascents

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    A message of encouragement for hurting, lonely, struggling people

    A Song of Ascents Text: Psalm 121 Twisted hands opened the rough, wooden window and the aged Jew to whom the hands belonged backed again into the stuffy shadows of his sparsely furnished mud hut. The window afforded a narrow view of many other such huts, cramped together in the Jewish more

  • The Ascent Of Man

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jul 1, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    1 The Goal 2. The Way 3. The Climber 4. The Attainment

    - Devils Tower WY (a volcanic neck) - Said to be known among the Indians as Bear’s Tipi "misinterpreted the name to mean Bad God’s Tower, later shortened to Devils Tower. - President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Devils Tower the first national monument in 1906. - Devils Tower with it’s vertical more

  • Ascention Day!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on May 21, 2013

    To focus on the significance of Ascension Day...

    ASCENSION DAY Several important events mark the life of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Traditionally the Universal Church has been very dutifully celebrating Christmas (day of birth), Good Friday (the day the atoning work was completed on the Cross) more

  • Introduction To Songs Of Ascents Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Jan 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) were sung by worshipers as they made the journey up to Jerusalem for the annual feasts These are what someone called "songs for the road."

    Songs of Ascent Introduction Together we stand on the threshold of another new year. What will the coming 365 days hold for us. How can we prepare ourselves for the journey through this year? I want no better way to start this year than by focusing on the section of the book of Psalms known more

  • Waiting In Hope

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 16, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    An ascent out of the depths.

    WAITING IN HOPE. Psalm 130. This Psalm is a song of ascent: “Out of the depths” (Psalm 130:1). The Latin language captures the intensity of the situation: “De profundis” (from which we have the English word ‘profundity’, meaning ‘a great depth or intensity of state, quality or emotion’). We’ve more

  • Ascents Into Heaven And Angel Messengers

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Does God still call people up to Heaven?

    Ascents Into Heaven and Angel Messengers In recent months, I have heard of two people who claim to have been to Heaven like the Apostle John. One was in the actual throne room speaking to God and Jesus while the other saw the Four Beasts and spoke to Michael the Archangel. Does this match more

  • The Songs Of Ascent – Part 1 – The Introduction To These Psalms Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 27, 2023

    We are going to take up a study of The Psalms of Ascent, the Psalms numbered 120 – 134. They are called by various names but they are a wonderful collection of Psalms sung by the pilgrims three times a year as they ascended to Jerusalem in pilgrimage. This is the Introduction.

    THE SONGS OF ASCENT – PART 1 – THE INTRODUCTION TO THESE PSALMS We are going to embark on a journey with the study of 15 Psalms that are called “The Songs of Degrees” in the AV, but “The Songs of Ascent” in most other versions. These Psalms go together and were sung on a pilgrimage as the Jews more

  • The Song Of Unity

    Contributed by Dasol Kang on Mar 9, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    God blesses the unity of His people

    Imagine yourself on a road trip – a few hours of driving on the interstate with your family. Perhaps in this Fall season, you have finally agreed with all of your family members to drive up to the Adirondacks in New York to see the changing leaves – a kaleidoscope of miles of vibrant colors – where more

  • The Lord's House: An Exposition Of The 122nd Psalm

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 25, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    We pray for and await the peace of Jerusalem. A Psalm of Ascent.

    The LORD’s House: an Exposition of the 122nd Psalm What brings you joy? This is a very personal question which will bring many different answers. For some, it will be the expectant birth of a child or grandchild. For some, it will be having the family together for Thanksgiving or another holiday. more

  • I Will Look Unto The Hills: An Exposition Of Psalm 121

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The LORD is my/our helper, keeper and preserver. A Psalm of Ascents

    I Will Look unto the Hills: an Exposition of Psalm 121 As we continue this year through the season of Lent, the world seems especially stressed. There is threats of a global pandemic continuing to spread. The world’s financial markets are under stress. In this country, at least, there is political more

  • In Worship As In Life, Part 1

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Aug 30, 2001
    based on 95 ratings

    Biblical Ingredients from the Songs of Ascents to Prepare for True Worship of God.

    Psalms 125, 129, 130 and 133 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit for a free online course.) To teach on true worship without teaching on how to arrive at true worship is to give a man or a woman a picture of a delicious cuisine and then to expect him or more

  • In Worship As In Life, Part 2

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Aug 30, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Biblical Ingredients from the Songs of Ascents to Prepare for True Worship of God.

    Psalms 120, 128, 132 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit for a free online course.) Last Sunday, we saw that in worship as in life, preparation makes the difference between success and failure. Most of us want to succeed in school, in work, in marriage, more

  • In Worship As In Life, Part 3

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Aug 30, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Biblical Ingredients from the Songs of Ascents to Prepare for True Worship of God.

    Psalms 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 131 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit for a free online course.) For two Sundays, we have been reminded that in worship as in life, preparation makes the difference between success and failure. Whether we are competing more

  • In Worship As In Life, Part 4

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 3, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Biblical ingredients from the Songs of Ascents to prepare for true worship of God.

    Some of us have seen the poster with two pictures. On the right is a man in rags sitting on the sidewalk with a cup in his hand. On the left is another man in rags sitting on the sidewalk with a cup in his hand. The caption reads, "One failed to prepare; the other prepared to fail." The outcome more

  • The Ladder Of Prayer

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Mar 8, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    Prayer is regarded as the Ascent – Rising to God, an upward movement, which step by step, the soul liftsd airborne. I want to concentrate on the separate steps of this Ladder of Prayer – the ascent that carries the heart upward to the throne.

    Dr. Wayne A. Lawson Antioch Institutional Baptist Church Oklahoma City, OK Preached Sunday March 7, 2010 Annual Ushers Day – 3:30 pm (I claim no originality of this message. I first preached it about 14 years ago. I modified much of it for this delivery) TITLE: THE LADDER OF more

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