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  • Significance Of Mount Calvary

    Contributed by Kadmiel Latha Sudhir Kumar on Mar 18, 2020

    Have you ever wondered why God chose a mount shaped like a skull, for His beloved Son Jesus to be crucified?Know more of the secrets buried beneath Mount Calvary.

    SIGNIFICANCE OF MOUNT CALVARY “... And when they had come to the place called Calvary ,there they crucified Him ....... Luke 23:33 Mount more

  • Such Is Life

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Dr. Tow looks at Jacob's journey in Genesis 35 and offers some comparisons as we encounter conflict, loss and much more in our own journeys.

    Such Is Life 06-21-15 ( Life is a journey; for every one of more

  • The Tabernacle Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 30, 2018

    How the Old Testament tabernacle points ahead to Jesus.

    ENGAGE This morning I’m going to preach about a shadow. We’re all familiar with shadows, right? We know that a shadow has no independent substance or existence in itself. And although you can see a shadow, you can’t feel it or hear it or smell it or taste it. So in a sense I suppose a shadow is more

  • Prayer To Disgrace Evil Gates

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Mar 1, 2006
    based on 106 ratings

    Your reading this message will spell a great disaster in the camp of your enemies

    Your reading this message will spell a great disaster in the camp of your enemies. It is going to be a chaotic time for the enemies and l want you to exhibit holy anger in your spirit as you read attentively. Genesis 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will more

  • Gideon - God Empowers The Timid And Insignificant Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 8 in our series on Judges. This message explores the account of Gideon.

    Judges Series #8 Life Cycles “God Empowers the Timid and Insignificant” Review We should all be familiar with the cycle by now. Sin-Slavery-Supplication-Salvation-Service Up to this point, I have described the fourth stage as God raising up a deliverer. Technically God is the Deliverer who more

  • Memory Enhancers Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    7th in a long series on Joshua. This speaks of placing memorials in our lives to remember what God has done for us.

    Joshua 4:1-9, 19-24 – Memory Enhancers I like the joke about the guy named John, who had a really horrible memory. One day John ran into a friend whom he had not seen in a long time. He greeted him and said, “Bill, do you remember what a bad memory I had?” Bill answered, “Yes, I certainly more

  • On The Edge Series

    Contributed by Bob Soulliere on Aug 27, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    Being on the edge can be scarry. But this somtimes makes people run for there lives.Are you ready to be intimate?

    Matthew 16:16-19 The Church on the edge The last few weeks we talked about being the church on the edge and how to get there and on the edge of what. What it show us even though it might be scary or way out of our comfort zone. We talked about how the church has no walls. We can not worship more

  • Gift Giving Series

    Contributed by Casey Casal on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is a deeper look at the gifts given to Jesus for his birth

    Words of Affirmation: Gift Giving Text: Matthew 2:11 Subject: Giving to God Context: At this time of year...seeing as how it is Christmas I figured this would be the perfect time to talk about the gifts that were given to Jesus so we are going to read the scripture tonight and look at this in more

  • Today, We Are All Joshua

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on May 21, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    Challenge to TRBC after death of my father, Dr. Jerry Falwell. It is now our responsibility, it is our challenge, it is now our vision, and, it must also be our passion to reaching our community for Christ.

    Today, We Are All Joshua! Josh. 1:1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, it came to pass that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: 2 “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am more

  • Let Brotherly Love Continue - With Help Series

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Sep 2, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Philadelphia and Philozenia - luv em with His Love

    Penetcost 14 Let Brotherly Love Continue, with help! Sept. 2 † In the Name of Jesus † Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ! Piano Man… The young musician, week after week, sits and observes the people. There is John, a bartender and wannabe actor; Paul, the more

  • Essentials Of Great Worship

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Sep 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    There are basic requirements for high quality worship

    Essentials for Great Worship Hebrews 13: 10-16 June 7, 2009 Morning Service Introduction In his book, songs that were the heart, gospel singer George Beverly Shea tells of his friend Bert Frizen. While attending college, Burt distinguished himself as a fine baritone singer. But his college studies more

  • Sacrifice In Preparation For The Sacrifice

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Feb 9, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    What is the true meaning of sacrifice?

    Sacrifice in preparation for the sacrifice Leviticus 2 One of the things that makes Leviticus hard to read is the incredible detail written into rituals that are to us now obscure at best and cryptic at worse. We may understand some of what went on at a Tabernacle sacrifice with great patience more

  • A Father's Advice

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on May 29, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    A father’s counsel to His children is the most precious gift, outside of salvation, that any man can give. How you live, not just the words you say or the commands you give, will teach your children.

    A Father’s Advice Griffith Baptist Church – 6/15/08 A.M. Service Text: 1 Kings 2:1-4 Key verse: 1 Kings 2:2 - I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and show thyself a man; The Introduction The bride was very nervous. It was right before the wedding and she wasn’t sure she more

  • Rev.#31~2nd Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Nov 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Today were going to see another demonic group that numbers two hudred million that are released from the Great Euphrates River and what their mission will be.

    Rev.# 31~9:13-21 SIXTH TRUMPET 11-21-09 Today were still talking about the {trumpet} judgments, the last 3 trumpet judgments are directed primarily towards mankind, they are called the {woe} judgments as they are far more horrific than the 1st 4 trumpet judgments that were more

  • God's Faithful In Forgiveness

    Contributed by Steve Rutherford on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    This message shows us God’s faithfulness in Forgiveness of Manasseh. Also a picture of salvation.

    Have you ever tried something and failed really bad at it? Failure is rarely a reason to give up and quit. We just finished listening to a zillion campaign commercials. Among the candidates who lost are candidates who will one day become great political figures. Among the candidates who won, are more

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