Salvation Isn't A Spiritual And Abstract Thing Only.
Contributed by Roy Fowler on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There's more to God than a casual knowledge of who he is.
-Evaluate the Scripture text in a short concise statement.
John Wesley said: The same great truth, that there is no such thing as negativegoodness.
Matthew Poole said: "But if a man hath not, that is, hath, but is as if he had not, making no use of what he hath for the glory of God, those gifts and talents which he hath shall be of no advantage, but miserable disadvantages to him at last." (Poole)
Simple evaluation of this Scripture: If you don’t use it, you lose it.
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MESSAGE: (to be used as points to elaborate on)
I want to ask a question before I start:
---------->What have we done with or not done with:
-->our knowledge?
-->our time?
-->our money?
-->our abilities?
If a talent were worth six thousand denarii (money at the time), then it would take a day laborer twenty years to earn so much." (Carson)
Two servants used what they had and gained more by using trying than not trying from their Master.
The master judged each of the servants individually. If they were taken as a group, they did very well: 8 talents given, and 15 talents returned. Yet each one was judged on their individual faithfulness and effort.
The third servant seemed proud of himself.
--Because the master was so powerful and (in the mind of the servant) didn't need his help),
--the third servant thought that the master would be pleased that he did nothing and earned nothing and
-->could say, "Look, there you have what is yours."
-->The third servant seemed to have no idea how much he had displeased his master.
Those who don't work for the Lord, or pray, or don't evangelize
--->(don't use their graces and physical talents or give to His ministry with their money talents)
----->because they think God don't need them condemn themselves by their laziness.
-------> By their actions (or lack of action) they show that they are like the wicked servant in the parable. They do not know their Master's heart at all.
"If we cannot use directly and personally what the Lord has give us, if we have not the skill nor the tact to manage things that are given to us.
-------->we may at least contribute to what others are doing, and
---->join our TALENTS to theirs,
---->so that, by some means, our Master may have the interest to which he is entitled." (Spurgeon)
Cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness: Because he was wicked and lazy,
-->the third servant demonstrated that he was not a true servant of his master at all.
-->It is fitting that he (and those who show the same heart) was cast forever out of the master's presence.
==> GREAT point of this parable is clear: our readiness for Jesus' return is determined by our stewardship of the resources that He has given us. ALL THE TALENTS (in every form) He has given us.
The sins of omission[what we don't do] may ultimately be more dangerous than the sins of commission [what we do].
Some think that readiness for Jesus' return is a very spiritual and abstract thing ONLY. It really isn't.
----->It is a matter of being about our FATHERS business.
----->In light of this parable, we must ask ourselves:
---------->What have we done with
-->your knowledge?
-->your time?
-->your money?
-->your abilities?
===================> All the gifts of God!