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  • Lazyboy Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 17, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The 3rd sin of Sodom was slothfulness. Why does God hate this, and how can we be condemned of this sin? Hint: too many churches and church goers actually do commit this sin and risk His wrath.

    OPEN: (–time stamp 0:0 thru 2:44 - A Millennial Job Interview) Now, how would you describe that young lady? Was she a self-centered, selfish woman?? Well, yeah. It was very clear that she absolutely had to have a specially created coffee latte every more

  • The Real Deal Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on Oct 19, 2016

    People are tired of finding phony. How can we make sure they find the Real Deal?

    We have been looking at the beginnings of the church. You may recall that in Acts 1 Jesus declared they would be His witnesses, “first in Jerusalem and Judea, then in Samaria and the ends of the world.” However, up until today’s passage, the church has remained in Jerusalem. It more

  • Memorial Service For Military Personnel

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 30, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    This message was preached for a young man who had extensive military background.

    Memorial Service for Brian McKay Good afternoon. I am David Henderson and I am the pastor of Eagle’s Landing Baptist Church here in Port Richey. We are grateful for the life of Brian McKay and very pleased that our military is here to help honor his life. Scripture/Psalm 23 Today we more

  • "God Uses The Ordinary"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon for Palm Sunday.

    “God Uses the Ordinary” Mark 11:1-11 By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor of Grace United Methodist Church, Soddy Daisy, TN I don’t know why God ordained me to go into the ministry. I don’t have a clue. I don’t know why God would want to use me. I don’t understand why God more

  • The Church In The Last Days

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    This study looks at the clear signs given by Jesus and the apostles that point to the falling away from the faith and the condition of the church nearing the end-times.

    The Church in the Last Days The clearest sign given to the Christian that we are in the last days is the falling away from true faith. The scripture gives a lot of attention to this one sign that will precede the rise of the anti-Christ. Look at 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 Let no one deceive you by any more

  • Run To Win Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We are all in a race of faith. A race that is to mature in faith allowing us to be the masterpiece Jesus created us to be! So run so as to win the race!

    INTRODUCTION A. Series “Becoming Contagious” to a Close! 1. “The Stockpile Factor” - Blessings 2. “A Contagious Heart” - Compassion 3. “A Contagious Faith” - Preparedness 4. “A Contagious Race” – Methods of Sharing 5. “A Contagious Storyteller” - Testimony 6. “A Contagious Message” – Gospel more

  • Momentary Troubles To Eternal Majesty

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Jan 2, 2013
    based on 14 ratings

    God uses trouble to teach His children precious lessons. They are intended to educate us. When their good work is done, a glorious recompense will come to us through them. There is a sweet joy and a real value in them. He does not regard them as difficult

    Momentary troubles to Eternal majesty “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Cor. 4:17). If there is one thing that this world is not short of it is troubles and disadvantages. But turning that adversity into more

  • "Training For The Race Of Faith”

    Contributed by John Harper on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We must run the race of faith with patience and not allow our past to trip us up from finishing our race.

    “TRAINING FOR THE RACE OF FAITH” Hebrews 12:1-11 February 1, 2009 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God Introduction: Kurt Warner back for second Super Bowl fairytale with Arizona Cardinals By Oliver Holt on Jan 31, 09 12:00 AM in Superbowl This is what makes Arizona Cardinals quarterback more

  • Ruth: Determined To Be Faithful Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 13, 2019

    Ruth 1:16-18

    WOMEN OF WONDER - Ruth: Determined to be Faithful May 19, 2019 Ruth 1:16-18 (p. 182) Introduction: [An old man and old woman were sitting on their back porch as the sun set…It was a beautiful evening and the old man was overcome with emotion and looked at his wife and said, more

  • Consider Your Future

    Contributed by Ian Biss on Sep 30, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    A sermon for those who would look other than where they should for answers, that only God can answer.

    Consider Your Future by Ian Biss 3/17/01 2bn Intro... In the early part of the twelfth century, in the Dark Ages, a haggard old sorceress went to the papacy with six envelopes that she claimed had within them God’s revelation for the Roman Catholic Church. She appeared before the pope and more

  • "The Resurrection And The Life"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 4, 2014

    A sermon about being raised to new life.

    John 11:1-45 "The Resurrection and The Life" Right before our Gospel Lesson for this morning, in John Chapter 10, Jesus had been in Jerusalem for a Jewish Festival. At this festival, we are told in John 10:24, that a mob circled around Him and asked Him, "How long will you test our patience? If more

  • Thanks Be To God For His Indescribable Gift Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Jul 28, 2017

    Jesus, Grace, Thanksgiving

    CULTIVATING A GENEROUS HEART - Thanks Be To God For His Indescribable Gift 2 Corinthians 9:15 (p. 807) July 30, 2017 Introduction: My grandfather, Arthur Bach was born in the mountains of Eastern, KY in Breathitt County…He and his 3 brothers all became doctors…Dr. Bach came to more

  • Finishing Pretty Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 15, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    It doesn't matter whether we finish first in this race, but it does matter that we "finish pretty." Do you know what that means and what it takes to "look good" when we cross the finish line?

    OPEN: I read the true story about a group of friends that wanted to take part in one of those big 26 mile marathons. They ran together for over a year preparing for the meet. They were not trying to be big competitors in the race, they enjoyed running together and - for them – this was going to be more

  • Holding To The Promise

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Apr 29, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Message about holding on to the promise that the Lord has given.

    Holding to the Promise 2Ki 4:8-37 (8) Now it happened one day that Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a notable (great, godly) woman, and she persuaded him to eat some food. So it was, as often as he passed by, he would turn in there to eat some food. Notable, great woman. Why? Some say more

  • Who Do You Say That I Am?

    Contributed by John Nadasi on Aug 23, 2002
    based on 185 ratings

    This sermon shows the foundation of the historic church is built on Peter’s confession of faith. The modern church is no different. The gift of salvation comes through faith and love.

    Matthew 16:13-20 Paonia United Methodist Church August 25, 2002 Rev. John Nadasi A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic. "Here is the situation," she said. "A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins more