Gary's church

Neshannock Presb. Church
New Castle, Pennsylvania 16101
724 658 7499

About Gary
  • Education: Graduate with an M Div from Gordon Conwell, presently in the final (I hope) stages of a D Min from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.
  • Experience: Solo Pastor of small churches; one experience as head of staff. I’ve learned over the years NOT to poke fun at the: "We always did it that way." Because their WAY may in fact be a secret to getting God’s way in the church.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Enjoy, Use, Borrow, If it helps, it’s yours, I probably got it from someone else.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: One of your sermons that talked about "Worshipping the Right God, the Wrong Way, and Worshipping the Wrong God, the Right Way!"
  • One of my favorite illustrations: It really happened, a dear older lady met me at the door after church, told me how much she loved me, and the said, "Could I borrow one of your tapes, I sometimes have trouble sleeping." "And," I thought, "my tape will help you SLEEP?!"
  • Family: My family: Wife, Cheryl, graduate of Gordon Conwell T.S and preaching at a church nearby. Daughter, Joy, 2nd lieutenant in the army Son, John, runs his own lawn care business, employs 6. Son, Jacob, at Geneva College, Pa.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Dr. Kemper, preaching Prof. from Gordon, "Preach interestingly." If they fall asleep, all the best theology will be lost, your # 1 job must be the pragmatic KEEPING PEOPLE AWAKE!
  • Books that have had an impact: Biblical Theology, by Edmund Clowney; tapes and writings of the same man. A professor from Westminster Seminary in Phil.
  • Hobbies: Run, Climb Mtns., Weights, Eat!
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Remember Jesus and His Precious Blood!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: While Preaching a man passed out. He wasn’t dead, so it was funny. What was really funny is the paramedics had to go through 4 rows of parishoners before they found the right man. Not really, a guy really did pass out, church let out early that day, I guess I really "slayed" them that day.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Jesus Loves Me
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  • Football Thanksgiving

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Call plays before the game starts? Have a Game plan that’ll work in every situation? Jesus does, for then and for us.

    Mark 6:30-44, John 6:1-13, Thanksgiving Football, 2007. “In the Hands of Jesus with thanksgiving.” Introductory Words: We’re moving into the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas and I want you to know there is a secret to having a truly thankful thanksgiving and truly joyful Christmas. We more

  • Uphill Both Ways

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Holy Week for Jesus was about making 3 climbs: To the Crowd, the Cross and the Christian’s Heart.

    Title: Uphill Both Ways Scripture: John 12:12-28 Illustration: Christmas pageant (I know it’s Easter). A Small church, many years ago, that was so small they only had one wiseman, had a processional, and the Wiseman started down the aisle. In the balconey a really bored little kid was more

  • On Fire Praying

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Mt. 6:5-6 describes "closet" praying, this is "on fire" praying, prayer in the "Holy of Holies." Just us and God in Glory.

    We’re in the Gospel of Matthew and we’re talking about Prayer. We’ll be in Mat. 6:5-15, but especially, vss 5-6. I wonder if you’ve heard about the big Fire at a chemical factory in Kansas? 10 Fire companies were called, but the fire was too intense to do more than spray the edges. The owner more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iii

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    The Power of "Who," does "What, "When!"

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part III Not a Pigeon, an Eagle! Intro: A pigeon had babies. Most of them grew up and flew away as pigeons are supposed to do, but one stayed. He stayed, enjoying room service, food, mother cleaning up, right into his "teenage" pigeon years. more

  • The Abundant Life Of Jesus: Iv

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    The Power of "Why?" How can we get "good and ready," to take needed action sooner?!

    The Abundant Life of Jesus: Part IV: The Power of Why! John 10:10 & Luke 11:28 Intro: Today we’re going to follow up on the last sermon which left us with the problem of "How to get good and ready." Remember, we’ll stop procrastinating and start doing the things we know more

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