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  • Our Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Feb 9, 2013

    1. We see Jesus’ perfection (vs. 18). 2. We see Jesus’ purpose for suffering (vs. 18). 3. We see Jesus preaching (vs. 18-20). 4. We see Jesus’ power to save (vs. 20-22).

    Our Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3:18-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 3, 3013 *Nobody is like Jesus! -- He is our wonderful Savior! *I love the way this old hymn puts it: “O worship the King, all glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love; Our more

  • The Gifts And The Giver Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Nov 12, 2010

    Presents what church members have been given to serve in the church.

    Introduction What do you have to offer Jesus? You, who believe and follow him; you who have joined his church, his body – just what do you have to give to make any real difference to that body? That is what we are considering today. We have been told to walk in a manner worthy of our more

  • The Story Continues: Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on May 16, 2021

    'The story continues:' Acts chapter 1 verses 1-11 - sermon by Gordon Curley - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A New Book (vs 1-2). (2). A New Experience (vs 3-8). (3). A New Assurance (vs 9-11). SERMON BODY: ill: • Christopher Columbus died in 1506, In Valladolid, Spain, where he passed away, • If you go, there today you will see a monument commemorating the great discoverer. more

  • So Close, Yet So Far Away Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 17, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 20: 1- 18

    John 20: 1- 18 So close, yet so far away 1 Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. 2 Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, more

  • Precious Gifts From The King

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    A sermon encouraging believers to understand that Salvation is more than eternal fire insurance. An emphasis on spiritual gifts. Don’t miss the concluding illustration.

    Intro: I hold in my hand the greatest gift I have ever given. It is a gift that I gave to my wife before she was my wife. At the time I was a student and it cost me every penny I had (which wasn’t much) plus all the other funds I could muster up. It meant giving up a great deal in order to more

  • His Workman

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    While it is true that we are saved by faith alone and not by works; it is true that God has saved us for the purpose of perform acceptable works or service to God. Ephesians reveals the mandate, the method, and the means of serving the Lord.

    Disclaimer: Source material for this sermon has been gleaned from many different sources. I have attempted to acknowledge these sources whenever possible. His Workmen Ephesians 2:8-10; 4 Introduction: The very minute that a person attempts to add works or self effort in any form to the salvation more

  • Here Is A Great Leadership Lesson From Acts One Series

    Contributed by Ps Trevor Bartley on Jun 17, 2017

    Let’s look at how they replace the leadership void that was vacated by one of the twelve

    Let’s look at how they replace the leadership void that was vacated by one of the twelve. They do not just replace this disciple with just anybody. Peter gives the qualifications right there in verses 21-22 of Acts 1. He said the qualification for this disciple to become an Apostle, must be more

  • Roller Coaster Ride

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Apr 11, 2022

    A sermon for Palm Sunday, Year C

    April 10, 2022 Palm/Passion Sunday Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Phil. 2:5-11; Lk. 19:28-40; Lk. 22:14-23:56 Roller Coaster Ride Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Dale and I watched the NCAA Men’s Basketball final on more

  • The Diversity Of Believers Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    we are the same in Christ, different in our gifting

    We live in a world of diversity, one of choice. Looking around the room we see people of difference, men and women, different ethnic backgrounds, differences in appearance and in personality. When God finished creating man and woman he said, it was good. We can be thankful we are not all the more

  • What Happened After Jesus Said "It Is Finished"!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Dec 25, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    WHAT HAPPENED AFTER JESUS SAID "IT IS FINISHED"! In this sermon outline we point out some of the events that took place during those three days following the words of Jesus when He said "IT IS FINISHED." Concluding with what Jesus is doing for us today.

    WHAT HAPPENED AFTER JESUS SAID "IT IS FINISHED"! In this sermon outline we point out some of the events that took place during those three days following the words of Jesus when He said "IT IS FINISHED." Concluding with what Jesus is doing for us today. We go from the cross to hell and paradise more

  • Tabernacle -Altar Of Incense(Prayer) Series

    Contributed by Ben Thomas on Feb 2, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    This is 4th message in the Tabernacle series. Altar of incense- There is no alternative for prayer. Pray always,

    I. The Altar of Incense: The Symbol of the Prayers and Communion of God’s People Ascending to God, 30:1-10 (Ex.30:1-10) God answers prayer. When we face severe problems, trouble, or crises, God answers prayer. When we face terrible trial or temptation, God answers prayer. When we face sickness, more

  • The Ascension Of Jesus Christ Into Heaven

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Celebrating the Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven and what it means for us who remain on earth.

    The Ascension of Jesus Christ the Son of God Luke 24:50-53 “When [Jesus] had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. “Then they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem more

  • Manifestations Of Acceptance-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 26, 2018

    2 of 3. Noah exhibited a tell-tale acceptance of God’s salvation upon exiting the ark. Salvation is made manifest thru our acceptance of it. But what are some personal manifestations of God's salvation? Acceptance of salvation is manifested in...

    Series: SUPPLANTING The LEGACY Of WICKEDNESS—Genesis 6:9—10:32 A—GOD’s REMOVAL STRATEGY—Genesis 6:9-22 Toward Removing the Legacy of Wickedness B—GOD’s DESIGNED DESTRUCTION(& Salvation)—Genesis 7:1-24 C—SALVATION REALIZED(Getting to Normal)—Genesis 8:1-19 *D—EXPERIENCING The VICTORY(Man’s more

  • Oh That I Might Have Faith

    Contributed by James Trusty on Nov 20, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon challanages us to have faith and to know what faith is.

    “Oh That I Might Have Faith” In the world that we live in today, the word faith is not a typical household word as it was some twenty years ago. What happen to real faith in todays world? Today we live in a world that is full of witchcraft,and satanic worship that is not only more

  • Prayer, For The Oppression Of God's Family Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jun 29, 2014

    Prayer that pleads the blood of the lamb; the saving power of Christ for all afflictions in particular the affliction of oppression.

    Prayer, For The Oppression Of God's Family by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (June 29, 2014) “In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old” more

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