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  • No Place To Hang Your Hat Series

    Contributed by Robert Hoos on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon on the church at Sardis from Revelation Ch. 3:1-6.

    No Place to Hang Your Hat (Masterpiece of Hope Series) Revelation 3:1-6 [Sardis] We cannot rely on what we’ve done; so keep doing Chapel Service of Plainfield Christian Church Rob Hoos Introduction to Revelation Good evening. How are you all doing this evening? Before we get started into this more

  • Making The World's Best Or Worst Decisions- The Choice Is Yours Series

    Contributed by Bob Reccord on Aug 7, 2006
    based on 39 ratings

    God reveals His mission through His Word, His Spirit, wise counsel, and His work in circumstances around you. (Principle 5 from MADE TO COUNT)

    THEME: God reveals His mission through His Word, His Spirit, wise counsel, and His work in circumstances around you. (Principle 5 from MADE TO COUNT) Introduction: Have you ever made a lousy decision? As you’re laughing, you’re probably really thinking, “What do you mean?” A bad decision. more

  • Living For Maximum Gain

    Contributed by Allen Hern on Sep 15, 2006

    Western culture is obsessed with achieving maximum gain. The Bible shows the Christian the true way to achieve maximum gain

    200642.ser “Living For Maximum Gain” CLBC September 10, 2006 a.m. Subject: Godliness Theme: The Supreme Value of Godliness Passage: 1 Timothy 6: 1 - 10 How are your investments doing? If you are fortunate enough to have some investments, it is likely that you also have a financial advisor more

  • Prince Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Part 4 of a Series based on Isa. 9:6

    Jesus, Prince of Peace Isa. 9:6 Illus. Typical of last minute Christmas shoppers, a mother was running frantically from store to store. Suddenly she realized her three year old son was no longer holding her hand. In a panic she retraced her steps and found him standing near a frosty window, gazing more

  • "Writing On The Wall” Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Aug 8, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    There is a last night for everyone, a last breath, a last statement. All of us are weighed in God’s balances - every day.

    OPEN BIBLES TO Daniel 5 & 1 Corinthians 1.26 1. Leaders come and go. a. Even though they are confident that their reign will last forever, it doesn’t. EVER. NEVER. Leaders, they come & go. Psalm 75.7 But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another. FOR SURE: Nebuchadnezzar was that more

  • The Feast Of Purim Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Oct 20, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    God has turned our sorrow into joy!

    The Feast of Purim, Esther 9:18-27 (Jewish Feasts-2) Introduction A thirty-eight-year-old scrubwoman (cleaning lady) would go to the movies and sigh, “If only I had her looks.” She would listen to a singer and moan, “If only I had her voice.” Then one day someone gave her a copy of the book, The more

  • Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Forgiveness is SO important for a relationship to be healthy.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • As we enter into week 5 of Fireproofing our Relationships, I want to talk to you about the second most important skill and action involved in successful relationships, friendships, and marriages. That skill is forgiveness. • This may be one of the most difficult skills to more

  • Put It In Writing

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008

    Nehemiah, Pt. 2

    PUT IT IN WRITING: FROM ASPIRATION TO ASSIGNMENT (NEHEMIAH 2:1-9) At the height of the phone wars, AT & T, MCI, and Sprint advertised their advantage over another in the papers, on TV, and through telemarketing. Many people were bombarded with slogans like Get 100 Free Minutes, Save 20% or more, or more

  • Standing In The Hurricane

    Contributed by Aaron Kilbourn on Apr 21, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    God is with you through good and bad times. Let Him guide you and fight your battles.

    Exodus 14:9 – 15 reads, “So the Egyptians pursued them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and overtook them camping by the sea beside Pi Hahiroth, before Baal Zephon. And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians more

  • The Great Offensive - Spiritual Warfare Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    (PowerPoint slides freely available by emailing

    Spiritual Warfare (SW-05) The Great Offensive - (SW-05) 1 Corinthians 9:23-27 Every day 150 000 people die - that is 6250 per hour - or 104 per minute or almost 2 people every second - their lives are snuffed out - and the majority of them go to a lost eternity in the flames of Hell that last for more

  • Today God Is First Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Putting God first results in reaping His blessings.

    Last Sunday, we saw the command to put God first. One way of showing that the Lord is first in our lives, that we are dependent on Him, is through our prayers. One time, a pastor found himself seated beside a Muslim during a plane ride. He then shared the Good News to him. To his pleasant more

  • Who Am I That I Should Go? Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Second sermon in Exodus series from Chapters 3-4 deals with Moses conversation with God at the burning bush, and his call to ministry

    Who am I that I should go? Exodus 3-4 CHCC: March 8, 2009 INTRODUCTION: We all know that our past President from TX is now a private citizen, back in his home state. I heard that recently George W. Bush was waiting in an airport lobby when he noticed a man in a long flowing white robe with a more

  • Trust Me Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Sep 24, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The call to faith this morning is an invitation to trust God when you think everything is falling apart. In the midst of the difficulties you face, the pain you bear, or the darkness you stumble through, trust Father.

    Keeping It Together When You’re Falling Apart Trust Me 1 John 5:1-5 Text from The Message: 4Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. Today’s message represents my final in a series called “Keeping it together when more

  • Have You Given Up?

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Oct 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Do we really believe that Jesus is coming back soon?

    October 4, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Matthew 24:1-14 Subject: The Imminent Return of Christ Title: Have You Given Up? One of the most talked about topics in the church today is the mountain of evidence that seems to be getting higher and higher each day, that the return of Jesus for His church more

  • Testing Our Faith Series

    Contributed by Steven Buhr on Jan 25, 2008

    When we have tough times in our lives, are we being tested, or is this a trial? What’s the difference?

    January 13, 2008 – Testing our Faith We’re going to start a new series on the book of James today. Great topics are covered in this book: Trials & Temptations, Faith & Deeds, Taming the Tongue, Wisdom, Submission, Knowing the Future, Patience, and Prayer. We start in chapter one, where James, the more

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