Sermon Series
  • 1. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: # 1

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 166 ratings

    Is the "Abundant Life" real, just for a few super saints, or for everyone?

    The Abundant Life of Jesus Part I - The Promised Life John 10:10 -- "The thief cometh, to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and this life MORE ABUNDANTLY! INTRODUCTION A little girl once went to visit her grandmother in the country. Things were more

  • 2. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: # 2

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Confusion keeps many people from the Abundant Life, we need to figure out Who doew What and When and we’re there!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus Part II - The Greatest Life Introduction: Well, if you were living on "Depression Avenue," have you moved; have you moved to the "Abundant Acres of Jesus." John 10:10 invites all to come, the place is paid for, come on and see, what the Lord can more

  • 3. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Vii

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    The Power of "How Long," is anwered by "Who!"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part VII - How Long?! John 10:10; and 10:7-15 We’ve been following a series of questions to help us thing properly about the Abundant Life of Jesus, asking the questions: Who, does What, When, Why, Where, How and How Long! There’s power in each of these, more

  • 4. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Vi

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    The Power of "How?" How CAN we life the Abundant Life of Jesus? The answer may surprise you!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part VI: The Power of How? John 10:10 Are we living an Abundant Life? Or are we barely getting by, hoping to make it throught the day? Jesus wanted us to live this life. so let’s really try. Questions can help. I’ve shared that God "wired" our brains more

  • 5. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: V

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    The Power of "Where?"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part V: The Power of Where! John 10:10 & James 1:2 Abundant Life Questions: Who does What, When, Why, Where, How, and How Lord! Today, Where? Where do we need to apply the principles of positive, God-Directed action? James 1:2, right where it more

  • 6. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iv

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    The Power of "Why?" How can we get "good and ready," to take needed action sooner?!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part IV: The Power of Why! John 10:10 & Luke 11:28 Intro: Today we’re going to follow up on the last sermon which left us with the problem of "How to get good and ready." Remember, we’ll stop procrastinating and start doing the things we know more

  • 7. The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iii

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    The Power of "Who," does "What, "When!"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part III Not a Pigeon, an Eagle! Intro: A pigeon had babies. Most of them grew up and flew away as pigeons are supposed to do, but one stayed. He stayed, enjoying room service, food, mother cleaning up, right into his "teenage" pigeon years. more