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Sermons on Acts 28:30: showing 16-30 of 52

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  • Paul - The Model Mailman

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 9, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Paul epitomizes the ideal scriptural mailman as it can be said, "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor dark of night can keep this courageous courier from the swift completion of his appointed task."

    Paul - The Ideal Mailman (Acts 28) Mitchell Kendall engraved this famous saying on the New York City post office, taken from Herodutus about the diligence of the Persian mailmen during the heat of their battles with the Greeks in 500 B.C. "Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor dark more

  • Shake It Off Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Paul safely escapes shipwreck only to have a snake come out of the fire and bite him. Instead of panicking or making a big show of how "bullet proof" he was, the Apostle simply goes about the business of serving God. It’s a great lesson for us when we fac

    Doesn’t it seem like something (or someone) didn’t want Paul to reach Rome? Angry mobs, corrupt leaders (both Israeli and Roman), then even the wind and waves seem to conspire to destroy Paul or crash him up against the rocks—anything to keep him from reaching God’s intended destination. But as more

  • Success In God Series

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as Paul experienced in Acts, we can have success in God no matter where life takes us.

    Are We There Yet? How we can experience success in God’s will. Have you ever thought “Will we ever get there?” Do you feel successful? Or do you feel like a failure? Paul is a prisoner for Christ. He had some tough days. The book of Acts with Paul getting to Rome as God had told him. How more

  • 'the End Of The Beginning'.

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010

    'The End of The Beginning'. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts chapter 28 verses 23-31. ill: Train story - focus on the wrong thing. Ill: • Then 'War Time Speeches of Winston Churchill'. • During the second world war November 1942: • As Hitler's Luftwaffe had invaded English skies, • Britain was feeling the more

  • The Purpose Driven God Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at how God's purposes will not be thwarted

    INTRODUCTION * God’s purpose, plan, will, etc., is mysterious, but important - God has a purpose for each person, a plan for every person’s life - God has a specific desire in what he wants to accomplish in your life * The question is not if God has a plan for our lives, but (1) do I more

  • "The End Of The Beginning" Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Nov 17, 2011

    It’s important we remember the things we have learned in our study of the FIRST CHURCHES if we are to be the church God has called us to be as we minister in His name here in Beaufort County.

    Pastor Allan Kircher “The End of the Beginning!” Acts 28:1-31 Paul was a great missionary because he was willing to be one every single day of his life. • No matter where he was. • Or what he was going through. • Every Christian in this room is a material witness more

  • Completing The Journey

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 11, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    The journey Paul took was ONLY about Jesus and it is the same for us today! Our lives are not about our wants, our needs, our preferences, or our desires. For the Christian, life is about JESUS and nothing else!

    Completing the Journey Acts 28:1-31 Introduction We are called to have a common purpose in what we do -- The purpose is to worship, to love, and to celebrate Christ and share Him always -- That is our challenge, mission, and it is STILL where we find ourselves today LAST WEEK: Even more

  • An Unhindered Life Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 5, 2016

    Paul lived an unhindered life and had an unhindered ministry, but that doesn't mean he didn't have many obstacles and challenges. The secret to Paul being unhindered was his attitude of contentment and commitment.

    Introduction: A. How many of you like the story “The Little Engine that Could”? 1. The Little Engine That Could is an illustrated children’s book that was first published in the United States in 1930. 2. The story is used to teach children the value of optimism and hard work. more

  • Nothing Can Stop You!

    Contributed by Pastor E Cavenaugh on Mar 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    As believers we have been given the ability to persevere and always be victorious through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many sources more

  • Paul In Rome Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 1, 2017

    This is the final chapter of the first book of the history of the Christian Church. According to the plan given by the risen Lord, we have been following the witnesses as they act in response to the Great Commission by taking the Gospel message to....

    October 30, 2016 Acts of the Apostles Lesson: IV.G.2: Paul in Rome (Acts 28:16-Acts 28:31) Acts 28:16-31, more

  • Keep Going Forward For God Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 5, 2019

    How can we go forward? 1. Keep speaking about our Savior (vs. 20-23). 2. Keep studying the Scripture (vs. 23). 3. Be sure that more people will be saved (vs. 24-29). 4. Boldly keep striving to serve the Lord (vs. 30-31).

    Keep Going Forward for God The Book of Acts - Part 93 Acts 28:16-31 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - August 2, 2015 *Tonight, we finish our study of the Book of Acts. John Phillips described the closing scene with these words: "That is where Luke put down his pen. He gives us more

  • Snake Bite Lesson 48 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Snake bite

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. The trip to Rome is mandated. “This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar” (Acts 26:32). 2. Paul was under the supervision of Julian of the Augustan Regiment. 3. Paul’s physical problems flared up – the “thorn in the flesh” woe. a. Migraine more

  • Keep On Keeping On Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 16, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    We must “keep on keeping on” to continue to advance the Kingdom of God. Paul shows us how in Acts 28:20-31.

    Keep on Keeping On Acts Series Chuck Sligh July 16, 2018 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at This sermon was adapted from a sermon by Rick Crandall titled Still Going Forward For God on TEXT: Please turn in your more

  • Paul’s Arrival In Rome Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 1, 2024

    God has given each of us an offer of Salvation – this is what each of us need and what Paul proclaims. Truly, it is why we minister; it is why we pray; it is why we rejoice; it is our WHY!

    To the Ends of the Earth, Part 42 Paul’s Arrival in Rome Acts 28:16-31 Dismiss children for nursery (under 4) and children’s church (ages 4-7) NO Wed nights: Jesus’ teachings (The Beatitudes), Changing our Perspective Autauga Christmas Team: Food/Blankets Dec 1 … Gifts on Dec 8 (angel more

  • Paul's Difficult Journey To Rome Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 14, 2024

    And Paul took his mission seriously. For two full years it looks like the entire Praetorian guard rotated through his house, one legion member at a time.

    Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter 2024 If you have been following the readings from the Acts of the Apostles every day in our service, it looks like Paul appealed to Caesar yesterday and magically he is entering Rome today. That’s because we left off on chapter 25 yesterday and opened up to the more

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