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  • Eulogy Douglas Thomas

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Feb 6, 2016

    This is a eulogy for a Christian who loved his family, served his church, and invested himself in the lives of others. Doug was an African American, born in 1943 in a small town in West Va.

    In May of 1943, the world was at war and freedom and justice was at stake. In Poland the Germans had crushed the last of the Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising killing thousands of Jews and sending the rest to the Triblinka concentration camp to die. Meanwhile in Alaska, more

  • Eulogy For Ann Moore

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 26, 2013

    Sermon for a Christian woman who did an outstanding job serving her family and her church.

    Eulogy For Ann Moore by Rick Gillespie- Mobley Psalms 90:1-12 John 14:1-6 Ann Moore 5/20/13 God creates some people who are to become very important in the world, and God creates some people who to be very special in the world. Now some would say it is better to be important than more

  • Poor-Ly Done Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 24, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The people of Sodom cared nothing for the poor and needy, and this is one of the reasons Sodom was destroyed. Do you know why this lack of concern for the helpless angered God?

    OPEN: A woman wrote in Reader's Digest about the time when she 10 ten years old and she found a wallet. There wasn’t any money in it, just a paper with a phone number and address on it. But she knew how these things worked. She’d return the wallet to its owner and THEN she’d get a reward! She more

  • Funeral Patsy Ann Cundiff

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 2, 2024

    Service for a Christain lady who has go to be with Jesus.

    • Scripture: Job 19:25-27 My Redeemer Lives and so will Patsy Ann Cundiff Words of Grace & Greeting: Friends, we have gathered here to praise God and to witness to our faith as we celebrate the life of “Patsy Cundiff”. We come together in grief, acknowledging our human loss. May God grant us more

  • The Gift That Keeps On Giving Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 4, 2015
    based on 17 ratings

    The gift of "giving" is perhaps closest to God's heart. What is it about this gift that makes it so special, and how can we know if we have this particular gift?

    OPEN: One preacher told of the time he found himself in a situation where he truly needed to announce publicly what he was giving to a special church offering. “This wasn’t for the purpose of boastfulness, for I was only giving $25, although, at that time, that was significant to me. more

  • Ann's Funeral 03/14/2015

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Mar 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Ann was one of those people that you just enjoyed being around. She was always the same Ann whenever or wherever you saw her.

    Ann 03/14/2015 funeral On behalf of the family thank you for coming today….we are here pay our respects to Annie Lou Hutchins Smith ..a Mother, a Grandmother, an Aunt …a Sister, and a friend. For me I never thought much about Ann being my Sister In Law…she always seemed like one more

  • "My Little Brother” Funeral Sermon ( Douglas Belger)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 10, 2023

    Intro: My mother gave birth to six children. Doug said when mom…

    1. Gave birth to Martin she said I can do better than that! 2. Gave birth to Billy she I can do better than that! 3. Gave birth to Jack she said I can do better than that! 4. Gave birth to me she said I can do better than that! 5. Gave birth to Lois she said I can do better than that! more

  • Eulogy For Victoria Anne Todd Homegoing Service Funeral

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 31, 2021

    Summary: Victoria was an elderly woman who grew up in the church and served as an elder in the congregation at one point. She was greatly loved by her family and had the gift of hospitality. She loved her family and was a very elegant person.

    Victoria Anne Scott Todd By Rick Gillespie- Mobley Psalm 139:1-18 John 14:1-6 May 22, 2021 When the year 2020 started, very few people knew just how dramatic of a year it was going to be. I hope that one thing you realized is that it did not catch God off guard. God still had a more

  • Celebrating The Grandparents Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 23, 2018

    If Mary’s response to the angel was an enthusiastic “yes,” then we can look to her parents for their own constant response to God’s commands, their answer of “yes” to His will.

    Thursday of the 16th Week in Course 2018 Ss Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary Today we commemorate two of the great persons of salvation history, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom tradition calls Joachim and Anne. Scripture implies that Mary had a family, and the Annunciation almost more

  • How To Experience Fullness Of The Spirit's Power

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    (Notes adapted from Alban Douglas 100 Lessons, page 76) 1.

    (Notes adapted from Alban Douglas 100 Lessons, page 76) 1. What Are the Requirements for Experiencing Fullness of the Spirit's Power? - A person must totally surrender the control of their mind, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit as directed by Bible. (Gal. 5:16) At conversion a believer becomes more

  • Thank You, God For Dad, Mum, Grand And Great-Grand Pas And Mas

    Contributed by Revd Dr Ruwan Palapathwala on Dec 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Thanking God for our God-fearing fathers, mothers, and grand- and great-grandparents, who, living and departed, instilled in us the faith.

    In Western Christianity, this day (July 26th) is celebrated as the “feast of grandparents.” This feast began with the earliest church traditions, which marked the maternal grandparents of Jesus, Joachim, and Anne. A little bit later, in about the third and fourth centuries, the universal church more

  • Loved And Called God's People

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 1, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the salvation of the Jews and Gentiles (Outline taken from Sermon Central's Aubrey Vaughan at: and mater

    HoHum: There are approximately 150,000 Jewish Believers in Jesus Christ today. In 1948, when Israel was reestablished as an independent nation, there were fewer than 100 Messianic Jews living in Israel. Today, there are approximately 15,000 Messianic Jewish people in Israel. However, there are more

  • To Desire A Better Country

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Funeral service for Anne Tlholakae, diplomat of the Embassy of South Africa. All of us desire a better country; that journey begins with faith. As Biblical wanderers sought that better country but died in a foreign land, so Anne sought and found Christ

    The desire for a better country goes deep in the human heart. The desire for something more, something finer, than what our ancestors left us is an aspiration that transcends all boundaries. Just as here in the United States we celebrate those markers in our history that made us a greater nation, more

  • I Will Come Again!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 24, 2022

    General Douglas MacArthur went down in American History as one of the greatest Generals this country has ever had.

    When President Roosevelt ordered him to leave the Philippines and go to Australia, he spoke these words that went down in the history books, “I shall return.” In 1945 President Roosevelt sent him back. A year later, the Japanese surrendered to him and ended the war. But MacArthur is not the more

  • Hang On Soldier, Hang On

    Contributed by Dr. Jared Mckinney on Apr 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We see I. Certainty of His coming, II. Characteristics of His Coming,III. Consequences of His Coming As Soldiers for Christ we can grow weary. Sometimes we feel as though we can't go on....but Hang On Soldier, Hang On

    I claim no absolute originality to the sermons I preach. I believe in study and preparation and I pull information and inspiration from pastors, preachers, teachers, friends and family. I only desire for God to be glorified. What's the old saying? ... 'Milk all the cows you can, then churn your more

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