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  • Christmas Eve Service

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Dec 21, 2005
    based on 45 ratings

    This is an entire Christmas Eve Service - complete with Christmas carols, candlelighting and communion. The message is a slight alteration of Pat Cook’s message "Christmas Bread" which is also available on SermonCentral.

    CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE WELCOME INVOCATION: Our glorious God, you sent your Son into our world to show us who you are. In Christ we find love, forgiveness, peace and hope; we are grateful for this reflection of you. May we encounter the Christ child in this time of worship, and in doing so, more

  • God Determines The Times And Seasons

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Oct 12, 2013
    based on 16 ratings

    “It is God who alters the times and seasons, and he removes kings and promotes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. “(Daniel 2:21ISV)

    God determines the times and seasons “It is God who alters the times and seasons, and he removes kings and promotes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. “(Daniel 2:21ISV) The sun and moon were created to give light to the earth, to separate day from more

  • I.e.1 - A Law Concerning Animal Food And Blood Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 5, 2019

    These instructions are for all people of all ages and all places, and for all time. They are permanent ordinances from God for all humanity, and they must not be ignored or altered. Life is precious, and it must be handled with care.

    November 19, 2013 Commentary on the Book of Genesis By: Tom Lowe Lesson I.E.1: A Law Concerning Animal Food and Blood. Gen. 9:1-7 Genesis 9.1-7 (KJV) 1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. 2 And the fear of you and more

  • A Counter Decree Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 23, 2021

    Our lives face much adversity at times, but we can rest in the sovereign hand of God. Thankfully His Word is forever settled and it will never be altered or countered by the devices of men or Satan.

    A Counter Decree Esther 8: 9-17 Although much had changed in a short period of time, work remained for Esther and Mordecai. We must understand the process involved regarding an official decree of the king. Once a decree was signed, it could not be altered or changed. It remained law until it was more

  • The Marks Of A Spiritual Person Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Jun 4, 2024

    Abram settled his tents in the place that God had called him. From beginning to the end of this story, though he failed many times, he always built and alter to the Lord.

    As we spoke about Genesis 12 last week, we saw that there was a famine in the land and Abram took a natural, commonsensical path and made his way down to Egypt. While in Egypt, we didn’t see Abram erect monuments to or call upon his God - instead he took what he felt was the smartest, most more

  • Mighty Is The God Of The One Who Struggles With God. Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jun 16, 2024

    Jacob and Esau had been at odds their whole lives. Jacob was living in fear of the brother he had deceived out of his inheritance. He didn't have a deep relationship with the God of is father and grandfather. That was all to change.

    Mighty is the God of the one who struggles with God. Last week we looked at Jacob and an encounter that he had with God where he wrestled all night, he received a blessing, a new name and an injured hip. He realised that he had been wrestling with God, had survived and as such named the place more

  • The Legacy Of John The Baptist

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 6, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    John was the greatest prophet ever born, the only prophet prophesied of by at least 2 prophets in Scripture, marked by unusual courage, who mentored several leaders of the early church & altered a nation.

    THE LEGACY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Mk. 6:14-29 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: PLAYPEN 1. A young mother complained to her friend about the difficulties of child rearing, especially the lack of peace and constant pestering by her small children. 2. Her friend smiled and said, "What you need is a more

  • Part 4: When Your Pride Is Showing Series

    Contributed by Brad Froese on Aug 30, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    As sanctified vessels we all have days we just don’t hold our “holy water” very well. One of our major faults is the life-altering sin called pride.

    Last week we learned that as Christians, we’re all like vases: vessels designed to be used in the house of God, and as vessels we’re called to be sanctified: set aside as holy vessels, for noble use in the house of God… To be used for God’s purposes, in His Kingdom. Unfortunately, all of us more

  • Untrod Paths

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Oct 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Our past cannot be altered. It is forever sealed. All we can do is work to make a better future. Plod on forward. Don't look back and don't veer to the left or to the right

    Traveling on in the Untrod Paths Joshua 3:1-5 1 ¶ And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. 2 And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the more

  • Why Is Complaining Such A Big Deal To God?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 2, 2018

    Many think complaining doesn't matter, but God knows it stops growth, cultivates the flesh, and will alter our permanent nature. Paul offers a remedy - a healthy mind, and steps to new thought patterns.

    WHY IS COMPLAINING SUCH A BIG DEAL TO GOD? Phip. 4:8 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: WHO DO I SHOOT? 1. A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were clear. No car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the windshield. 2. A big Army car came up with a general seated in more

  • The Bottom Line Choice Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on May 9, 2002
    based on 355 ratings

    Some of the decisions that we make in life are not that earth shattering, history will see little difference in the cereal you chose to eat for breakfast, but there are choices in life that important, even life altering. These are choice made by every hum

    A Study of Joshua Sermon # 12 “The Bottom Line Choice” Joshua 24: 14-28 This week I listened as on the popular singers of our day (Alanis Morrisett) was interviewed about her work. When asked to characterize her music she more

  • Fire, Fire, Fire

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Our lives would be greatly altered without fire. The Bible uses the word fire throughout its contents. However there are four kinds of fire mentioned in the Bible that I would like to talk about this morning.

    Luke 4:43 But He said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent." Jesus had the power to accomplish his purpose. The purpose for his coming was the preaching the kingdom of God to the whole world. He has given us the same more

  • Decisions Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jun 30, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Our life is governed by our decisions and each decision has consequences. Naomi, Orpah and Ruth each made decisions that had life-altering consequences. Each of their decisions have lessons for our own lives.

    Decisions Series: Ruth (Sermon 3 in series) June 30, 2013 TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Ruth 1. INTRODUCTION Illus. – At seven o’clock on the morning of December 7, 1941 two US soldiers were on duty at a small radar station in the Pacific ocean. Suddenly, their radar screen more

  • The Power Of Love

    Contributed by Bishop Malcolm Coby, Ph. D. on Aug 20, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is designed to guide the hearer to the usefulness of love. The God kind of love is unknown to the flesh. It is a work of the Spirit. Love has power to alter many of the challenges we have in life, if we would learn to use it.

    I. Introduction A. The Love Fruit 1. Love (Agape Love) is love of the mind, reason and will 2. Agape love is love that a. Loves regardless of feelings – whether we feel like loving or not b. Loves even if the person does not deserve to be loved c. Loves the person who is more

  • Thermometer Or Thermostat: Which Are You?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 9, 2022

    A thermometer tells how hot or cold something or someone is. It doesn’t try to change its environment. A thermostat, on the other hand, alters the temperature. Christians should be thermostats, changing their neighborhoods, families, work, etc.

    THERMOMETER OR THERMOSTAT: WHICH ARE YOU? Mt. 5:16 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A Pastor told one of his faithful church members, “Mrs. Smith, I appreciate your devotion. You are present at all the services!” 2. Mrs. Smith: “Yes, it’s such a relief, at the end of a long, hard week, to come to more

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