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  • Promise Of Guidance

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 25, 2021

    The subject of guidance is one that touches every Christian, and I am sure every Christian needs and wants to hear more about God guiding our life

    By way of introduction let’s read: 1. Jeremiah 10:23 2. Psalm 37:23-24 a. 15 times in this psalm we read of: b. Who the Lord is? c. What He does for those who love Him? 3. God has the plan of our life, and he wants to order all our ways according to His plan. He will do so as we trust Him and walk more

  • Records

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Nov 10, 2021

    Regardless of what our motives might be, we should keep in mind the end result. That is what's going to show up in our record.

    The Bible contains messages for two classes of people: Salvation for the lost, a life of service for the Christian. There are many motives for serving God: 1. Fear. Genesis 22:12 2. Love; 1 John 5:3 3. Duty 4. Show of; Luke 18:9-12 Five things I want to notice about our record. I. Recorded; Job more

  • Rejection

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 1, 2022

    Let's take a look at the causes and cures of rejection

    We will look at ways to help us realize that everyone needs love and acceptance. Everyone has experienced some form of rejection. We must realize that God, through His word, is the cure to all forms of rejection. I. Evidence of Rejection in Your Life 1. A distrust of God and His plan in our life. more

  • Role Models

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 2, 2022

    The question today is “Who is our role model?”

    Sports figures, rock and roll stars, movie stars are all some of the most popular. If you could pick any role model, who would you pick? First of all, we must find out what we desire most. In Psalm 78:7-8, we are told to set our hope in God. What if I was given the job of influencing others on more

  • God's Christmas Gift

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus Christ was God’s Christmas gift and God never gives anything but the best. James 1:17

    Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9:15, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” Christmas is that time of year when everyone’s thoughts turn to gifts and giving. I want to look at 6 things about God’s gifts today. I. It is an Unsolicited Gift. 1. Matthew 1:18-25 2. Many times, this Christmas more

  • If My People Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022

    The 6th chapter of 2 Chronicles, records a prayer by the King of Israel. King Solomon prayed when they dedicated the temple of the Lord 6:12, 19.

    King Solomon under his reign had built the temple and now at the time of dedication. King Solomon’s prayer was recorded in chapter 6. It is a prayer for God to bless the nation. They were in perilous times. The nation was divided, oppressed on the inside. Solomon prays that God would somehow bring more

  • Revival Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    It seems nearly every bible-believing leader today is saying. We need a revival of the old-time religion.

    I. What is a Revival? 1. A revival is an awakening of God’s people which causes them to become active for God. 2. The meaning of the word revival. a. Vive means life b. Re mean again 3. Some say, “I thought people being saved was revived.” That is the end result of being revived. II. When is a more

  • Son Come Home Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022

    If we were to read the preceding verses, we would notice that this is the third parable Jesus has put forth concerning “lost things.”

    If we were to read the preceding verses, we would notice that this is the third parable Jesus has put forth concerning “lost things.” In verses 3-7, Jesus tells of a lost sheep. It could be lost souls. In verses 8-10, it is of a lost coin. It could be lost service. In verses 11-24, He is telling us more

  • The Ministry Of Restoration Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022

    Restoring hope to a people who need Christ Jesus

    Notice these verses are addressed to, “those who are spiritual”. Now do you know who is spiritual and who is not what is the test of a man’s spirituality. If I said I was going to speak to those who are spiritual would you know if I was speaking to you? How do you tell who is spiritual and who is more

  • We Need Revival Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022

    I believe with all my heart that we need a revival at the old-time religion.

    What is a revival? A revival is a moving toward God by the people of God. Revival causes God's people to become active for the Lord once again. Revivals are produced by three things: preaching the word of God, hearing the word of God, and obeying the word of God. This hour certainly cries for more

  • What Time Is It Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 17, 2022

    Time is something God has given to everybody on the same basis. All of us have the same amount of time. 60 seconds a minute. 60 minutes an hour. 24 hours in a day.

    I. It is Time to Wake Up Spiritually 1. Romans 13:11, Ephesians 5:14-17 2. Mark 13:35-37, I am convinced that if the Lord Jesus were to come today, He would find many of His people spiritually asleep. a. Most important time in Christ’s ministry, he found his disciples asleep. Matthew 26:36-41 b. In more

  • Should There Be A Difference

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    It seems in this generation we are living in, there is an air of permissiveness. “If it feels good, do it.”

    It seems in this generation we are living in, there is an air of permissiveness. “If it feels good, do it.” Everyone else is doing it, saying it, what is wrong if I do? What I want to talk to you about today is being different, taking a stand for the Lord Jesus. 1. There should be a difference more

  • Introduction To Ruth Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    The book of Ruth reminds us that God never leaves Himself without a witness. Moses was His witness in Egypt. Elijah was His witness in Israel. John the Baptist was Christ’s forerunner.

    The book of Ruth reminds us that God never leaves Himself without a witness. Moses was His witness in Egypt. Elijah was His witness in Israel. John the Baptist was Christ’s forerunner. I. Facts About the Book of Ruth 1. There are four chapters, 85 verses, more than 2500 words. 2. The time period more

  • The Dilemma In The Land Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    A famine forces Elimelech and his family to move to Moab. God turns something that was bad and turned it into good.

    I. The Famine in the Land 1. A famine of food. 1 of thirteen in the bible. 2. The period of the famine. a. In the days when the judges ruled. b. Was a space of 450 years. c. 13 judges ruled in all. d. It was a very evil time. e. It was a time of moral and theological degradation. 3. The famine more

  • The Tale Of The Unexpected Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest. Naomi came back bitter, but Ruth turned the negative into positive with trusting in the God of Naomi.

    I. The Return to Bethlehem Ruth 1:6-9 1. Naomi has had good news from back home. a. The Lord had visited His people in giving them bread. 2. Three elements are revealed in the initial moments of the return. a. Naomi tells the girls to go back to Moab and return to their Moabites families. b. The more

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