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  • Are You Packin Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    As long as churches, schools, post offices, and government buildings are perceived as “soft-targets,” assailants who are intent on killing as many people as possible will continue to attack such places. Now is not the time to reject the teachings of Jesu

    Are You Packin’ An elderly lady declared, “No one would ever carry a gun in our church!” These words were heard by a pastor of a mid-size church in a rural community. The pastor engaged the older lady in conversation, “There are likely several concealed handgun license holders present in more

  • What Will You Do With Jesus?

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 14, 2013

    In the beginning of John 19 we see three different examples of what people did with Jesus. The soldiers mocked him, Pilate didn't want to deal with him and the Jews rejected him. What about us? What will we do with Jesus?

    WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS? John 19:1-16 1) The soldiers mocked him (2-3). To mock means to ‘imitate in contempt’ or ‘ridicule’ or ‘scorn’. The specific word mocked is used in Matthew’s gospel. Matt. 27:28-30, “They stripped him and put a scarlet more

  • Jesus Cleanses The Temple Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 26, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus' cleansing of the temple in Luke 19:45-48 shows us his anger and prophetic denunciation of distorted worship.

    Scripture The final section in The Gospel of Luke begins at Luke 19:28. Luke described Jesus’ final week on earth, and began with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (19:28-40). As Jesus drew near the city of Jerusalem he burst into tears and wept over the city because of the more

  • Crossing The Threshold-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    1 of 4. Amos declared God’s strained relationship with His people. Thus a failed relationship with God evokes His wrath. What specifically does a failed relationship with God evoke(bring about/cause)? A failed relationship with God evokes...

    CROSSING The THRESHOLD-I—Amos 1:1-2 Attention: A Threshold is a crossover or transition zone or optimal use zone. Where the upper limit or end of effectiveness is reached. An automobile transmission—Each gear is limited in it’s response. Each of the gears has a threshold beyond which it will not more

  • Steps To A Better Life: The Ten Commandments, Part #2

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Feb 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The Ten Commandments teach us to love God and love people. We are not saved by them, but we are kept safe by them.

    Part #2 Steps to a Better Life A Study of the Ten Commandments Welcome to the Stevens Creek Church. We are glad to have you here and I especially want to welcome our South Campus and our online campus. Let me know that you are watching … share it on social media. We are so glad that you are more

  • The Prophet Jeremiah 2 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 27, 2022

    The Book of Jeremiah contains the words of Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah. Jeremiah began his ministry during the reign of King Josiah.

    Hilkiah was the High Priest that found the Book of the Law during the time of King Josiah. Illus: They did not have printing presses as we have today, so the Word of God was in limited supply. According to Deut. 31:24-27, there was to be a copy of this Book of the Law beside the Ark of the more

  • Knocked Off Balance

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Apr 11, 2023

    When you are knocked off your feet, blind with tears or pain or even a light like the one Paul saw, the first thing to do is seek God.

    This has been a bad week. It started with one of the worst tragedies that has ever hit our country. Only wars, terrorist attacks and natural disasters have caused more anguish, more grief and suffering and loss, and more questions about providence and the presence - or absence - of God. The more

  • Image Of God & The Abortion Question

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on May 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This message addresses the abortion question and the sanctity of life prompted by the US Supreme Court leak on the Roe v Wade case.

    Image of God & The Abortion Question Text: Psalm 139; Gen 1:26; 1 Cor 6: Subject: How does God see human life? Complement: made in his image Idea: All human beings – born and in womb are made in God image. Preaching idea: “made in God’s image & likeness” (Fearfully and wonderfully more

  • Life Intercepted By God-1(2024)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 9, 2024

    1 of 3. The apostle Matthew recorded some key elements/aspects surrounding the conception & birth of Jesus, from Joseph’s perspective. ?What can be learned from Joseph’s perspective about Jesus’ beginnings? Lessons learned from a life intercepted by God. Life Intercepted By God...

    LIFE INTERCEPTED By GOD-I—Matthew 1:18-19(:18-25) Attention: One day, in 1986, before I knew Jesus, I was sitting the living room of my, my wife’s, & our infant daughter’s newly purchased home in Savannah, Georgia. I was watching a Sunday Bible Study program aired by a local pastor. He more

  • How Do I Live As A Christian In This World: 10 Areas We Might Not Normally Think About

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jan 27, 2024

    The desire of my heart is to live as a true Christian, in a world that is broken. How do I do that? How do I live it out during my daily life? Let's look briefly at ten areas of our lives that we might not have thought about before.

    The desire of my heart is to live as a true Christian, in a world that is broken. How do I do that? How do I live it out during my daily life? Let's look briefly at ten areas of our lives that we might not have thought about before. Group Dynamics / Social Climbing - In our friend group, more

  • Don't Be Such A Moron

    Contributed by Jay Patton on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A warning that being a Christian means living a life that has been transformed by the Spirit.

    Introduction: Jim Marshall running the wrong way Read Scripture/Pray Explanation of Jewish wedding – 3 stages: Background: 2nd part of Olivet discourse, disciple’s question, sandwich of 5 Purpose Statement: To avoid losing site of the goal I. Be Committed A. Recognize Who it is that called you 1. more

  • Lickety-Split

    Contributed by Brian Buriff on Jun 14, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Seven (7) things the Bible promises will happen Lickety-Split quick!

    1 Cor 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…” I. INTRODUCTION A. Feedback Question: “Tell me of a miracle product (you once purchased) that promised to do something quickly, but really didn’t work.” (e.g., products that claim to help you quickly lose weight, build muscle, restore more

  • Moving Off Dead Center

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Sep 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The nation of Israel was like many of us, kind of stuck. But there are ways we can get out of this rut, and move on to greater effectiveness.

    Passage: 1 Samuel 7:2-11 Intro: It’s amazing when an event that took place more than 3000 years ago is so relevant to us. 1. for over 3 centuries, the people of Israel had turned their backs on God. 2. they had suffered terribly, but hadn’t put their condition together with their behavior. 3. more

  • Where's Waldo? Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Seeking means intentional effort to find. Finding Waldo is not always easy. Neither is finding his kingdom and his righteousness. Yet it is worth the effort.

    When I think of seeking or searching, “Where’s Waldo?” The busy pictures where you search for Waldo and other objects that often blend into the rest of the picture. You have to search and search to find him. Sometimes it is easy and it jumps right out at you but usually it is not. The more

  • Have You Heard The Good News About Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The word "gospel" means "good news." Have you heard the good news about Jesus?

    HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS? Text: Mark 1:1 – 15 Introduction: •We all like to get good news •“It’s a boy!” “You’ve just won $1 million in the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes!” “I just saved a bundle of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO!” •Gospel = more

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