  • Aaron Legendre

    Contributing sermons since Oct 20, 2007
aaron's church

Power of Life Ministries
east machias, Maine 4630

About aaron
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I may not have the most proper english, but I live in an east coast farming comunity. I inherited some of there speach. Forgive the downeast style please.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents are very supportive of the choices I have made. My mother would prefer to proofread and change my grammer in my sermons before the public hears them, LOL
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I have a very supportive wife. She backs me 100%. And se can get discussions going that could make 3 sermons :D
  • Hobbies: I am a pastor, farmer, and a woodcrafter. Wich doesnt leave time for many hobbies. But it is well worth it.
  • What I want on my tombstone: With God I shall stay.
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Newest Sermons

  • Work To Do

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We as Christians have work to do,but how many actually do the work.

    A letter from an unsaved man My friend, I stand in judgment now, and feel that you were the blame somehow. On earth I walked with you day by day, and never did you show the way. You knew the savior in truth and glory, but never did you tell the story. My knowledge then was more

  • Doing Right For God Not Yourself

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2007

    This sermon is about giving for god not for yourself.

    Doing Right for God not Yourself. Good morning everyone. I would like to start today off with a little story. It’s a true story of two different people. The first person we will call him Dave for the sake of argument. Dave heard about a little boy who had no toys. He went out to a local more

  • Who's Job Is It?

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2007

    Is it your job to teach the word of God. A look at teaching the Word.

    Who’s Job is it? Good morning. I’m going to start today off with a story another Pastor Brian Bill of Pontiac, Illinois told. “I heard a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would more

  • Sin

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2007

    This is a sermon about sins and repentance. It goes in depth on what repentance is.

    Sins Are you a sinner? I can say with certainty yes you are a sinner. Why? Because no one is without sin. How do I know this? Well the bible tells me in many places like Romans Chapter 3 verse 23. “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” All have sinned. It tells more

  • Wheres The Proof?

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    So everyone ask’s wheres the proof. I wrote this after someone asked me. I pointed them on the path of where threw scriptures.

    Where’s the proof? Good morning everyone. Today I am going to talk a little about a question I see in books, Hear from a lot of people. A common question. Where’s the proof? We have guarantees to give us proof that companies believe there products work. We see steam come off coffee to prove more

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