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Sermons on Acts 17:30: showing 181-195 of 246

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  • "Neither Do I Condemn You"

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Oct 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The story of the woman caught in the act of adultery and Jesus' response to the scribes and Pharisees' query about the law is one of the most intriguing episodes in the bible. Why did Jesus act in a way that on the surface seemed contrary to the law?

    Note: I developed a set of slides on PowerPoint for my use in delivering this sermon. If you are interested in having the slides, send an Email to with the word “Slides” in the subject line and “Neither Do I Condemn You” in either the subject line or the body of the message, and more

  • Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon V: Any Culture, Any Era, Any Place Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 15, 2020

    Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians will not be deterred by those who hate us as we go about our God-given task of spreading Good News of God's love.

    ANY CULTURE, ANY PLACE ON EARTH, ANY ERA - GOD IS AND CAN BE KNOWN! The man’s name I cannot tell you but his story I cannot forget. He burst into the Waffle House with unbridled enthusiasm praising God and telling anyone who would listen how thankful he was to be alive. I more

  • The Cultural Impact Of Worldview & Apologetics

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Jan 29, 2020

    The Cultural Impact Of Worldview & Apologetics

    Here at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Apologetics as an evangelistic endeavor and intellectual theological outreach finds itself in something of a paradox. When the West thought of itself in terms of resting on broadly Judeo-Christian assumptions, the discipline was not as desperately more

  • Opportunities Not Obstacles Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What Jesus Says the Church Should and Should Not Be

    So good morning and welcome to this place we call DCC. So pumped that you are here. We want to give a special shout out to all of our friends watching online, and to all of our new friends who are here for the very first time today. If you’re new we want you to know that we have all made more

  • God Of The Pandemic

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on Jun 4, 2020

    Paul confronts the Athenians with an Unknown God - that alter was placed for the God who removed the epidemic from Athens ... they wanted to know his name

    Acts 17:16-32 (NLV) While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw everywhere in the city. He went to the synagogue to reason with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and he spoke daily in the public square to all who happened to be there. He also had more

  • God And The Nations - Part 1 - Raising Up A Nation Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 27, 2020

    What determines how great a nation becomes? Is it the character of the leaders or of the people? How do we understand the rising and falling of nations in regard to the will and purposes of God?

    God And The Nations - Raising Up A Nation - Part 1 Today we will be reading from Acts 17:24-31 The United States of America. What do we know about the USA? We declared our independence from British rule in 1776 and thereafter won the War of Independence. America is known as a Christian nation more

  • Justice Will Prevail, I Promise! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jun 29, 2020

    Life can be hard and unfair. We cry out for justice and wait for it. We may never experience justice in this world, but God promises us that He is a just God and that justice will prevail in the next world.

    A. Have you noticed in life that justice can be hard to come by? 1. One day a defendant stood before the judge and the judge announced, “Tell me, sir, do you have anything to offer this court before it passes sentence?” a. The defendant replied, “No, your honor, I have nothing to offer this court, more

  • Be A Powerhouse Christian Battleship

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 5, 2021

    The story is told of Sherlock Holmes and his trusted colleague Watson. Holmes and Watson were out camping, sleeping, later that night Holmes woke up Watson. And Holmes asked him,”Watson, look up, what do you see?”

    Be a Powerhouse Christian Battleship The story is told of Sherlock Holmes and his trusted colleague Watson. Holmes and Watson were out camping, sleeping, later that night Holmes woke up Watson. And Holmes asked him,”Watson, look up, what do you see?” Watson looked up and replied,”I see stars and more

  • Here For A Reason!

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Dec 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    You Aren't An Accident...

    You Aren't An Accident – A Christian counselor once encouraged a woman who felt lonely and abandoned. As she explained how she felt he couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying, because a Scripture (Psalm 100:3) kept running through his mind: “It is He who has made us, and not we more

  • The Forgotten Feature Of Faith: Repentance Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 20, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    There seems to be a forgotten word in our modern Christian vocabulary, a word that describes a feature that should still be visible and active in our lives today as followers of Jesus. What is the forgotten feature, what is the forgotten word? The word is Repentance.

    The forgotten feature of faith: Repentance We continue in our series Dare to be Different and this month our focus has been on Different Features, Different Characteristics. Tonight I want us to consider together the forgotten feature of faith. There seems to be a forgotten word in our modern more

  • Introducing The One True God Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 49th sermon in the series "Action". This series is from the Book of Acts and the Epistles. This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began.

    Series: Action [#49] INTRODUCING THE ONE TRUE GOD Acts 17:10-34 Introduction: Acts 17:10-15 As we studied last week, each person must choose to say yes or no to Jesus. In Thessalonica, there were some who were saved; and there were others who wanted to destroy anybody who believed in Jesus. more

  • Christianity In The Public Square: The Apologetics & Philosophy Renaissance

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Christianity in the public square? For the public good? The people of the United State are divided in many ways, but in this area the consensus seems to be: Sure you can practice your religion, as long as you do it behind closed doors on Sunday.

    Christianity in the public square? For the public good? The people of the United State are divided in many ways, but in this area the consensus seems to be: Sure you can practice your religion, as long as you do it behind closed doors on Sunday. Of course a religion that only functions an hour a more

  • God Is Merciful Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 9, 2021

    The Christian life is to be a life of mercy. We are to have compassion on people who are lost, and in mercy share the light that leads out of darkness into life. We are to have compassion concerning every human need.

    In 1867 a bearded Norwegian named Lars Skrefsrud, and a Danish colleague found two and a half million people called the Santals living in a region north of Calcutta, India. He quickly learned their language and began to proclaim the Gospel. To his utter amazement the Santals were expecting just more

  • Practicing The Presence Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 20, 2021

    Theologically Jesus is always present with us, but practically we experience His absence because we are not aware of that presence. He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us, but we need to become aware of His being ever present.

    An atheist and a Christian were debating the value of prayer, and the atheist said, "I never pray." The Christian said, "But you must have prayed at sometime in your life." "Yes," he admitted. "I did pray once. I was on a hunting trip in the Yukon and got more

  • Fatalism Or Faith Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 20, 2021

    America is Christian in its thinking in that we are a nation that says folly does not need to be repeated. We can learn from our mistakes and go on to change the future for the better and prevent tragedies that otherwise would be inevitable.

    A young man driving through the rich part of the city could not believe his eyes when he saw a sign on a Mercedes Benz that said, "For Sale $100.00. He pulled into the driveway and went to the door, and he asked if the sign was correct. The woman assured him that it was. He asked, "Is more

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