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  • Our Memorials

    Contributed by Russell (Rusty) Pruitt on Jul 17, 2020

    Jacob made a vow that if God would bring him back home safely, that the stone which he set up as a pillar, and its place would be called God's house. By setting up this stone Jacob erected a monument to memorialize this significant event in his life.

    OUR MEMORIALS TEXT: GENESIS 28:16-22 INTRODUCTION: The background for this scripture is that Jacob had stolen his brother Esau’s blessing, and for fear of Esau, he fled to the land of Padanaram. He stopped for the night and went to sleep and had a dream where God revealed His glory to him. God more

  • Gods Presence In Life Series

    Contributed by Suresh Murugesan on Apr 6, 2020

    A person whom we love we always keep that person in our heart. Some times it a person ( your loved one ) Some times it a product (when you completely give your conversation to a products that you wish) Some tines it is a work ( example house, building Or position )

    We give importance to what we love and without our knowledge we invite its presence our lives. Many of us give importance to their love It may be a product, or power. -- we are giving importance to things of this word . Which us perishable. We give prominent place? to your wish, until it gets more

  • Fluttering Of Our Heart

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 29, 2024

    There is a fluttering in our hearts when the Holy Spirit moves in God’s house. The fluttering of our hearts creates a deep yearning and longing towards our beloved Jesus. This fluttering makes our hearts awaken to hear the voice of our beloved Jesus and make us search for Jesus.

    There is a fluttering in our hearts when the Holy Spirit moves in God’s house. The fluttering of our hearts creates a deep yearning and longing towards our beloved Jesus. This fluttering makes our hearts awaken to hear the voice of our beloved Jesus and make us search for Jesus. In God’s presence, more

  • A Sinner Came To Dinner (Sermonette) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Nov 19, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    To discuss a sinner who came to dinner while Jesus ate at a Pharisee’s house. Being reviled by all, full of remorse, she found forgiveness at Jesus’ feet while washing them with her tears and wiping them with her hair. She was forgiven of her sins and restored.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. She Came to Him Reviled 2. She Bore Her Remorse 3. She Left Him Restored Introductory Remarks. 1. Today's lesson will discuss a theme: "A Sinner Came To Dinner." This lesson deals with a woman of the city who has many sins, comes to Jesus condemned but shows more

  • Loving The Unlovable

    Contributed by John Stensrud on Apr 29, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    The main idea of our teaches us what we must do in order to hear Jesus say to us "Today salvation has come to this house". As we look at story, we need to ask ourselves: "Have I done what is necessary?" "Has Jesus said these words to me?"

    by Pastor John Stensrud Immanuel Baptist Church Elgin, Il April 1, 2001 Luke 19:1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of ZACCHEUS; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because more

  • "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Apr 2, 2011

    Many of us can remember him. We may have watched him....or our kids or grand kids may have. Plain sweater, white canvass sneakers, nice smile.....over the years not much changed with the show; it was always the same house-same outfit and the same opening

    “Won’t you be My Neighbor?” Luke 10:25-37 Show video clip of Mr Rogers singing his opening song. Many of us can remember him. We may have watched him....or our kids or grand kids may have. Plain more

  • If The Stones Could Talk

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 12, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Israel is filled with stones. Jesus had a lot of contact with stones during His earthly life. He walked, sat, prayed, wept, and even bled on them. Houses and roads were made of piled stones. I wonder if those stones could talk, what stories would they tel

    Intro: Summary of text. Israel is filled with stones. Jesus had a lot of contact with stones during His earthly life. He walked, sat, prayed, wept, and even bled on them. Houses and roads were made of piled stones. I wonder if those stones could talk, what stories would they tell? Let’s visit a more

  • Saul: The King Who Fell From Grace Series

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Lent Mid-week 2: Message based on (but not adapted from) Concordia Publishing House mid-week lenten series. Saul was chosen to be the Leader of God’s people. By choosing to disobey God, he lost God’s blessing and his position as king. Our King of kings

    Do you remember the last time that you decided to make a big change in your life? I’m not talking about doing something that is a part of daily life and living – like really wanting to go watch a movie or having an ice cream cone – I’m talking about something really huge – something that would more

  • "It's Shaking Time!" Haggai Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 1, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    In Haggai’s day God shook up the Heaven’s and the Earth to awaken the people to their wrong priorities and to refocus them On the building of God’s House. God is shaking up the world today so that we reprioritize our lives God’s way so as to get us to ref

    “It’s Shaking Time!” Haggai pt 2 Last week from Haggai chapter 1 we discovered that the Israelites who had returned from exile had allowed their priority list to get inverted and God and His house were placed at the bottom of the list. This caused God to send Haggai the Prophet to awaken even to more

  • The Love Of Money 1 Timothy 6:3-19 Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We live in a world that promises if you get a good job in a good company and make good money and get a good house and a good car you’ll be happy. The Bible teaches if you have a good relationship with God you have none of those things and be truly happy.

    A Carjacking that was foiled in a Northern Virginia Shopping Mall. It seems as if an elderly grandmother had been given a gun by her son in which to protect herself. On day after she did her shopping she returned to the car where she found four white males seated inside. She dropped her shopping more

  • Remember The Rooster

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Mar 19, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Sooner or later the cock is going to crow, and if it's like the rooster across the way from my house, it could any time! Like Peter, we are sinners in need of a Savior. But, like Peter, we have a hint that the rooster is going to crow, eventually, no matter what.

    Happy "Crowing" Saturday, Everyone! There is a rooster that lives across the road into the valley below on my neighbors farm. That crazy bird will cock-a-doodle-do anytime of the day. What a crazy bird! He reminds me of the lesson this week. This week's Sunday School lesson is from Mark 14. The more

  • Enduring Afflicition

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jan 20, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Wait - don't be so quick to run a way. Do not allow your soul, which is where your emotions, will, and intellect are housed, to wander about without the supervision of your enduring faith. As you persevere in the faith, endure affliction, don’t give up, k

    “Enduring Affliction” By Pastor M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Subtopic :- Wait - don’t be so quick to run-a-way 2nd Timothy 4:5 “But watch thou in all things, ENDURE AFFLICTIONS, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry”. Exodus 14:13 “And Moses said more

  • A Sinner Came To Dinner Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Oct 11, 2022
    based on 6 ratings

    To discuss a sinner who came to dinner while Jesus ate at a Pharisee’s house. Being reviled by all, full of remorse, she found forgiveness at Jesus’ feet while washing them with her tears and wiping them with her hair. She left restored and forgiven of her sins.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. She Came to Him Reviled 2. She Bore Her Remorse 3. She Left Him Restored Introductory Remarks. 1. Today's lesson will discuss a theme: "A Sinner Came To Dinner." This lesson deals with a woman of the city who has many sins, comes to Jesus condemned but shows more

  • Finding Comfort In God's Control

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on May 9, 2022

    Mothers often need a break from the cleaning, cooking, laundry. There is a lot to do to keep a house and home under control. Things can go haywire quickly, and not just for mothers. But no matter who you are, you can find comfort in trusting in God's ultimate control.

    Alba 5-8-2022 Finding Comfort in God's Control Genesis 38:27-30 A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud. The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Going more

  • Woman Thou Art Loosed

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Mar 20, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    As we watch Jesus deliver this sick woman from the bondage of her sickness, we get a picture of what He can do for us, if we will wait on Him! This woman waited 18 years for her healing and the Bible records that it happened while she was in the House of Prayer on the day of Worship.

    Luke 13:10-17 WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED March 20, 2022 Intro: This passage is all about how Jesus can set us free. In John 8:36 Jesus said, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” As we watch Him deliver this sick woman from the bondage of her sickness, we get a picture of more

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