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  • Ambush

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Satan often seeks to strike from a hidden position. Whether hidden and concealed or hidden in plain sight Satan seeks to ambush us. We can only be victorious through Jesus Christ.

    AMBUSH (2016) Text: Luke 4:1 – 13 As a student pastor, I had my first confirmands for a confirmation class. We were having a session, imitating how some of the very first Christians lived with the threat of persecution, one of the leaders jumped in the door and said with a more

  • Ambushed By Unfaithfulness

    Contributed by Jason Seger on Feb 16, 2012

    David was an experienced military leader. He knew that he had to keep his guard up on the battle field, but was ambushed at home in his palace because he didn’t realize an enemy of a different kind was lying in wait for him. He never saw it coming, bu

    Ambushed by Unfaithfulness Scripture Text: 2nd Samuel 11:1-4 Introduction: Do these words sound familiar? “Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall more

  • Ambush At Credibility Gap Series

    Contributed by Dan Jackson on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    God hates a lying tongue. The 9th commandmant is amplified throughout the Bible as God warns against untruthfulness.

    AMBUSH AT CREDIBILITY GAP Exodus 20:16 In David Letterman style, Rick Warren identifies Ten Great American Lies: #10 Your table will be ready in a minute. #9 One size fits all. #8 This will hurt me more than it hurts you. #7 I’m sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic. #6 The check is in the more

  • Watch Out For Ambushes

    Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Oct 28, 2009

    It isn’t how you start that is important. IT IS HOW YOU FINISH! The Christian Life is learning to love Jesus more and more each day! The Christian Life isn’t a set of rules and regulations! The Christian Life isn’t about stuffing facts and informati

    Cornerstone Church October 24 / 25 2009 Watch Out for Ambushes! 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 John Wesley Powell, lost more

  • "Ambush Makeover" - The Spiritual Kind

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jan 21, 2004
    based on 67 ratings

    God completely "made over" the Apostle Paul’s soul. God has done the same thing for you.

    ACTS 9:1-22, Galatians 1:11-24: PAUL’S STORY IS YOUR STORY We live in a world of fads – things that are popular now, but eventually fade away – that’s a fad. Right now, one of the latest fads you may have seen on TV is the idea of extreme makeovers. How it works is that certain people are more

  • How To Ambush Your Ai Series

    Contributed by William Morris on Jan 31, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    The 7th in a series of messages from the book of Joshua dealing with living a victorious Christian life.

    Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris Text: Joshua 8:1-35 (read 1-2) Title: How To Ambush Your Ai Date: February 1, 2004 Introduction: Chapter 8 of Joshua finds Israel facing the same city that it faced in chapter 7, the little city of Ai. The first time Israel went to battle with Ai, they lost, and 36 more

  • Turning The Tables Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 22 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE WICKED ARE THE ONLY LOSERS WHEN THEY TRY TO AMBUSH THE RIGHTEOUS I. (:1-2) HIDE ME FROM SECRET ATTACKS A. Hear my voice Bring our complaints to God as prayers for deliverance B. Preserve my life "from the dread of the enemy" Not just deliverance from their attacks, but from being more

  • Like An Ox To The Slaughter Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Oct 23, 2022

    Wouldn't be nice if the choice we have to make in life where black and white, simple and clear cut ... but they aren't. In Proverbs 7, Solomon uses a 'spicy' way to discussing how Sin can be right up in our face and yet we can't see it ... until it's too late.

    Last week we looked at Proverbs 9 in which Solomon contrasts Lady Wisdom with Lady Folly. Solomon attempts to make the choice between Wisdom and Folly as clear and as obvious as possible in the hopes of helping us to make the right choice. Would that it were that simple, amen, as making such an more

  • Putting On The Belt Of Truth Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 16, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We have spent the last few weeks becoming “Battle ready” and we have seen a number of reasons why we need to be ready for the ambush of the enemy.

    “Battle Ready, Putting on the Belt of Truth” Eph 6:13,14a We have spent the last few weeks becoming “Battle ready” and we have seen a number of reasons why we need to be ready for the ambush of the enemy. Today we have finally made it to the point where we begin to apply the more

  • Feasting With Levi Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    Levi was ambushed by Jesus and then hosts a dinner party to mix his new Christians friends with his old life friends. See what happens and how you can apply it to your life

    Joining days - what are our values - most says Food! Food is important - not just for fuel but what happens as we eat together. Often a meal is as much about the people coming as it is about people who are coming Meals are important in the life of Jesus too. There are three ways the NT completes more

  • Living In The Faith Dimension Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Jan 28, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The mountaintop is sweet because we commune with Jesus! But when you return to the valley, you will be ambushed by people who have all kinds of needs. That's why we should to always be a church built in the valley, not on the mountain.

    INTRODUCTION Are you living in the faith dimension? We basically live in a three dimensional world. There are three dimensions to time: past, present and future. In terms of space, there is height, width, and depth. For many years, television and movies were shown in 2-D. But because of filming more

  • Those Who Are With Us Are More Than Those Who Are With Our Enemy

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 10, 2020

    As We Enter 2019, Let Us Revisit a war as recorded in 2 Kings 6. We see God’s invisible army working miraculously to overcome the enemy on our behalf. Most importantly, we see that (2 Kings 6:16) "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them".

    THOSE WHO ARE WITH US ARE MORE THAN THOSE WHO ARE WITH OUR ENEMY 2 KINGS 6: 8 Now the king of Aram (Syrian) was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.” 9 The man of God (Elisha) sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of more

  • Retaking Our Safe Spaces

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jan 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Theme: Victory Over Evil - What do you do when your safe space has been invaded? What do you do when you are ambushed or face defeat? In this story about Ziklag, David shows us how to turn our(s) defeat into victory/victories.

    Scripture: 1 Samuel 30: 1 - 31 Theme: Victory Over Evil Title: Retaking Your Safe Space What do you do when your safe space has been invaded? What do you do when you are ambushed or face defeat? In this story about Ziklag, David shows us how to turn our(s) defeat into victory/victories. more

  • Secret Sins

    Contributed by Robert Thomas on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A look at the downward Spirial of David’s family

    Secret Sins 2 Chronicles 13 Introduction: Civil War in Israel - Northern Kingdom has split off of the grandson of David - Reheboam the son on Solomon - was young and foolish - 10 tribes in Northern Israel split off and made Jereboam an advisor to Solomon King in the North - They fell into sin more

  • Removing Sinners (Joshua 8)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 10, 2025

    Does God choose at times to remove sinners from among the righteous? Let's begin in Joshua 8.

    Was a lost battle finally won after removing one problem person? Was a sinful city removed? Will there be an even greater removal at the end of the age? Let’s begin in Joshua 8. Was the way now cleared for Israel to conquer the city of Ai? Yahweh said to Joshua, “Don’t be afraid, and don’t be more

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