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  • The Dungeon Of Disobedience And The Mystery Of Mercy

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 8, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    God's gifts and calling are irrevocable.

    THE DUNGEON OF DISOBEDIENCE AND THE MYSTERY OF MERCY. Romans 11:1-32. The extended passage of Romans 9-11 may not with any justification be written off as nothing more than a parenthesis: as if it was a break in the flow of Paul’s argument. On the contrary, to omit or down-grade these chapters more

  • The Unity Of Hope

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 23, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    The Christ child as the hope of the nations.

    THE UNITY OF HOPE. Romans 15:4-13. In many respects we might view Romans 14:1 to Romans15:13 as the practical outworking of the Jewish/Gentile debate of Romans 9 to 11. There was some dissension in Rome over matters of food and drink, and holy days. It is quite probable that it was a question of more

  • Let This Mind Be In You…

    Contributed by James Groce on Jan 27, 2018

    Recently, listening to and reading the plethora of “opinions” regarding the present ongoing presidential hopefuls political debates along with the “man-on-the-street” opinions and supposedly insights I became struck with the realization that “a point of

    LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU… Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:5 Recently, listening to and reading the plethora of “opinions” regarding the present ongoing presidential hopefuls political debates along with the “man-on-the-street” opinions and supposedly more

  • The Explanation Of Peter

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 27, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Who was I that I could withstand God?

    PETER’S EXPLANATION. Acts 11:1-18. The turning point in Luke’s Gospel was when Jesus ‘steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem’ (Luke 9:51). The turning point of Luke’s second volume, the Book of Acts, is found in the breaking down of objections to the inclusion of Gentiles in the church, more

  • The Dark Night Of The Soul

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 15, 2024

    Hard times, crisis, time loss times, are all dark times in one's life.

    The Dark Night of the Soul Job 23:1-9, 16-17 Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591): A Spanish mystic and of the Carmelite Order of friar, Saint John of the Cross wrote extensively about his own spiritual journey, which involved intense periods of doubt, despair and purification. He more

  • Where Gratitude Graces The Gospel

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 3, 2012

    For the Christians in Rome, Paul delineated the relationship of gratitude to the Gospel. But Where does Gratitude grace the Gospel of Christ? Gratitude graces the Gospel in our...

    WHERE GRATITUDE GRACEs The GOSPEL—Romans 1:15-24 Attention: Per ‘The 1621 Thanksgiving’ @ Written by Edward Winslow dated:Dec. 12, 1621 & first published 1622. “Our harvest being gotten in, our governour sent foure men on fowling, that so we might after more

  • Able To Teach Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 29, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Third in a series on shepherding/mentoring in the church.

    Sermon for 1/28/2001 Able to teach Introduction: Gene Getz- Mike Cornwall was an elder at my church. He was also long time banker. At one point in time when he was CEO of one of the largest savings and loans in the state of Texas, he and his wife, Sharon, had an unusual experience. Mike and more

  • Able To Rebuke Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 5, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Fourth in a series on shepherding/mentoring in the church.

    Sermon for 2/4/2001 Able to refute, rebuke Titus 1:9-16 Introduction: Tevye, the Jewish dairy farmer in the Fiddler on the Roof, lives with his wife and five daughters in czarist Russia. Change is taking place all around him and the new patters are nowhere more obvious to Tevye than in the more

  • Jesus: Our Priest/King Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    Jesus Christ is our great High Priest and our everlasting King. His ministry as Priest/King is prefigured in a mysterious character in the Old Testament by the name of Melchizedek.

    JESUS: OUR PRIEST/KING Hebrews 7:1-10 Jesus Christ is our great High Priest and our everlasting King. His ministry as Priest/King is prefigured in a mysterious character in the Old Testament by the name of Melchizedek. This man briefly appeared to Abraham in Genesis 14:17-20. Let’s read his more

  • Why Are You Talking About Having No Bread? Series

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    The disciples had allowed themselves to become so distracted that they missed the message Jesus was trying to give to them. Sometimes we allow the same thing to happen in our lives.

    According to the president of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 1.2 million crashes a year are caused by driver distractions. Of course we all know that with the way cell phones have taken over in our society that cell phones are definitely a distraction for many drivers. But to my surprise more

  • Introduction To The Book Of Romans

    Contributed by John Stensrud on Sep 22, 2002
    based on 125 ratings

    A 3-part introduction to the Book of Romans

    INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF ROMANS An independent woman started her own business. She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in. Pretty soon she realized she needed an in-house counsel, and so she began interviewing young lawyers. "As I’m sure you can understand," she started off with more

  • The Christian And Civil Government

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Oct 11, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    This is a study of what the Scriptures teach about the origin and purpose of civil government. We also briefly examine both the Christian’s responsibilities and rights in relation to civil government.

    We Christians have many relationships in our lives. We have a relationship with God through Christ. We have relationships with those who are in the Church. We have relationships within marriage and family. We have relationships with our neighbors or society. We have relationships with our more

  • The Curse Or The Cross? Series

    Contributed by Patrick Mead on Nov 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    In Galatians 3:1-14, Paul has presented us with us two roads. One road is the road of curse. The other road is the road of blessing. What road are you on? Are you on the road of curse, which leads to destruction or are you on the road of blessing whi

    The Curse or the Cross? Galatians 3:1-14 In our study last week we noticed how Paul transitioned form arguing his authority as an apostle to teaching the foundational doctrine of Christian of justification by faith alone. Paul will spend chapters three and four expanding on his teaching about more

  • The Sins Of The Godless

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    In our text, I see two great sins of the godless: 1- They change God’s grace 2- They deny the Lord Jesus

    INTRO.- ILL.- A church deacon was trying to impress a class of boys the importance of living the Christian life. He said, "Why do people call me a Christian?" After a moment’s pause, one youngster said, "Maybe it’s because they don’t really know you." Can a person be one way on the outside and more

  • #2putting Out Fires:communication Skills Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Oct 1, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Today we have many problems that come from a lack of wisdom and poor communication skills. We need to polish our communication skills and learn to put out fires and emotions by good conversation and communication.

    #2 PUTTING OUT FIRES: POLISHING OUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I will email this in four parts, but the lesson being taught is a multiple part series. Introduction: Today we have many problems that come from a lack of wisdom and poor communication skills. more

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