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  • Abstract Or Concrete?

    Contributed by G. D. Helton on Mar 3, 2012

    Sermon about the real Jesus.

    Abstract or Concrete? Sunday Morning, 01-08-12 Text John 1:29-36 Joh 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Joh 1:30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was more

  • The Abstract Becoming Real

    Contributed by David Trexler on Dec 28, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Intelligent people will have us believe one cannot see the Word or hear the Light, but we can

    Sermon for John 1:1-18 2nd Sunday after Christmas January 2nd 2005 Happy New Year again! And to begin the New Year we are given the first words from the gospel of John. What an abstract passage! Word becomes flesh. Light becomes life. Or is it that abstract? Most intelligent people will tell more

  • That Is Good That Does Us Good

    Contributed by George Warner on Aug 22, 2021

    Wisdom is justified of her children (Matthew 11:19)

    First Corinthians chapter 12 contains words that summarize the nature of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some of those gifts are common gifts and others are relatively rare. Now there are various sciences that coalesce with each other and cannot easily be understood in isolation from one more

  • You Are Welcome In This House

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on Jun 29, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Being a welcoming church is more than an abstract principle.

    “So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified” Romans 15:7 TLB Introduction: Being a welcoming church is more than an abstract principle. It’s more than words on paper. And so, what does it mean for us to be a people or a more

  • Salvation Isn't A Spiritual And Abstract Thing Only.

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Nov 15, 2014

    There's more to God than a casual knowledge of who he is.

    -Evaluate the Scripture text in a short concise statement. Illustrations: John Wesley said: The same great truth, that there is no such thing as negativegoodness. Matthew Poole said: "But if a man hath not, that is, hath, but is as if he had not, making no use of what he hath for the glory of more

  • Unto Us

    Contributed by Chris Johnson on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 120 ratings

    The prophecy of Isaiah was more than just an abstract description of the coming Messiah; it tells us of the personal application of his titles.

    The passage in Isaiah 9: 6-7 is one of the spectacular prophecies given in the book of Isaiah about Messiah’s coming. I have read this passage many times, sung it, and heard it read. This week, however, two words have come alive in my spirit; two little words that change the whole perspective of more

  • Taste And See: Experiencing God's Goodness Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 17, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    God’s goodness is not something distant or abstract but something real and personal, something we can experience in our everyday lives.

    Taste and See: Experiencing God's Goodness Psalm 34:8 (NLT): “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” Introduction: An Invitation to Experience God’s Goodness How many of us love the taste of a good meal? Whether it's a warm, home-cooked meal more

  • Our Awesome God

    Contributed by Terry Barnhill on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We know, in the abstract sense, that God can do anything, but we have a problem believing that He’ll do anything for us.

    Isa. 40:3-8(9-24; 38:4-8) 1 Sam. 17:36 2 Peter 3:8-13 Ps. 34:18-19 I was reading recently about the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. It’s a beautiful tropical island which had been popular as a tourist attraction and a place to live – popular that is – until August 26 this year. That’s more

  • Christians Live By Faith 24/7

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Feb 12, 2012

    Faith is not an abstract or philosdophical concept but something tangivle and real, and not only for an hour or so one day a week, but for every aspect of daily living.

    OT: 2 Kings 5:1-14 – Elisha and Naaman being healed of leprosy Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy Sermon: Christians live by faith ‘Faith’ is not just an abstract thing; something to exercise for an hour or so on a Sunday, but something tangible and more

  • True Faith Is Practical Faith

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Feb 9, 2014

    True Christian faith is not just an abstract, theoretical, thing but something which affects our thoughts, words and actions, and not just on Sundays, but every day of the week

    Hebrews chapter 11 verses 1 - 3 and 12 verses 1 - 3 True faith is practical faith, with examples Everyone, even the most committed Atheist, has faith of some kind, and that faith always has some practical outworking. Theoretical faith is OK up to a point but is not much good if it has no more

  • Falling In Love With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Bob Soulliere on Nov 13, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    part 1 of the series of falling in love with Jesus. In Jesus this abstract concept, this wishful thought became reality. Could he realy have done this for you and me?

    Falling in love with Jesus Luke 1:1-4 This series is based on the book by the same name written by Rubel Shelly. Quotes are taken from the book Part one Objectives of this series: 1. This gospel tells us the single most important story in the world for believers. No church that gets sidetracked more

  • Who Gets Hurt By What We Do?

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Morality is not just an arbitrary abstraction. God is hurt by what we do, and we ourselves are hurt by immoral behavior. But God in Christ can give us a new heart.

    I am a part of a group of five ministers who get together about once a month as a support group. Our intent is simply to share what is going on in our lives and let the others comment with any wisdom they may have. At the last meeting of the group, one of the members was talking about the way he more

  • Everyday Faith

    Contributed by John Reece on Apr 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Faith isn’t just this abstract concept floating around in our thoughts. It’s tangible, it’s real, and it’s the foundation of our hope.

    Hey, friends! Let’s talk about something that’s as essential to our journey as the air we breathe, yet it’s as mysterious as the unseen paths of the wind. Yep, you guessed it—faith. Now, I’ve been diving into Hebrews, and it hit me like a fresh cup of coffee on a Monday morning: faith is the more

  • The Love Factor Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 4, 2020

    In chapter 12 of Romans, Paul gives an overview of what real, sincere love looks like. In so doing, Paul moves love out of the realm of the abstract into the realm of the concrete.

    This morning I want us to start with a Peanuts comic strip. 1. One day Linus said to Lucy, “I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up.” 2. Lucy replied, “You a Doctor! Ha! You could never be a doctor! You know why? Because you don’t love mankind. That’s why!” 3. Linus defended himself, saying, more

  • "Heaven's Glory"

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 22, 2002
    based on 225 ratings

    Heaven seems to us like an abstract concept, yet it’s a real, substantive place. If we’re uncomfortable here on earth, it’s because we’re not home yet.

    “Heaven’s Glory” Revelation 21:1-7, 27 -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts A wealthy Christian was preoccupied with the idea of bringing some of his riches to Heaven. He knew the Bible clearly teaches that you can’t take it with you. Nonetheless, he more

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