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Sermons on anointing of the spirit:

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  • The Spirit Of God

    Contributed by Jim Belcher on Oct 1, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    What did it mean for God to send down his Spirit on the day of Pentecost? When the Spirit of God fills you, how do you know it?

    Some kind of power came from outside; a transcendent energy. How are we filled with the Spirit? Reminder: Pentecost was 50 days after Easter, 10 days after the ascension. They had been told by Jesus to wait for it. In the forty days between Easter and the Ascension Jesus had instructed them on more

  • The Promise Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    This promise of the Paraclete brings further clarity to the role of the Spirit, since now He is described specifically as the “Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is the interpreter of God to us & the One who brings God’s peace to us.

    JOHN 14: 25-31 THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT [Philippians 4: 6-7] This section continues to prepare Jesus’ disciples for His departure and its consequences for them. The consequences of Jesus’ departure are not to be sorrowful but a release of blessings. For unless Jesus leaves the Spirit of God more

  • Walk In The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 84 ratings

    If we would develop the Fruit of the Spirit we must walk in the Spirit. This message helps one learn how to walk in the Spirit.

    Galatians 5:24-25 WALK IN THE SPIRIT [Mark 8:34-38] Not everyone who calls themselves Christian is producing Fruit of the Spirit.... Did you know that? It’s available to every Christian, but I hope you have learned by now that there’s nothing automatic about the Spirit’s ministry. Every more

  • A Thankful Spirit

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Nov 23, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Overcoming The Perils of Prosperity with a Thankful Spirit

    The Value Of A Thankful Spirit Overcoming The Perils of Prosperity With A Thankful Spirit Text: Deut. 8:1-20 Deut. 8:1-20 Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the Lord promised on oath to your more

  • Be Filled With The Spirit

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on being filled with the Spirit from Ephesians 5:18-20

    Sermon for 11/22/2009 Be Filled with the Spirit HoHum: Video Clip from Andy Griffith Show on Otis Campbell WBTU: Read Ephesians 5:18-20 A. Wine in Bible times 1. In the world of the Bible they did drink wine. (1 Tim 5:23) Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 5, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Who is He? What does He do with us? The Holy Spirit’s work and person are everywhere in Scripture and in our lives. This lesson surveys select Old and New Testament passages that inform and challenge us regarding the Holy Spirit.

    On the one hand, our Bibles begin with these words: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters… Gen. 1:1-2 Who moved upon the face of the more

  • Praying In The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 10, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    When we realize how fully present God is with us through His Holy Spirit, our prayers can take on a new dimension of power and effectiveness.

    Praying in the Spirit Ephesians 6:13-18 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of more

  • The Sword Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Jan 5, 2011

    one more piece of spiritual armor that gives you all the authority – all the power – all the protection you will ever need in the battles you are going to encounter in this life.

    “The Sword of the Spirit” Eph. 6:17 March 7, 2010 OPEN: Ill – being invited to speak at a church. I had never been to the area before and arrived just a little early so that we might get a feel for the layout of the land and what the area was like. We decided to take a more

  • Be Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Feb 10, 2011

    Being poor in spirit has absolutely nothing to do with depression or finances. This sermon gives a description of the poor in spirit that Jesus calls us to.

    The teacher in a Bible class asked a woman to read from the Book of Numbers about the Israelites wandering in the desert. "The Lord heard you when you wailed, 'If only we had meat to eat!' " she began. "Now the Lord will give you meat. You will not eat it for just one day, or two days, or five, or more

  • Walking In The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    All we may have to offer up is broken pieces – give it to Him. He can use it. We may not have a lot of knowledge or skill – give it to Him. He can use us!

    Perhaps you’ve heard of the best selling business author and speaker Harvey Mackay? His books include “How To Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive”; Beware Of The Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt”; and “Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty.” more

  • The Gifts Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Feb 27, 2011
    based on 31 ratings

    When a person trusts in Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit comes and indwells them and gives them spiritual gifts. Many people do not completely understand the spiritual gifts, what they are and what they are to be used for. This morning we will seek to under

    Gifts of the Spirit Romans 12:4-8 This morning we are continuing to talk about the Holy Spirit and the things He produces and provides in our life. For the last 2 weeks we have talked about the fruit that the Lord grows in us through His Spirit. Slide This week we are transitioning to the Gifts more

  • Unity Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Rev.dr. Windham-Mendoza on Mar 3, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon addresses the needs of the everyday Christian to be unified within The Body Of Christ.

    “I Therefore, the prisoner of The Lord, beseech you that ye may walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye have been called. With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love.” Ephesians 4:1-2 When you hear these words spoken by Paul The Apostle in his more

  • Waiting On The Spirit

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Mar 11, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Think about how comical this must appear from the Lord’s perspective. The apostles (led by Peter) decide the 12th position is empty and therefore it needs to be filled (appropriately reasoned). The only problem is - it is they who chose the two men; cast

    Waiting on the Spirit Acts 1:23-26 So they proposed two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. Then they prayed, "Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he more

  • The Unclean Spirit

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    The scary truth is, there are only two spirits that controls a man – God’s Holy Spirit or Satan’s unclean spirit. Friend, which spirit is in control over you?

    Intro: One quiet Sabbath day Jesus entered the synagogue at Capernaum to declare His Father’s will. Notice that where the Lord does a good work, there is also the devil seeking to resist it. In our text, Jesus comes face to face with a man with an unclean spirit. It is a day of grace and more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 23, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Holy Spirit (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: John chapter 16 verses 1-11. Ill: • In 1992 a lighthouse was built in Santo Domingo, • The capital of the Dominican Republic. • The lighthouse was built to commemorate the; • 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus. • Santo Domingo is more

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